Sugden a21a (i love the a21a sound) is better than a21 se imo.. i auditioned both the amps.. the se version has carry some coleration on the other hand a21a have less powered but during the 93 db sensivity of your speaker its paired well.. one of the known person have used turnberry with a21a. if your budget permit then go for master class or pass labs j2..
If you find used market or looking some vintage one then look on luxman l550 (well matched with tannoy imo)
not listen yet the masterclass.. but the build quality is enough to justify its price.. you right no fancy vu meter..Thanks for the response! Really interested in Sugden masterclass IA4. How about the build quality of the sugdens? I read some mixed reviews in this regard. Its okay that they dont have that fancy VU meters and catchy faceplates, but otherwise how is the quality?
unico due is a wonderful hybrid amp. decibel chennai is national distributorAny specific model? Do they have dealer here in India?
Is the EAR tube pre also being movedHi, if you decide to go the pre- power route I have EAR 890 tube power amp to move.
Keeping it for now to drive a pair of EAR monosIs the EAR tube pre also being moved
Do you want the amp with or without the DAC or streamer?
@Miany, from Nelson Pass's webpages I gather that his reference speakers are a pair of Tannoy MG 15s w/ custom crossovers - not dissimilar to your speakers. Something to consider.
Hello , I am using Turnberry for last 8 years and these are my final Speaker. My suggestion will be First watt F5 or F6 . I drive them with DIY F5 Turbo. With your budget you can go for Firstwatt amp directly . The matching of First watt amp with prestige series , specially the relatively modern ones is too good in my personal opinion. Nelson pass himself uses Tannoy HPD to test his amp.
Consider Lyric Audio from Jochem Semler in Bangalore. 2 single ended models, the lower power version is within your budget.
I second this. I have the TI 100 mk2 model with my 90 db speakers. Many amplifiers have come and gone in my system ( demo or actually owned ). But no amplifier has made my speakers sing like the way this one does. It is just 18 watts per channel.
I have come to realize that power ratings are very much over rated unless your speakers are really hard to drive ( by design).
Speakers like the big Tannoys are brilliant with micro details ( that lit up from within feeling ! ). This happens when amp - speaker synergy clicks into place. All the details, good tonal characteristics and the attack -> sustain -> decay locks into the setup with the right amp. So, don't get too caught up with power ratings unless there is a technical reason for it. Looks for a holistic solution. It will satisfy you more in the long run.
Many high powered amplifiers does not sound harmonically satisfying at low to moderate SPLs. The good ones gives you the best of both worlds though.
These are incredible Denzil!I have Monitor Gold 15's and using a Primaluna ProLogue One amplifier. But you could get a newer version of what I have. Tannoy's work very well with Primaluna. There's a dealer in India and you could check the whole range here.
I just built cabinets for my Monitor Gold's. You could see them here.
These are incredible Denzil!
Sudgen by far. Plinius won't match this speaker. Will become too bright. Buy the Sudgen and youll be happy.Friends,
I have been exploring all the suggestions that you guys have put forward. Thanks a ton!! This forum rocks!!
Now the worst part - most of the recommended amplifiers are not readily available with the Indian dealers. They will have to source it. Given the covid situation, I am not really sure on how long that is going to take. So I have decided to go with whatever is readily available here in India. My options are
1- Sugden A21SE Signature - Class A -
2- Plinius Hautonga - Class AB
3- Plinius Inspire 980 with inbuilt DAC and Streamer with 90 watts @ 8 Ohm power. - Class AB
4- Ayon Scorpio - Class A KT88 based tube amp.
5- Audia Flight FL 3S - Class AB
6- Ekco EV55SE - Class AB? not sure...
From whatever reviews i could gather (audition is not at all possible) my preferences are in the following order.
1- Sugden
2- Ayon
3- Ecko
4- Plinius Hautonga
5- Audio Flight FL 3S
6- Plinius Inspire 980. ( Same as Audia Flight . But given the last position since i wont be needing the inbuilt DAC and Streamer; have got separate gears for that)
What do you guys think? Planning the purchase the coming week. Please give other brand/models also if you feel that those can be readily found in India.