A good 50" Full HD Plasma under 75K?

Guys...am planning to acquire a 50" plasma...shorlisted modela re as follows: pls guide which wud be the best bet and best bang for the buck...samsung is coming with D series...shud I wait for that....prices wud be at par...?


50PJ350 , 50PJ560 , 50PK550


TH-P50X 20D ,TH-P46X 20D , TH- P50U20D


PS50C450 , PS50C550, PS50C6500

Pls guide...want to be set back by around 50-65k...
Hey Hi...

i chckd out...the pansonic models had best PQ but were a lil bulky and except V series, X and U dont even have USB..

In others, these are the prices i was offered...

50PJ350R - Rs 48000 ( 720p)
50PJ650R Rs 58000( 720p)
50PJ560R - Rs. Rs 52000( 720p)
50PK550 This one is not avbl here...chckd wid disti also...but this is the only one with 1080i capcity...was wanting this..the disti if acquired via other region..my landing cost is Rs Rs 63800...but breakage chances high..

PS50C450- Rs 58500 ( 720p)
PS50C550- Rs 73000( 720p)
PS50C6500 -u get this for Rs 96500...very expensive..( 1080i but very expensive )

I intend to put tata sky HD..so was wanting to know if 720 wud support d same...so am a lil confused over VFM v/s avbly v/s quality...

PLs guide
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All TVs mentioned by you will be supported by Tata Sky HD. But the TV will have to downscale the image for viewing. Thus HD channels will not look as good as they ideally should.

Thus for quality sake I feel you should go for FullHD TV. You should get one from LG/ Samsung easily available soon under 60k.

Some detail I could get from a website http://compareindia.in.com/store/televisions/lg-50pk550r/101712/112152

Hey Hi...

I intend to put tata sky HD..so was wanting to know if 720 wud support d same...so am a lil confused over VFM v/s avbly v/s quality...

PLs guide
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Hey Hi...

i chckd out...the pansonic models had best PQ but were a lil bulky and except V series, X and U dont even have USB..

In others, these are the prices i was offered...

50PJ350R - Rs 48000 ( 720p)
50PJ650R Rs 58000( 720p)
50PJ560R - Rs. Rs 52000( 720p)
50PK550 This one is not avbl here...chckd wid disti also...but this is the only one with 1080i capcity...was wanting this..the disti if acquired via other region..my landing cost is Rs Rs 63800...but breakage chances high..

PS50C450- Rs 58500 ( 720p)
PS50C550- Rs 73000( 720p)
PS50C6500 -u get this for Rs 96500...very expensive..( 1080i but very expensive )

I intend to put tata sky HD..so was wanting to know if 720 wud support d same...so am a lil confused over VFM v/s avbly v/s quality...

PLs guide
All the "720p" TVs you have listed are actually capable of both 720p and 1080i (with reduced quality than Full HD). Rest are NOT 1080i but 1080p Full HD which "should" give you better quality provided 1080i is well deinterlaced and properly mapped 1:1 pixels as 1080p.
Hey Hi...

i chckd out...the pansonic models had best PQ but were a lil bulky and except V series, X and U dont even have USB..

In others, these are the prices i was offered...

50PJ350R - Rs 48000 ( 720p)
50PJ650R Rs 58000( 720p)
50PJ560R - Rs. Rs 52000( 720p)
50PK550 This one is not avbl here...chckd wid disti also...but this is the only one with 1080i capcity...was wanting this..the disti if acquired via other region..my landing cost is Rs Rs 63800...but breakage chances high..

PS50C450- Rs 58500 ( 720p)
PS50C550- Rs 73000( 720p)
PS50C6500 -u get this for Rs 96500...very expensive..( 1080i but very expensive )

I intend to put tata sky HD..so was wanting to know if 720 wud support d same...so am a lil confused over VFM v/s avbly v/s quality...

PLs guide
I just realized several of these TVs like Samsung C550 you have taken as 720p are actually Full HD 1080p. Please do some research before posting on the forum and make a informed decision. You could check LG and Samsung Sites for more info.
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Samsung has updated the site with the 2011 models which are FAR CHEAPER and 3D capable than the equivalent 2010 models.

I would wait for the LG's "Cinema 3D" models to come to India... they are flicker free 3D and do not require any active glasses. Any RealD capable 3D glasses like you saw in movies like Avatar should work... and also those glasses are very inexpensive.. You may get about 4 glasses bundled with the TV!
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