A miracle called Akai TT

Dear Ram,
It is indeed a miracle that you got back your dad's turntable.As a matter of fact it is a treasure.Please take good care of it.
Thanking you,
Woow what an experience!!

drops of tears rolling from my eyes now.. ur mom must be really happy now.. convey our regards to her..

No more words coming out..

@greentree: Though mom is bowled, she now constantly reminded of dad looking at it...i hope she doesnt get into any depression now

@anm: What did your daughter say?
Sounds like exactly like what happened to the copy of "Jane Eyre" in the movie Definitely, Maybe.
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@Crew: Just read the story of the movie, sounds really interesting, will rent a DVD and watch away. But I think they are totally different just the object is same, bcos I never went looking for my dad's TT nor did I put in so much effort as April to find it. Guess my dad loves me more than April's dad :D
Congratulations Madbullram on getting a priceless piece of your past back. One never knows why some things happen sometimes, it's the smallest chance like your hand brushing the TT that can change your life forever. Really feel good for you!!!! :)
Fantastic!!!! Enjoy your dad's TT. Great to hear that you brought it home back to safety and where it should belong. Thrilled reading the post through.
I am speechles after reading your story. Please cherish this miracle gift and take good care as that is the link between you and your father.

Heard the song

Yes I think he is
He once mixed paths of you ,papa, ma and then added TT in it ..

Time is gone ,and sweet songs remained in memories.

Then god felt "remixing" the life ,so he "matched the beat" of events and gave you the TT back!

It is god's instrument.He is DJ who mixes strange things in life.


From Pink's Song

If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given
It's all how you use it...


And Faithless 's version
It's a natural grace
Of watching young life shape
It's in minor keys
Solutions and remedies
Enemies becoming friends
When bitterness ends

This is my church (2x)
This is where I heal my hurts
For tonight

Meaningless ---or too meaningful!
@ MBR...May the almighty give you a long life and health so that you may live to tell this story to your grand children and who knows maybe great grand children :)

Truthfully speaking....very very happy for you !!

Thanks Hemant. That was a lovely :)

@All: My camera had conked and it will be picked from the service center today. Will post pics tonight, sorry for the wait :)
Its sounds good, I didnt any good TT for 5+ yrs so I am not able to really define it. But Kenny Rogers sounds better from my TT than my DacMagic combo :)

Another best is, I had stuck a He-Man sticker (wen I was a kid!) and look like they removed it and paint peeled along with and I can see that still :)
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.