Hi Asit,
I'm a Canton owner. I posess a pair of entry Level floorstanding speaker from this manufacturer (le 207). Lately, i was thinking of upgrade speakerwise. My research on the web brought me here. For the passed two weeks, i've read all 54 pages of this thread. I've been looking into products mentioned, concepts suggested, reviews and experiments involved. This should be sent to a publisher as a guide.
Also, as you are a proud owner of Canton Karat, i was wondering if you still have them? First, because all Karat owners, i've met, had upgraded everything but the Karat. All owned different models from also different eras. Secondly, because maybe this might be one of my choices as an upgrade.
My setup goes as follow:
Arcam A65 +
Arcam DV78
Canton Le207
Tributaries interconnect
AudioQuest speaker cables
I am really sorry to be very late in replying. As you can see, I am not very active in forum these days. Just busy with work, or busy listening to music, or both. Ha ha.
Thanks for your appreciation of the thread. I agree, it has accumulated a lot of wisdom and experience at one place, all this is due to the generous contribution of the forum members to whom I am forever grateful.
You have a good amplifier in Arcam A65. I have heard this amp a few times, and I have liked it. In fact I have liked nearly all Arcams I have heard so far. This is a brand I respect. The biggest virtue of the amp is that it is simple and clean. It does not try to do a lot of things, it does the basics well. That means, it gives you a clean uncluttered sound with good tonality. Now, you need to keep all these qualities when you choose speakers for this amp. Hence it needs to be a clean speaker (that is, low noise floor), open sounding, tonally neutral and an easy load so that the little amp (with its power rating) can drive it effortlessly. Easy load does not necessarily mean high sensitivity, one needs to look at the impedance versus frequency plots. The impedance should not drop to low values for a reasonable frequency range, preferably above 40 Hz or so. High sensitivity always helps.
You have not mentioned your budget and musical preference. Hence the choice is very open.
I still have the Karat 60s. They are now almost 25 years old and still performing flawlessly. I wish they last as long as I live.
I have no idea about the current Canton speakers, or Karat series. I guess they may not have a Karat line of speakers any more. They have a Vento series, I believe, comparable to the present-day Karats. And then they have the reference line speakers which have been praised very highly by a lot of people, including Stereophile magazine. I suppose my Karat 60 speakers are something equivalent to some of these current reference line speakers. My Karat 60 as well as the current Reference series are hand-crafted with all drivers and crossovers made by Canton themselves.