A miracle called Akai TT

............ "Hey, your dad had a similar one!!!", I calmy put the TT upside down and I show her what I saw, she sees it closely with her breathing becoming heavy, and I see drops of tears rolling down her cheek and she turns back to me and says, dont tell me you are playing a joke on me, dont tell me this belongs to your dad now!!!
Hi dear madbullram,
Even teardrops are rolling down from my eyes....truly the feelings are deep down from the heart....congratulations for the new wonderful purchase...it shows there are some things in this world which we cannot explain.
Truly heart-warming experience bro.....this is one event that normal logic cannot explain.Just visualizing all these events gave me goosebumps.

Take care of the TT for life.
Thanks everyone for your kind words, the emotional journey has started for us and hopefully my mom will stop crying soon, as she starts crying every time I play the TT :)

Congrats on your acquisition, the TT was waiiting there to be taken to your home. Happy homecoming and enter the world of vinyl, a different experience from the digital jungle.

Thats touching true story & a joy to see Fatheres sign on TT.
Congrats to get it back.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Take good care of it MBR. It is but rare that somebody has this kind of experience. You are truly lucky.
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I was trying to avoid reading this thread for a while because of the fear of getting into TT world and spend more money....

But when I read it, was like watching a movie....really touching....
It was an write up from the heart. Loved every bit of it. You are lucky to complete the full circle and get back the TT. Miracles do happen! :clapping:
Just came home and saw all the comments. Thanks again everyone, it was truly emotional.

@Gruby: I got you didn't I ;) Will post pics soon in the first thread itself.
you must be one of the most fortunate person. Every time when we miss something we love the most we wont get it back. So when u are going to play the Jambu song.
I am happy for you ram.......too happy........what you went through in possessing the TT were priceless moments that you can cherish for a life time....
It made me think:

1. What made me buy the TT instinctively when I have never bought anything instinctively ever
2. Why buy this TT a day after cursing my dad for selling his TT
3. Why drop the TT in such a way that I could see the sign? If I had not dropped for all that I know I might have returned it back 2 days later

There are many answers to them but I will never know the real answer. Thanks to my dad I am back into the vinyl world with his own TT :)

You are living your karma. We all are. All the best for vinyl listening.:thumbsup:
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