Most certainly yes. To "pass judgement" in a public forum where people look for informed help, one most certainly needs to be qualified to "pass judgement". You are right, but only to the extent, that even a 'jack ass' (not directed at anyone in particular) can have an opinion, but that does not give him/her the right to "pass judgement" and that too when giving advise to other, unknowing and ignorant members looking for help. I personally have absolutely no issues with people expressing their opinions, no matter how uninformed they may be. Nor do I have any issues with them making correct/incorrect recommendations based on their opinions. But, what I do detest, is people passing judgements in the guise of preferences and thus further confusing people or even misleading them into believing things that are not factual.
First of all, I suggest you re-read my post again and maybe you might comprehend it better this time. In no part or words in my post, have I "told anyone to do or not to do anything". All i did was pose a simple question and that too not to you, but rather to 'pulsar_swift'. Now unless you are 'pulsar_swift or his/her personal assistant appointed by him/her to speak on his/her behalf, I suggest you mind your own business. Or "Are you (a) moderator? Or are you Paandoo Havaldar??" Are you personal secretary of OP, that you got so kicked that someone made an "incorrect recommendation"? Minding my business was all I was doing until I read your post, in which you (thinking you know everything) arrogantly questioned a member's qualifications for stating his personal opinion.
There are hundreds of threads on this forum, with thousands of posts discussing LCDs and the virtues of LCDs, but not once have I ever felt the need to respond to any of them. HAHAAHAHA you are in denial. GO through any LCD vs Plasma post and you will see your posts all over it. It is when people make ill informed posts using dated information or half truths about plasmas to justify their stand, that somehow LCDs are superior to Plasmas, that I feel it is neccessary to post, lest the op is confused or totally misled into a decision they may not have otherwise made. The OP is obviously going to demo the TVs before buying. It's not like he is going to run direct from his PC to the shop panting for plasma/LCD. As it is there are way too many TV salesman on this forum or atleast who talk like one, ie. with barely any actual knowledge about audio/video technology let alone actual quality, but still make all kinds of generalised statemnts and pass judgements in favor of the product they wish to push. THAT is what I want to know. What are your qualifications in passing such judgements?? What great knowledge is it that enables you to pass off others as having no actual knowledge about audio/vedio technology?? while you sit high up on your pedestal passing judgement. Are you a retired salesman, by any chance?
Again, I suggest that you re-read my post, I have in no way suggested that plasma burn-in is a myth. But the FACT is, that burn-in with current plasmas is almost a non issue, atleast beyond the initial 100-150 hrs of operation. Therefore passing judgement against plasmas for that reason and advising people accordingly is just plain wrong.
Well, considering that 'you' follow and believe all disclaimers/warnings printed in manuals, I suppose you should not buy a LCD TV too. After all quite a few LCDs come with disclaimers/warnings that there may be some dead pixels. Dead pixels can be checked at the time of buying.As a matter of fact, even an expensive and high end company such as Apple considers upto 'fifteen' dead pixels on their pricey 'Cinema Display' monitor, as "acceptable" & "normal" and therefore not fit for warranty repairs/replacement. If 'fifteen' dead pixels are acceptable on a 22" monitor, I wonder how many more would be considered "normal" in a 50" size. So much for the perfect LCD technology. You should buy one.
PS: I wont even get into the silliness, of following all disclaimers/warnings attached to various products. I won't even begin to harp on the pig-headedness of ignoring all disclaimers/warnings attached to various products.
Oh yeah, screaming in red, makes your point that much more valid, right? YESIn any case, since you seem to prefer idioms, but can't seem to comprehend the irony of using it in a post where you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of, (that's because I'm tired of reading your self-righteous posts in every LCD vs Plasma debate) here is one you hopefully can comprehend better "???? ??? ??? ??, ?? ???? ??? ??? ???". WAH WAH WAH!!! Not only are you plasma guru but you are also a philosopher as wellIronically, this idiom applies to the whole LCD vs Plasma debate too, wherein supporters of LCD TVs keep harping upon burn-in being the end of Plasma TVs.