55 inch OLED TV by LG - available in Korea from Feb


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
LG accepting $10,000 pre-orders for 55-inch WRGB OLED TV in Korea - SlashGear

For Korean customers, the TV will start shipping in February.

The unit measures in at 4 millimeters wide, and weighs in at less than 22lbs. The device offers infinite contrast ratio so that the contrast stays consistent regardless of what angle the screen is being viewed at or the lighting in the room where it is located. Theres also the inclusion of a white sub-pixel via LGs Four-Color Pixel for excellent colors.

The previous version of the 55-inch wonder was awarded Best of Show at CES, and has been eagerly anticipated. LG operates in excess of 1400 retail locations throughout Korea, all of which will begin taking pre-orders on January 3. Of course, the limiting factor here is going to be cost, with the unit priced at 11 million Korean Won, or about $10,000 USD.
Yet another trend setting by LG. Cause they have been the price killer for LED TVs in the past. Now they are taking the lead roll in this also.
One has to admire LG for bringing the latest innovations into the market first.:clapping:
This sets the pace and direction for others to follow.
Wow...it feels good to come across this thread which makes me feel that I did the right thing by getting the LG LM8600...
I think you guys should read about the truth behind it as well. There is no OLED TV coming this year or even in 2014. The yield is far lower than expected by LG and Samsung.

Also this WOLED TV by LG isn't a "commercial" product but more of a "showing off" product selling at a huge loss. Will be sold in VERY small numbers. And only in Korea
Now they are taking the lead roll in this also.
I am just visualizing how this OLED TV will look in my home's setup (in an alternate reality of course!) ... Razor thin it is, but doesn't this skinny profile come across as too delicate for handling? :rolleyes:
The OLED panel by itself may be razor thin. But the TV will still have to carry the regular electronics - power supply, AC to DC converter, signal processor, inputs and outputs, panel electronics, etc. And finally there will be embedded speakers that will be at least 1 cm deep in bare form. So I doubt how thin the TV itself might be.
The OLED panel by itself may be razor thin. But the TV will still have to carry the regular electronics - power supply, AC to DC converter, signal processor, inputs and outputs, panel electronics, etc. And finally there will be embedded speakers that will be at least 1 cm deep in bare form. So I doubt how thin the TV itself might be.

Or they can put all the electronics and other stuffs in a separate box, or even the Tv's stand.
I would not mind buying a 50" OLED for INR 125,000. Till then, ST50 is good enough.

That will take some time, since I reckon the LG OLED TV will be priced around 10 lakhs when introduced in India. At 1.25 lakhs, an OLED TV will be a steal - but considering that even the LED TVs at 55 inches are priced more than that - I will not hold my breath over this!
Wow...it feels good to come across this thread which makes me feel that I did the right thing by getting the LG LM8600...

OK - you have succeeded in confusing me! How does LG introducing its LG OLED TV make you feel good about having an LM8600 TV?
Any thoughts about time frame when prices will come to affordable level
Honestly saying I dont see any chances for steep downfall in prices by next 6-7 years. However, if we talk about the technology and OLED panel itself; so the only word I would say is all AMAZING!
Somehow, I don't see LG with same enthusiasm in India ,it was a couple of years back.. while they completely neglected their Plasma line, in the LED segment, esp in the 47+ range, lately they don't seem to be as competitive as Samsung or Sony. They have the IPS , they have the passive 3D, they have good customer service..they should rock more!
Unless more and more companies start making OLED,the prices won't drop any time soon.
IMO the competition from Sony/panasonic will only arrive at 2015 and LG may again miss the 2013 deadline.
Somehow, I don't see LG with same enthusiasm in India ,it was a couple of years back.. while they completely neglected their Plasma line, in the LED segment, esp in the 47+ range, lately they don't seem to be as competitive as Samsung or Sony. They have the IPS , they have the passive 3D, they have good customer service..they should rock more!

LG was the mason reason why LCD prices plunged way back in 2007. Till that time Sony and to a lesser extent Samsung were charging exorbitant. If I remember correctly, the 40" Samsung was 1.25L and Sony another 20k above. Bang came LG with their Scarlett range at around 1L and disturbed everyone else.

Today LG seems to have lost some focus. They have too many models and are more expensive than others.

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Or they can put all the electronics and other stuffs in a separate box, or even the Tv's stand.

I don't find the rationale behind making TV panels thinner day-by-day. I agree the TV should not be too big to occupy a room, but what the point is in making the panels further thinner ? I guess all these manufacturers wants to market by saying how thinner their panels are and I personally don't see any sense or logic in making them thinner beyond some point. I understand the case for other gadgets like Laptop, ipad/ipod, mobile phones, etc which are carried in hands and people would have a feel good factor in carrying thinner and slim gadgets, but to extend the same to flat panel TVs, I feel it is utter non-sense. All the modern HDTVs are thin these days and making it further thin does not have any rationale other then the stupid marketing logic. They can be made look beautiful with other things, but not making them thinner. My only concern is - by making panels thinner day-by-day, are the designs getting more complex and so vulnerable to design/manufacturing defects ... Going against the laws of nature beyond a limit will invite certain side effects.
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