Advise on Shipping & Packing Speakers from UK to India


New Member
Mar 8, 2023
Dear All,

Can anyone enlighten me about bringing floor standing speakers as checked in baggage from UK to India.
Does any body brought Floor stand speaker recently? Any safety precautions u can recommend.

It is only about the possible damage that may - occur. If any one has faced please share their findings here.
Or is it prudent to buy one in Bangalore, paying considerably more.

Customs duty etc is separate. If any one has paid custom @ Airport please could you share how much has been charged if it was caught?

Thanks in advance.
What speakers are you talking about and are these new ? depending on the size they will come as checked in or oversized baggage which will have an extra charge.

Assuming its new, the customs in bangalore will check the value online and then charge you duty ..i think at ~40%. i think upto 50K INR is free so any value above that is charged.

the standard packing is usually OK but at Heathrow there is an option for plastic wrapping..better to take it. Use to be around 12GBP.
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Dear All,

Can anyone enlighten me about bringing floor standing speakers as checked in baggage from UK to India.
Does any body brought Floor stand speaker recently? Any safety precautions u can recommend.

It is only about the possible damage that may - occur. If any one has faced please share their findings here.
Or is it prudent to buy one in Bangalore, paying considerably more.

Customs duty etc is separate. If any one has paid custom @ Airport please could you share how much has been charged if it was caught?

Thanks in advance.
perhaps you'd pay more than the speaker for the luggage charges. I doubt if they'd allow cartons as checked-in luggage. Some places it is banned.

BTW you had posted another similar thread, hadn't you?
What speakers are you talking about and are these new ? depending on the size they will come as checked in or oversized baggage which will have an extra charge.

Assuming its new, the customs in bangalore will check the value online and then charge you duty ..i think at ~40%. i think upto 50K INR is free so any value above that is charged.

the standard packing is usually OK but at Heathrow there is an option for plastic wrapping..better to take it. Use to be around 12GBP.
1. These will be Floor stand MonitorAusio Silver class 300. Yes it will be new but i will be using for my personal use only.
2.The speaker size will be approx. 105 x 28 x 39 CM which are are catagorised as oversized baggage. But the the weight is under the limit only.
3. Are you sure that the customs in Bangalore they will check the price online?
4. As you mentioned ~40% they can take (is this the value of the product price on the India or based on UK price)?

perhaps you'd pay more than the speaker for the luggage charges. I doubt if they'd allow cartons as checked-in luggage. Some places it is banned.

BTW you had posted another similar thread, hadn't you?

Yes I will take these speaker as per oversized Checkin baggage and the speaker weight will be within the under weight only(as i will be travelling with Family, hence these will be come within the limit of my checking baggage. I checked in with airlines they reday to take speaker that to be within the size and the weight limitation specific only. Yes Just checking if this is really worthful to take with me while going back on the concern of damage and addition cost as mentioned earlier?
3. Are you sure that the customs in Bangalore they will check the price online?
4. As you mentioned ~40% they can take (is this the value of the product price on the India or based on UK price)?
Customs have all data with them. Don't think them otherwise.

Even when there was no online facilities in 1995 my friend tried to be over smart. He took a mini system from UAE (CD was a priced item then). He soiled the original carton well to show it was old. Yet, when he landed and tried to fool the customs, they caught him and he paid full duty plus penalty for trying to sneak it in.

Only if you are getting a Transfer of Residence certificate from our embassy in UK can you get discounted duty of 30% or so plus cess etc. adding to 40%. Not sure if it applies to checked-in baggage. I have heard to avail TR you have to ship your belongings through the shippers.
3. Are you sure that the customs in Bangalore they will check the price online?
4. As you mentioned ~40% they can take (is this the value of the product price on the India or based on UK price)?
definitely to point 3
On 4 they will check UK retail price on case its not available in the customs list
Monitor Audio Silver 300 is priced at 1450 odd GBP. Add shipping costs and duties.
Its available on HiFiMart for 208000 INR.
definitely to point 3
On 4 they will check UK retail price on case its not available in the customs list
Assume, If that product is not present in their custom list in that case whit will happen?

Customs have all data with them. Don't think them otherwise.

Even when there was no online facilities in 1995 my friend tried to be over smart. He took a mini system from UAE (CD was a priced item then). He soiled the original carton well to show it was old. Yet, when he landed and tried to fool the customs, they caught him and he paid full duty plus penalty for trying to sneak it in.

Only if you are getting a Transfer of Residence certificate from our embassy in UK can you get discounted duty of 30% or so plus cess etc. adding to 40%. Not sure if it applies to checked-in baggage. I have heard to avail TR you have to ship your belongings through the shippers.
Thanks for the sharing with this. Also i will check if a TR certificate how i can be able to get it here before moving out. Thank you.
If they do not have it they check the net and get the price. irrespective of your invoice value
1. These will be Floor stand MonitorAusio Silver class 300. Yes it will be new but i will be using for my personal use only.
2.The speaker size will be approx. 105 x 28 x 39 CM which are are catagorised as oversized baggage. But the the weight is under the limit only.
3. Are you sure that the customs in Bangalore they will check the price online?
4. As you mentioned ~40% they can take (is this the value of the product price on the India or based on UK price)?

Yes I will take these speaker as per oversized Checkin baggage and the speaker weight will be within the under weight only(as i will be travelling with Family, hence these will be come within the limit of my checking baggage. I checked in with airlines they reday to take speaker that to be within the size and the weight limitation specific only. Yes Just checking if this is really worthful to take with me while going back on the concern of damage and addition cost as mentioned earlier
Do you have the original speaker packing by any chance. If you do, atleast that will avoid damage in transit. But still there is our customs to handle. But, I honestly wouldnt attempt it if I were you. Ive smuggled loads of stuff over the years. But anything too big to fit in a suitcase, and still in its original packing is impossible to get past our customs. Your only chance is to offer a bribe....... but that is not everyone's cup of tea too, and there is every chance of misfiring :D

So best to sell the speakers in UK itself. Otherwsie it will be a constant tension on your mind all the way through till you clear the customs here. Everytime I brought something back, either its scarcity or price difference were sufficient to convince me to undergo that stress. And everytime I do it, I swear to myself that i will never do it again. Its that stressful to be honest :(
Assume, If that product is not present in their custom list in that case whit will happen?
That incident of 1995 the system was a brand new launch by Technics. Something like 3 months old in the market when my friend took it to India. Perhaps they track all new launches and get the prices. Now with the internet it is all the more easy.
That incident of 1995 the system was a brand new launch by Technics. Something like 3 months old in the market when my friend took it to India. Perhaps they track all new launches and get the prices. Now with the internet it is all the more easy.
oh yes.. through internet they can be...:)...thanks
Vintage old speakers - attract antidumping duty - please note - we got stuck with a vintage JBL once - ofcourse customs is many a time "hit and miss"
but do not discount their knowledge
they are all very internet savvy - not like the babus of yesteryear

i even encountered an audiophile customs officer once - who joked to me to leave this product with him and he would pay me for it !!!!
Thanks All for your input and suggestion. Based on these concluded not to be travelled with FS speaker consider to custom Duty+ Damage which may cost more during arrival @India.
Thanks All for your input and suggestion. Based on these concluded not to be travelled with FS speaker consider to custom Duty+ Damage which may cost more during arrival
@AudioGugu is selling his MA Silver 500 which is hardly used as he is currently out on business. You may want to check with him.
For all you know you may end up getting the 500 for a better cost than trying to bring in MA300 from abroad.
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