All That Jazz ...

Wabash Blues from the studio album Back to Back - Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges. Every swinging song from this album is eminently listenable and a great way to initiate oneself into jazz.
Simon phillips protocol4
Reminded of good old weather report and mahavishnu orchestra days
I’d like to suggest this documentary on Lee Morgan, one of my favourite horn players.
I was fortunate to watch it in a cinema during Mumbai film festival two years ago.
It is on Netflix now.
Presenting, I Called Him Morgan by director Kasper Collin.
Thanks a ton, Saketgyani. Amazing film!
Henceforth, every time I listen to ‘Search for a New Land’, I’ll be visualizing those birds whirling overhead.

Thanks a ton, Saketgyani. Amazing film!
Henceforth, every time I listen to ‘Search for a New Land’, I’ll be visualizing those birds whirling overhead.
Haha! That’s so cool!
I still remember when I watched the film for the first time, I had tackled mad Mumbai traffic to make it in time as it was a festival screening.
The anxiety of making it in time for MAMI is too much nowadays as the population has gone way too up.
As soon as the film started and they played Moanin’, my day was made! Had a great time watching this film!
Good ears! Yes, there’s a touch of Goodbye Pork Pie Hat. Another one of my favourites, and covered by a ton of artists.

The original

Jeff Beck cover
Good ears! Yes, there’s a touch of Goodbye Pork Pie Hat. Another one of my favourites, and covered by a ton of artists.

The original

Jeff Beck cover
Jeff Beck cover is so cool!
Another example of jazz blending into blues.
Thanks for this, mate.
On Sunday evening on my Ikea chair, slightly buzzed with beer on a hot day and Sonny Rollins belting out “Strode Rode” after the mellow “you don’t know what love is”....the coming week seems tolerable when you are here (hear) and now.

Album Saxophone colossus. And no, not hearing the highs, the lows, the soundstage - Just bobbing my head. (Try typing and you see my resolve)...

Yeah ok, like my system too!!

Moritat started. Got to go. Just went to spread peace and love.

Alteady listened to Grant Green thanks to post above. Shelly Manne next? Think yes!! At the Manne hole or Black Hawk. Let’s see

Moktan and Sushant in the hills, bob with me to a different tune eh?
On Sunday evening on my Ikea chair, slightly buzzed with beer on a hot day and Sonny Rollins belting out “Strode Rode” after the mellow “you don’t know what love is”....the coming week seems tolerable when you are here (hear) and now.

Album Saxophone colossus. And no, not hearing the highs, the lows, the soundstage - Just bobbing my head. (Try typing and you see my resolve)...

Yeah ok, like my system too!!

Moritat started. Got to go. Just went to spread peace and love.

Alteady listened to Grant Green thanks to post above. Shelly Manne next? Think yes!! At the Manne hole or Black Hawk. Let’s see

Moktan and Sushant in the hills, bob with me to a different tune eh?
I think I will call myself "sushant in the hills", I like the sound of that. sounds like a good Sunday evening, Vivek. Always fell short with cryptic crosswords but I will try and break the code. ;)
And like that a week passed. Anyone notice that the past is a blur and the future comes so slowly.

Suddenly today’s theme, unplanned and unbeknownst, turned out to be white guys - Waltz for Debby (Evans), Easy Livin’ (Desmond) and now Cher Baker (Baker’s Holiday). May be the old monk, ginger beer and bitters cocktail, and lots of ice, but the evening is “in a mellow mood”.

We could meet. Up at Moktan’a hotel in Kalimpong (not been there in 25 years, and won’t stay in Himalayan Hotel this time), at Sushant’s Cafe indique at Mcleod ganj, Get Nikhil and Orko. Meet Murakami (in a dream, where it snows and is still) and hello Michael Connolly (a burrito from a truck).

You are the sweetest thing
I have ever known
And to think that you are mine
Should have posted it in the movie thread but couldn’t resist doing it here.
The final scene of Coppola’s The Conversation, perhaps a movie every guy who is interested in sound should watch.

“Sound has a great power but it is a conditional power. It places the image in a physical and emotional context, helping us to decide how to take the image and how it integrates itself into everything else.”

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