9.2 channel AVR over 7.2 is it worth the extra 70k plus price difference?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
Hello all,

A friend of mine visited me yesterday and was attracted by my 7.2 denon 2700 AVR based HT setup and went on to inquire prices in the market. He has a 10 by 12 room and i had recommended a 55k Denon 7.2 receiver from Amazon plus some inexpensive speakers like Taga 5.0 bundle plus extra speakers and sub woofers. Now he wants a 9.2 set to make it future proof and although it would amount to nearly 70k for the AVR price difference alone he started asking me if it was worth the investment. With two extra speakers, it is a near 1 lakh price difference. Thats a big decision for him to take anyhow. He asked me if I may get some opinion from others who I may know. Also his use cause is mostly music 50% 30% movies and the rest 20% youtube and news channels. Also he wants to know if pre owned 9.2 AVR for the price of a new 7.2 is worth checking out from olx?

I had answered him earlier that a 7.2 will do for his cause but I maybe wrong. So cross checking with FMers before I can further advise him. (He will have wiring and installation done by trained professionals and there wont be labour diffefence so that aside only boils down to AVR investment ballpark).
In a 10 x 12 room, even 5.1 would be quite enough I would say.
5.1 with better speakers would be much better than 9.2 with ordinary speakers.
Since he is more into music, better fronts would be far more advantageous.

In fact, with 50%/30% music/movies, he could even try both on a similarly priced 2 channel stereo and then take a call.
For his room size, a 5.1 / 5.1.2 setup would be more than enough. A 9.2 receiver will get him better quality, more features, more power etc. Buying one will depend on whether he needs these features.

I am currently using my 9.2 channel Marantz receiver as a 5.1.2 only and am pretty happy with the setup.
In my opinion, 4 channels overhead will be better. Since Dolby Atmos is object-based, with 4 Atmos speakers, there are few more possibilities to place the objects around than 2 Atmos speakers. Besides, you will also get front and back movements and diagonal movements with 4 speakers compared to only 2.
I can also see the price difference between Denon x2800h and x3800h is around Rs. 45,000. Not 70k.
My HT room is exactly 10ft X 13 ft and right now i have 5.1.4 setup with a Denon 3600
from my experience in this room, room treatment is critical else it will be a mess
4 atmos speakers are way better than 2
so choose the AVR accordingly

in my room it is just the door on the back and no other windows so it was easy for me to treat the room ( small room but works well)
Hello all,

A friend of mine visited me yesterday and was attracted by my 7.2 denon 2700 AVR based HT setup and went on to inquire prices in the market. He has a 10 by 12 room and i had recommended a 55k Denon 7.2 receiver from Amazon plus some inexpensive speakers like Taga 5.0 bundle plus extra speakers and sub woofers. Now he wants a 9.2 set to make it future proof and although it would amount to nearly 70k for the AVR price difference alone he started asking me if it was worth the investment. With two extra speakers, it is a near 1 lakh price difference. Thats a big decision for him to take anyhow. He asked me if I may get some opinion from others who I may know. Also his use cause is mostly music 50% 30% movies and the rest 20% youtube and news channels. Also he wants to know if pre owned 9.2 AVR for the price of a new 7.2 is worth checking out from olx?

I had answered him earlier that a 7.2 will do for his cause but I maybe wrong. So cross checking with FMers before I can further advise him. (He will have wiring and installation done by trained professionals and there wont be labour diffefence so that aside only boils down to AVR investment ballpark).
There are people who enjoy movies on 2 channel stereo and there are people who are not happy even with 9.2. Hence it depends on your friend. If we suggest 7.2 and later the 9.2 bug bites him, he will hold you accountable :-) We all know how the upgrade bug bites us.
There are people who enjoy movies on 2 channel stereo and there are people who are not happy even with 9.2. Hence it depends on your friend. If we suggest 7.2 and later the 9.2 bug bites him, he will hold you accountable :) We all know how the upgrade bug bites us.
Yes. Thats a big issue in this hobby. The itch to upgrade.
9.2 will give you the ability to go with 5.1.4, upgrade from audyssey XT to xt32. Both of this is worth upgrade. Atmos with 4 channels is much better than 2. I have a 7.2 SR5015 and in hindsight should have got the 9 channel amp for 4 Atmos.

It's a call you need to take. If you want to stay with 5 channels, you can also drop a bit lower to x1700h.
7.1setup is enough if no plans to use extra speakers in real. Remember, more speakers will cause more mixing/reflections. To get the best of 9 chs, one may need a treated room.
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