"one say 15 W other 150 W and some one 500W amp to match 200W speaker?"
Tube amplifiers are HIGH voltage amplifiers. The 1st watt in SET class A tube topologies are the most important. When a tube in Class A SET mode fires up, the 1st watt is usually around 50db spl give or take 20db (60db in the lyrita 2a3's case) So suppose the amp is outputting 60db. After the first watt everything changes. the 2nd watt is half the power output of the 1st but draws twice the mount of power than the 1st watt.
So 1st watt if it's 60db 2nd watt will be 30 and third will be 15. Meaning a total of 105db. My speakers are 90db sensitivity, so basically it's base criteria of 90db is met at the 2nd watt which is 60+30db= 90db. As a result the 3rd watt is headroom for the amp to be further pushed. HOWEVER if my speaker were 86db sensitivity like an usher be718, then the amp would have to be played at 100% volume, leaving no headroom for impedance ups and downs and eventually speaker damage.
This was tube logic in class A SET, now lets go to solid state. In solid state the opening 1st watts value is much much much lower (Unless we're talking first watt amps like nelson pass f5 and what not). So for example if the opening watt is something around 30db, the 2nd watt would be 15 and similar divided and divided and further divided, the smaller the number gets the more prone to distortion the watts become...depending on the MODE and topology of the amp. What this means is that watts is just a unit of power, the value of the unit changes amp to amp.