All That Jazz ...

Add another album to the Ahmad Jamal list


+100 for Stan the Man!

Don't miss this one, too. One of the finest small club dates ever. You can hear the glasses tinkling in the background, and almost smell the tobacco in the air. And Stanley is smoking hot! As a bonus, you get Grant Green on guitar. Available on 2 discs as Volume 1&2.

Benny Golson of the Jazztets ...probably one of greatest composers still alive with classics like Along Came Betty, I Remember Clifford, Stablemates he is performing his hypnotic Killer Joe ...just pure simple ..great jazz music underpinned by a lovely melody .....

More here on Killer Joe and other standards he composed ....lovely raconteuring on jazz stories...and to think the man is still alive to talk of all the cats with whom he hung around , travelled and played with back in the day....
Can I sue you for causing marital discord Moktan? All at home were getting ready to go out, and me, no I was out there with the coolest of cats! Thanks and no thanks to you.

I really like Golson and love the Art Blakey Moanin album and the Art Farmer collaboration a lot.
21 albums on 10 CDs for GBP10 on amazon uk.
Bought this last year and it's still available on the site.
Listening to Dizzy Reece's Star Bright right now, which is impossible to find anywhere else.
The sound quality is terrific, and even though I already owned 8 of the albums here, it's still unbeatable vfm.

Restored this Record today. More soul than jazz maybe...Roberta Flack.jpgDuct taped the Album cover sides because they were falling apart. Cleaned the Record and it sounds great barring minor surface noise. 1969 Indian Pressing. A decade older than me...Had not paid or bought music after the torrent/Napster/digital takeover. Feels good to once again own and physically hold and have a tangible source of music.

Somebody said "What am I gonna give my kids? A flash drive? The password to my Dropbox?"
And what a beautiful debut Album that put Roberta Flack on the map and ofcourse till few years later, her biggest hit "Killing me softly" .
Albert Ayler with his brother , playing at John Coltrane's funeral. The Ornette Coleman quartet was there too. Besides his Spiritual Unity album which is a must have for any jazz aficionado one should also listen to his meditations on classics such as Summertime , Ole' Man River etc. Sadly this cat is alleged to have taken his own life. But his music has a life of it's own.

21 albums on 10 CDs for GBP10 on amazon uk.
Bought this last year and it's still available on the site.
Listening to Dizzy Reece's Star Bright right now, which is impossible to find anywhere else.
The sound quality is terrific, and even though I already owned 8 of the albums here, it's still unbeatable vfm.

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