If Arj was referring to power amp tubes making the most difference - I will second that
My Bad..Thats exactly what i meant
If Arj was referring to power amp tubes making the most difference - I will second that
@ Asit :
my experiences with JJ are that
-- They excel in the Low Frequency department, giving you unexpected bass drive from vacuum tubes.
-- Whilst excelling in low bass performance, they have this uncanny ability to give a nice midbass lift to the sound, adding warmth and a BIG tone.
-- Very good wideband midrange.
-- Extended High Frequencies that are not glaring.
-- Extremely rugged tube.
The only reason I am not revealing their names here is because I do not want them to be made fun of as was done in a thread where some tweaks were discussed in the past.
:lol: Good Lord..in my case Molten wax (Dont even Askhehe!! I lost a CDP 15 yrs back when the temporary pneumatic rig with sandtray CDP tumbled all the way to the floor ..... :lol: :lol: and some 5-7 kgs fine sand going into the CDP.....hyeah:
I did not quite understand the underlying working principles of the vibrapods, and that's one more reason why I did not go that way.
Asit - being a physicist should be able to throw some light as to what is happening in the case of Leben sitting on marble.
Tubes are microphonic in nature. Mounting and shock absorption may be voodoo but definitely work in the case of any electro-mechanical devices (turntables, tubes, CD lenses) in an environment where you are basically causing the air to vibrate for your listening pleasure![]()
I also heard they use Philips tooling ... so all BELs may not be "mullard-ised"
Hi folks,
While the discussion is on for the tube-rolling, here I want to share my recent experiments with a few tweaks I have tried in my set-up.
Ashok's (hifiashok) post (http://www.hifivision.com/amplifier...-speakers-feasibility-study-52.html#post95532) in this thread regarding my rack got me thinking. He was commenting on upgrading my rack, after the speakers were placed on such aesthetically and functionally wonderful stands. I knew my rack did not provide proper isolation/damping for the sources (CDP and Cassette deck) and also for the valve-amp. I know all valves (even the best built ones) would have some microphonics (undesirable transformation of mechanical vibration into noisy electrical signals, however small) and that an isolating/damping platform was essential. I had a few private exchanges with Ashok on vibrapods and such isolating equipments. I did an extensive net-study of these things, but in the end was left with a mixed feeling. Moreover, these are not the cheapest tweaks, and did not want to buy them without trying out. Nobody I knew in Kolkata had them.
One distinguished forum member suggested I tried out unpolished marble slabs under the amp/CDP since a few of his friends had good results with such tweaks (ideally the marble slabs should then rest on cones). He was due for a visit at my place and when he came, to my surprise brought along a small marble slab just big enough to be put under the feet of my CDP/amp. I have had 3 racks before, at least two of these were very decent (bought abroad from hi-fi gear stores) and never really worried about these things before in my life. So frankly, I did not know what to expect. When we put it under my amp and everything was turned on, lo and behold, there was a marked change in the sound. The sound became more focussed (more PRaT), for lack of a better word. We also tried the slab under the CDP. However, although initially I liked this for instruments alone, I did not like this arrangement with vocals which got receded noticeably with respect to other things. I invited another distinguished forum member for a listen and he also agreed. Then I got another similar slab (call me mad or completely crazy or whatever, but these are quite inexpensive, Rs 100-150 for a slab) and we tried all possible combinations, and ultimately settled for both the slabs under the amp.
I thank these distinguished forum members for their help as always. Folks, these people have solid shoulders on which their heads rest, but this time they had to go with my madness a bit and play on, I suppose. Any way, I am happy now. The only reason I am not revealing their names here is because I do not want them to be made fun of as was done in a thread where some tweaks were discussed in the past. I have revealed Ashok's name because he openly has recommended isolating accessories in the forum. I hope he does not mind me taking his name here.
Anyway, I now believe letting any unwanted vibrations die out is a must for a tube amp, and perhaps also very important for source equipments. We are discussing a tube equipment here, the build quality of which has been praised by everybody in the world. Hence I'd consider it a must for all tube based gears. I have used only crude methods here and am not going to try too much I suppose, but it was a revealing experience for me. When we move to a new apartment next year, I'd definitely think about a new and nice rack (but not too expensive, one I'd be able to afford easily) which would pay attention to the issues discussed here.
. Would the tube experts comment on this? Is this quite normal and can I expect the bass to improve gradually to a state that I have no complaints about?