50UT50 vs 47LM6410 vs 42ST50

^ ^ - dude chill. Every fanboy has a reason for it.
Just because one tells you are a fanboy of LEDs or just4kix is a big fanboy of Plasma, it doesn't mean that whatever you guys are saying isn't true.

If one likes a brand so much that he hates the other brands so much, then there will definitely be a huge reason supporting it.

@etios & just4kix - can you please tell me the best price that I can get for 47LM6410 and 50UT50?
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^ ^ - dude chill. Every fanboy has a reason for it.
Just because one tells you are a fanboy of LEDs or just4kix is a big fanboy of Plasma, it doesn't mean that whatever you guys are saying isn't true.

If one likes a brand so much that he hates the other brands so much, then there will definitely be a huge reason supporting it.

@just4kix - can you please tell me the best price that I can get for 47LM6410?
In Pune, the prices are costlier. But expect at least 20% off the MRP.
I completely agree with justforkix!

Being a neutral party and owning a 46 inch led as well as the gorgeous Panasonic 50 GT50 I can make the following comments.

LED are brighter and better for viewing static content. Preferable for use as a computer monitor, gaming and tv soaps! Panels from all manufacturers can go bad especially vertical and horizontal lines can appear with time as the connectors from the circuitry and the panel become loose.
Lot of black detail is lost. Electricity bills are slightly lower as compared to new plasma models.

Plasma have great black levels. You see so much more detail. This is especially important in movie viewing. Colors are great too. The 2013 models of Panasonic's are top tier with an ultimate Z series being launched. Image retention is a temporary problem however demo pieces can have image burnin. So beware! It takes a lot of misuse to create burnin these days although the demo piece I used had the same after 300 plus hours of misuse.

Oled are new technology that the major problem has been their longevity. Oled tech as well as 4k resolution are too nascent to compare. Will take atleast 5 years to become mainstream. By that time buy an led for your soaps or a plasma for your movies.
If its going to be ST, then I'll choose 42" as the price will exceed my budget.
So between 50UT and 42ST, which is better?
I'd always go for a bigger sized one. But if there will be huge amount of difference between UT50 and ST50, then I'd rather pick 42ST
If its going to be ST, then I'll choose 42" as the price will exceed my budget.
So between 50UT and 42ST, which is better?
I'd always go for a bigger sized one. But if there will be huge amount of difference between UT50 and ST50, then I'd rather pick 42ST

The UT is nearly as good as the ST. If you want bigger size go for UT. Either way, you will not go wrong.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
wow! these are the responses I needed to get the faith in UT50. I ll have one last demo of UT50 (preferably dark room this time) and again LG LM6410 (to know the diff. in picture quality, as last time I noticed only for 3D aspects). thanks a lot guys.

Edit: One last doubt, what about the 3D crosstalk performance in UT50 and ST50. Cause this crosstalk thing will definitely be a dealbreaker. and I'd rather settle in for a smaller sized crosstalk free TV than a bigger TV with lots of 3D crosstalk.
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wow! these are the responses I needed to get the faith in UT50. I ll have one last demo of UT50 (preferably dark room this time) and again LG LM6410 (to know the diff. in picture quality, as last time I noticed only for 3D aspects). thanks a lot guys.

Edit: One last doubt, what about the 3D crosstalk performance in UT50 and ST50. Cause this crosstalk thing will definitely be a dealbreaker. and I'd rather settle in for a smaller sized crosstalk free TV than a bigger TV with lots of 3D crosstalk.

Well considering your preferred models I would say two of them are plasma and undeniably they are best known in the industry for vivid color production and fabulous picture quality as compared to any other TV in class. However, the LG LM6410 mentioned is not a plasma but it has got a couple of decent features specific to gaming and smart content sharing with other devices.

As far as the demos are concerned, Panasonic Plasma will come out as the clear winner as compared to LG's LED model in dim-lit viewing. If your room setup will be dark. then plasma would probably be the better choice because of the black levels it can achieve; but for a brightly lit setting LED TVs are definitely superior.

Lastly youre considering the 3D aspect as well. Here I would side with passive 3D as its more comfortable to watch than active 3d and convenient in use as well. Active 3D models are prone to heavy crosstalk. However, at times it happens with many users that they wont be able to judge flicker or crosstalk at once. So be patient while you go for your last dime for LM6410 or UT50 and think about the various opinions as they will help you decide between Panasonic plasma and LG LED TV.
Price Update for Viewers: 47" LG LM6410 for 83K or Less including EMI. Offer Valid Only Today.
L.G Showroom, Nungambakkam, Chennai - +914442120040

If anybody is interested, you can go ahead.
Went for my second demo @ HYD Reliance Digital yesterday. All my opinions got changed this time (After some googling).

Earlier I was about to buy passive 3D but was inclined towards the Panny Plasma cause of quality. Though I didn't like panny when I demoed it, got convinced by loads of reviews from tech websites and forums members telling that its because of the Store Ambience.

New Requirements:
Panel must be very bright. This was my basic requirement all this time. On this basis I found 46HX750 (90K) better than 47LM6410 (89K).
Panny is totally ruled out as I read in reviews that the total nits (cd/m2) provided by the Plasmas are hardly 100 cd/m2.

Can anyone suggest me some 3DTVs that is bright. (Ones having higher nits or cd/m2)
Go with the Sony HX750. But Sony is replacing its lineup soon - and I guess same is true with other manufacturers.
Went for my second demo @ HYD Reliance Digital yesterday. All my opinions got changed this time (After some googling).

Earlier I was about to buy passive 3D but was inclined towards the Panny Plasma cause of quality. Though I didn't like panny when I demoed it, got convinced by loads of reviews from tech websites and forums members telling that its because of the Store Ambience.

New Requirements:
Panel must be very bright. This was my basic requirement all this time. On this basis I found 46HX750 (90K) better than 47LM6410 (89K).
Panny is totally ruled out as I read in reviews that the total nits (cd/m2) provided by the Plasmas are hardly 100 cd/m2.

Can anyone suggest me some 3DTVs that is bright. (Ones having higher nits or cd/m2)

In Hyderabad you can get 46HX750 for around 82-83K. Yesterday only I enquired. Am really tempted to buy at this price point. But still holding out for some time in the hope of release of the 2013 lineup.
Also 46HX850 it is possible to get for 1.06Lakhs with 3 years warranty.
Plasma is back. If you can adjust the 2 HDMI ports problem & control the brightness in your room, then go for UT50 otherwise ST50. ST50 has anti-glare screen but in dark both TVs will perform equally.
Yes I agree, 6410 is dimmer than sony ... Even I noticed the same... 750 is a good model, but I think if u want sony, then go for 850... It is an excellent tv... Stretching a budget for 850 is worth. U get a good look as well asan excellent performance....it has higher refresh rate which makes the motin smoother..
^ - After reading about the ACTUAL brightness levels produced by different plasmas now, I'd rather go with Samsung Plasma than Panasonic ones.

My priority for video quality is largely for Brightness then Color Reproduction then Black Level and then the rest.

Cause though a screen has reference level black and colors, I'd be dissatisfied with it if it can't produce brightness that'd make my eyes sore.

@just4kix - it's the 3D thing, that's stopping me from getting Sony. For 2D its a great choice. But 3D wise, I need something with cheap glasses and a bit better performing 3D.

Samsung PS51E8000:
Plasmaic Black
Better 3D than Sony (probably)
Cheaper Glasses
Price: 90K???

Less Power Consumption
Black level equal to that of Plasmas (read in a couple of websites).
Price: 88K
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^ - After reading about the ACTUAL brightness levels produced by different plasmas now, I'd rather go with Samsung Plasma than Panasonic ones.

My priority for video quality is largely for Brightness then Color Reproduction then Black Level and then the rest.

Cause though a screen has reference level black and colors, I'd be dissatisfied with it if it can't produce brightness that'd make my eyes sore.

@just4kix - it's the 3D thing, that's stopping me from getting Sony. For 2D its a great choice. But 3D wise, I need something with cheap glasses and a bit better performing 3D.

Samsung PS51E8000:
Plasmaic Black
Better 3D than Sony (probably)
Cheaper Glasses
Price: 90K???

Less Power Consumption
Black level equal to that of Plasmas (read in a couple of websites).
Price: 88K

I begin to feel that Plasma is not for you. Increasing brightness can be achieved in plasmas but having the adverse effect of losing blacks(thereby losing the beauty of plasma contrasts), and also power requirements soar.

I suspect that burnin issues might raise their ugly head if brightness levels are increased too much(and we really dont know how much is too much).

Samsung could be a better choice to quench your insatiable thirst for brightness. They look stunning. When I bought my first Samsung LED, I felt that plasmas were dull and also Sony was considerably dimmer than Samsung, back then.

But people who love to enjoy natural colors should go for plasmas.
I can safely challenge any LED TV to produce the same natural green(forests/grass etc) compared to my ST50.

This I am saying after testing on Samsung and Sony HX850.
I begin to feel that Plasma is not for you. Increasing brightness can be achieved in plasmas but having the adverse effect of losing blacks(thereby losing the beauty of plasma contrasts), and also power requirements soar.

I suspect that burnin issues might raise their ugly head if brightness levels are increased too much(and we really dont know how much is too much).

Samsung could be a better choice to quench your insatiable thirst for brightness. They look stunning. When I bought my first Samsung LED, I felt that plasmas were dull and also Sony was considerably dimmer than Samsung, back then.

But people who love to enjoy natural colors should go for plasmas.
I can safely challenge any LED TV to produce the same natural green(forests/grass etc) compared to my ST50.

This I am saying after testing on Samsung and Sony HX850.
+1. When i doubt, go defensive, i.e., go for LED. Everybody has preferences and we cannot measure others based on our own likings. If brightness is what is important then LED is the way forward for you.
He has stated his desire for brightness.. So LED is the way to go .. Period

I think HX750 is a good performer and if it meets your budget you should seal the deal. But you should be aware that the new range are expected soon, in about 2 months or so. The new range might have a better 3D images and also will have passive option as well. So take a call and act accordingly. Anyway all the best.
^ Waiting for 2 months or so, would be the worst thing :( :( But still, if its worth the wait, will definitely do it.

And btw, thank you very much for the continuous support guys. Your suggestions means so much to me.

@manzb, just4kix - isn't samsung plasma (PS51E8000) has great black levels even at its highest brightness (which is kind of equal to LED)???

Also I read somewhere in this forum, JD Electronics, chennai offering that TV for around 85K. - Isn't TV of that size 51" a great for 85K?
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