HiThanks Grunthos.
Any view of Dali Z3 and NAC C326BEE synergy and CA DACMAGIC 100?
Also, could anyone please guide me as to how to add google chromecast to C326BEE?
Help and suggestions much appreciated.
Chromecast is the easiest thing to plug and play
You need a working wifi at home
Once you plug chromecast into your audio-in of your receiver, use the Google Home app on your phone to configure chromecast with your home wifi
And that's it really!
Then, all apps which support chromecast (Spotify, Tidal, Saavn etc) will show up an icon for casting.
Please keep in mind - Chromecast default is the video one, with HDMI output, which most people use.
The one you need is Chromecast Audio
Meanwhile, curious what made you drop the Cambridge Audio CX A60?
It sounds like a great piece of kit, with all connection options...
Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk