I thought playing games in plasma wud result in IR... is tat rite?
Right until few years ago.. Today it is a different story.. But bad name dies late. Nothing can be done about it..
LG has a LOT of temporary IR but I dint seen any permenent IR nor did I have the set so long as to see the permenent IR. Avoid the LG if you plan to play games. (Avoid LG even otherwise as you have better choices from samsung and panasonic now for the same/lesser cost)
The IR in Samsung plasma is almost NIL. I have started keeping the contrast and brightness setting to my liking now after the first week of usage. No issues.
Panasonic plasmas have a legendary IR resistive panel. The panasonic engineers claim that the 2009 plasmas need to display a still image for 4 years at a strech to get any form of burn in. This is other way of saying no-IR. (Infact CRT panels have a IR resistivity only in terms of months, meaning, If you leave a still image on a CRT for say, 3 months, you get a permenent IR. But nobody has seen a permenent IR in CRTs.)
I would personally buy a panasonic plasma along with peace of mind if PS3/XBOX is the requirement. Even if there is going to be a IR in long run (say 5 years), IMO, it is better than living with LCD kind of motion resolution from day 1. Again, As I always say, it's only me.