Amplifiers: What causes deterioration in stereo imaging, tonal balance and dynamics


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2009
Inspired by the thread:

I wanted to understand what features / properties / measurements / components in an amplifier determines superior stereo imaging, tonal balance and dynamics?
How should an ideal amplifier perform and what compromises are made in real life amplifier (due to physics, engineering, or cost) that deteriorate from this performance.

Any forum member having insight into amplifier building and testing?
My layman understanding is (which obviously can be so wrong)

1) Stereo imaging gets affected by leakage of signal from the left to the right channel and vice versa, assuming you have a perfect room, perfect recording and two identical power supply, identical electronics, identical cables, speakers for both left and right channel. This is where probably using monoblocks can help.
2) Tonal balance is so dependent on same gain - linear amplification across the audible frequency spectrum.
3) Dynamics should be a factor of how fast can the amplifier respond to the amplitude of the audio waves.

Since nothing is perfect in this world, we will have various combinations of all 3
For these parameters, .......

The ELEPHANT in the room....Is The ROOM, not the Electronics, :)


Width and placement in Stereo imaging is all about room acoustics and hence setup and unless the components really suck you can get a good 2D image between the speakers and sometime beyond it as well.

3D imaging ie the perception of depth gets better with better components but again only if you get the room and acoustics right

But to get an image the way it is recorded and with the right tonality, dynamics , resolution etc is the holy grail and the audiophile journey .
Inspired by the thread:

I wanted to understand what features / properties / measurements / components in an amplifier determines superior stereo imaging, tonal balance and dynamics?
How should an ideal amplifier perform and what compromises are made in real life amplifier (due to physics, engineering, or cost) that deteriorate from this performance.

Any forum member having insight into amplifier building and testing?
Every speaker vibrates. Especially when we start driving hard and deep bass through them. When this front baffle vibration, reaches the mid range driver and tweeter. This causes a smearing in imaging.

Every speaker manufacturer is trying to address this, without blowing the costs. It is certainly not a amp restriction, but one at the speaker. Provided the amp is decent enough.
I wanted to understand what features / properties / measurements / components in an amplifier determines superior stereo imaging, tonal balance and dynamics?
How should an ideal amplifier perform and what compromises are made in real life amplifier (due to physics, engineering, or cost) that deteriorate from this performance.

Any forum member having insight into amplifier building and testing?
While I have responded to your question ... (rather back handedly ;) ) I have been involved in Audio Amplifier circuit design for maybe 4 decades, as an engineer rather than just an audiophile, I have always tried to link circuit design to the resulting sound.

Part 1 of your question:
"I wanted to understand what features / properties / measurements / components in an amplifier determines superior Stereo Imaging, Tonal Balance and Dynamics?"
relates to Amplifier design / characteristics, even though the end results are more influenced by room acoustics.

I will still try (based on my views / understanding) and respond to your query from an amplifier perspective. I am listing what comes readily to mind and don't claim this is a Comprehensive list.

I feel its really 3 questions rolled into one, and I will try and respond to to it in 3 parts:

Imaging I believe is related to VERY precisely matching reproduction of both channels, so that the differences between the left & right channel stand out and create a stereo image.

The Centre Image is based on the Common (Mono) signal component, and the Sound stage is created by the difference signal between the left and right channels.
Hence stereo Image will benifit from:

a. Both Channels playing at EXACTLY THE SAME GAIN / VOLUME. This will create a stable and robust centre image (Exactly Bang Centre of the left and right channel). One channel playing louder than the other will shift the image in the direction of the louder channel.​
b. The amplifier must have MINIMAL PHASE DISTORTION. This simply means that ALL Frequencies (20 Hz to 20 Khz and beyond) are amplified without different delays to different frequencies. This will help recreate stereo images with precise location in the sound stage & Sharp outlines.​
Keep in mind that the Stereo sound stage comprises not only of a Left To Right stage but also Front to Back depth.​
c. LOW NOISE This will create a Black & silent background sound stage, against which the individual instruments stand out like stars in a Black night sky.​

d. CROSS TALK. This is a measure of the extent of interaction between the left & Right channels of amplification. In a stereo power amplifier, the current drawn by 1 channel from the Shared power supply, will leave an imprint on the power received by other channel.​
Mono blocks do away with this compromise, as they have completely independent power supplies and even enclosures (with avoids radited pickup from one channel to another (a bigger problem with low level amplification in Pre amplifiers)​


a. Amplifier distortion changes the "Tone" and a Very low distortion amplifier will not add its own Tone (or Harmonics / multiples of frequencies present).

That said, Very low distortion amplifiers often sound cold & sterile, and lack "Musicality."

In fact some (several ?) Tube amplifiers are designed to deliver high harmonic distortion (Jardis, Wavac etc) and they have their fan following.

Valve amplifiers generate predominantly even order harmonics (Unsymmetrical distortion) which better mimics natural sounds. Hence their distortion is far more acceptable.

Solid State (Transistor based) amplifiers generate Symmetrical or Odd Order harmonics that sound objectionable and often perceived negatively by the listener.

This is dependent on the amplifier speed... Not just High Frequency response, but the speed at which Power can be suddenly delivered to a speaker, when required.

Current capability of the power amplifier is an important factor

Even more important is thge capability of the Power Supply, to dump large current in an instant when the music demands it.

Sometimes the 'speed' of an amplifier is linked to its output stage ... Valves, Bipolar Transistors or MOSFETS.

Of course, as mentioned, the Power Supply design is of utmost importance, and can include subtle matters like wire routing, Capacitor and Transformer characteristics (and differences) Grounding, etc. (That is why I am always skeptical of DIY Clones that claim to deliver the same sonics, at a fraction of the cost).

The above pointers are in No way Comprehensive, but are hoped to initiate a meaningful discussion. :)
While I have responded to your question ... (rather back handedly ;) ) I have been involved in Audio Amplifier circuit design for maybe 4 decades, as an engineer rather than just an audiophile, I have always tried to link circuit design to the resulting sound.

Part 1 of your question:
"I wanted to understand what features / properties / measurements / components in an amplifier determines superior Stereo Imaging, Tonal Balance and Dynamics?"
relates to Amplifier design / characteristics, even though the end results are more influenced by room acoustics.

I will still try (based on my views / understanding) and respond to your query from an amplifier perspective. I am listing what comes readily to mind and don't claim this is a Comprehensive list.

I feel its really 3 questions rolled into one, and I will try and respond to to it in 3 parts:

Imaging I believe is related to VERY precisely matching reproduction of both channels, so that the differences between the left & right channel stand out and create a stereo image.

The Centre Image is based on the Common (Mono) signal component, and the Sound stage is created by the difference signal between the left and right channels.
Hence stereo Image will benifit from:

a. Both Channels playing at EXACTLY THE SAME GAIN / VOLUME. This will create a stable and robust centre image (Exactly Bang Centre of the left and right channel). One channel playing louder than the other will shift the image in the direction of the louder channel.​
b. The amplifier must have MINIMAL PHASE DISTORTION. This simply means that ALL Frequencies (20 Hz to 20 Khz and beyond) are amplified without different delays to different frequencies. This will help recreate stereo images with precise location in the sound stage & Sharp outlines.​
Keep in mind that the Stereo sound stage comprises not only of a Left To Right stage but also Front to Back depth.​
c. LOW NOISE This will create a Black & silent background sound stage, against which the individual instruments stand out like stars in a Black night sky.​

d. CROSS TALK. This is a measure of the extent of interaction between the left & Right channels of amplification. In a stereo power amplifier, the current drawn by 1 channel from the Shared power supply, will leave an imprint on the power received by other channel.​
Mono blocks do away with this compromise, as they have completely independent power supplies and even enclosures (with avoids radited pickup from one channel to another (a bigger problem with low level amplification in Pre amplifiers)​


a. Amplifier distortion changes the "Tone" and a Very low distortion amplifier will not add its own Tone (or Harmonics / multiples of frequencies present).

That said, Very low distortion amplifiers often sound cold & sterile, and lack "Musicality."

In fact some (several ?) Tube amplifiers are designed to deliver high harmonic distortion (Jardis, Wavac etc) and they have their fan following.

Valve amplifiers generate predominantly even order harmonics (Unsymmetrical distortion) which better mimics natural sounds. Hence their distortion is far more acceptable.

Solid State (Transistor based) amplifiers generate Symmetrical or Odd Order harmonics that sound objectionable and often perceived negatively by the listener.

This is dependent on the amplifier speed... Not just High Frequency response, but the speed at which Power can be suddenly delivered to a speaker, when required.

Current capability of the power amplifier is an important factor

Even more important is thge capability of the Power Supply, to dump large current in an instant when the music demands it.

Sometimes the 'speed' of an amplifier is linked to its output stage ... Valves, Bipolar Transistors or MOSFETS.

Of course, as mentioned, the Power Supply design is of utmost importance, and can include subtle matters like wire routing, Capacitor and Transformer characteristics (and differences) Grounding, etc. (That is why I am always skeptical of DIY Clones that claim to deliver the same sonics, at a fraction of the cost).

The above pointers are in No way Comprehensive, but are hoped to initiate a meaningful discussion. :)
Brilliantly put.

Width and placement in Stereo imaging is all about room acoustics and hence setup and unless the components really suck you can get a good 2D image between the speakers and sometime beyond it as well.

3D imaging ie the perception of depth gets better with better components but again only if you get the room and acoustics right

But to get an image the way it is recorded and with the right tonality, dynamics , resolution etc is the holy grail and the audiophile journey .
Very well put across :)

I've found that speaker placement vis a vis side wall and front wall treatment for first reflections, has a huge bearing on the imaging.
No matter how good the amp and speakers are, if they are placed improperly like I have placed mine in my room, one cannot really expect any soundstage. Even with average speakers like mine driven by an AVR, when placed properly, gives a good soundstage and stereo separation. I know this as I have tried it myself when the occasion permitted. Unfortunately, I can't place my speakers ideally all the time due to living room constraints.
d. CROSS TALK. This is a measure of the extent of interaction between the left & Right channels of amplification. In a stereo power amplifier, the current drawn by 1 channel from the Shared power supply, will leave an imprint on the power received by other channel.
Of course, as mentioned, the Power Supply design is of utmost importance, and can include subtle matters like wire routing, Capacitor and Transformer characteristics (and differences) Grounding, etc. (That is why I am always skeptical of DIY Clones that claim to deliver the same sonics, at a fraction of the cost).​
Thank you for your explanation. Can you please attempt to explain more (in some detail) about the "bold" parts?
First of all, A HUGE THANK YOU to the 24 forum members who appreciated my post. :)

Keith regarding your 2 queries:

1. "In a stereo power amplifier, the current drawn by 1 channel from the Shared power supply, will leave an imprint on the power received by other channel."

All Power Supplies (PSU) in amplifiers are non-ideal to some extent. When power is drained from the PSU, its voltage falls. This is technically called regulation. The drop in PSU voltage on load can be as high as 10% to 15% of its No Load voltage.

As an example, sudden loud music on the left channel, can cause the Power Supply voltage to fall. The Right channel even without that loud music passage on it, will be fed a lower voltage from the shared PSU.

The Power that can be delivered into the speaker, depends on the PSU Voltage.
As an example, if the amplifier is driven by a +30 VDC & -30 VDC PSU ( Total 60 VDC) it can deliver a theoretical max power of 56 Watts RMS into 8 ohms.

If due to a music transient on the left channel, the power supply voltage falls to +25 VDC & -25 VDC, the Right Channel will receive only +25 VDC & -25VDC ie a total of 50 VDC, allowing the Right Channel to deliver only 39 Watts max !

The above is an example of a huge music transient dropping the PSU voltage. In regular use, where channels are Not driven to their full power (normal usage), each channel creates a continuous ripple voltage on the power supply rails, which gets fed to the other channel, via the common PSU.

Of course, distortion is measured with a constant Power Supply voltage. If the Power Supply voltage itself keeps fluctuating, the distortion will increase. The Extent to which an amplifier can ensure fluctuations in its PSU voltage is referred to as Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR). It can vary substantially based on the amplifier design, and the margin of extra PSU voltage available.

Insight: Amplifiers where the voltage gain stage is fed via a constant current source provide much better PSRR.

If each audio power amplifier has its own PSU (as in Mono Blocks), transient music passages in one channel will not affect the other channel.

Some amplifiers deploy Very tightly Regulated Power Supplies. These alleviate channel Cross talk via the PSU, but add to the cost and heat dissipated. Regulated PSUs also are believed to lend a particular sonic signature ... "Iron Fist Grip on the music" though it could be at the cost of restricted music transients & flow.

2. "Capacitor and Transformer characteristics (and differences) "

Transformers are elaborate devices with several hundred meters of wire in their windings. The Gauge (thickness) of the wire, how its wound, the air space between the wire windings and the slot in the core, the material of the core, all tend to change (Very measurably) the parameters and performance of the transformer.
The Transformer has its Self-Inductance (also called leakage inductance) and interwinding capacitance, which influences not only the transformer's regulation, but also its transient response, and power delivery at different frequencies. Large windings create large leakage inductance, which hampers transient power delivery. Interleaving windings reduces self-inductance, but increases interwinding capacitance that has a negative effect on transient and power delivery of the transformer, to High Frequency Music signals. There are, as always, engineering trade-offs.

A great example was the mains transformer used in the classic NAD 3020 amplifier. This was a budget amplifier, with a very Punchy sound, yet price very attractively. Till then, getting Low Frequency slam from an amplifier meant a Huge (read Expensive) Transformer. But the NAD 3020 had a modest transformer & unregulated PSU that gave its best in the lower mid bass region.. 50 Hz to 100 Hz. It would not sustain its power into 20 Hz testing. The manufacturer (NAD) instead spoke of the amplifier's “Dynamic Headroom” .... How loud it would play transients. Priced for mid-fi setups, and mid fi speakers that mainly played Mid bass, not deep bass, the Amplifier was a commercial hit.

Dan Agostino admitted in an interview that he had tried more than 10 transformer designs before finalising the transformer for his Momentum integrated amplifier. The challenge was to have a low profile (height) transformer that would fit in the case and yet provide the required transient & steady state power delivery.

Then there are different construction types - E I core Transformers, R Core Transformers & Toroidal Transformers. Each of these have differing power delivery characteristics.

Regarding Capacitor Characteristics (and differences):

Many scorn the concept of audiophile capacitors, but lets look at the construction of large (Electrolytic) Capacitors, used in an amplifier PSU...

The Electrolytic capacitor is made by rolling a Large (several meters) of thin conductive (often aluminum) foil. The foil is kept thin to be able to squeeze in more layers of the foil. An electrolytic paste is spread on the foil before rolling it.

Thin foil = Higher electrical Resistance... called ESR or (Equivalent Series Resistance) of a capacitor.
Higher resistance creates more heat in the capacitor during use. If a High ESR capacitor (e.g. the ones with wire terminations are used with high currents, they can actually explode. Exploding Caps are quite dramatic! Material is easily propelled with enough force to stick on the ceiling.

For high current applications, low ESR resistors MUST be used. These are also called PG (Professional Grade) capacitors and have SCREW TERMINALS.

Incidentally, a 10 deg C increase in the operating temp of an electrolytic capacitor HALVES its operating life ! A 40 deg C increase in core temperature will reduce capacitor life from say 100,000 Hours to just 6,250 Hours!

PG capacitors are rated for higher operating temperatures.

An alternate method often used is to use a bank of 10 or 20 ordinary (non-PG) capacitors in parallel of smaller value. This reduces the ESR by a factor of 20 since the ripple current is shared by 10 or 20 capacitors. Such capacitor banks look neat and impressive in photographs :)

Long Foil (for higher capacitance values) = Higher Electrical Inductance

The long length of foil in an electrolytic capacitor also has a substantial inductance, which comes into play at higher frequencies of ripple current on the power supply (Created when the amplifier plays HF signals).

Interesting Fact: Most large electrolytic capacitors turn into inductors above 30 KHz to 50 KHz ! :eek:

So, there is much that needs to be considered when designing the 'simple' power supply of an audio amplifier :)

(Apologies for this long post, but you ‘provoked’ me ;) )
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First of all, A HUGE THANK YOU to the 24 forum members who appreciated my post.
Make that 25! :)
It’s truly a pleasure to read technical stuff that’s so simply articulated for non-techies like me.
If I may provoke you further: I read recently that the output transformers of valve amps are better suited to handling impedance swings in the loudspeakers they’re driving. This doesn’t seem to gel with some other stuff I’ve read about valve amps. Yes, I know, too much (half) knowledge is a dangerous thing :)
Could you please shed some light on what’s the truth here?
Many thanks for taking the time.
@IndianEars - Thanks much for the explanation. I have one more question: Assuming one could get a transformer custom made, what according to you should be the ideal [considering tradeoff's] specs one should provide to the manufacturer? For 2 cases: 1/ For a preamp & 2/ For a power amp. A "why" also would be much appreciated!
Make that 25! :)
It’s truly a pleasure to read technical stuff that’s so simply articulated for non-techies like me.
If I may provoke you further: I read recently that the output transformers of valve amps are better suited to handling impedance swings in the loudspeakers they’re driving. This doesn’t seem to gel with some other stuff I’ve read about valve amps. Yes, I know, too much (half) knowledge is a dangerous thing :)
Could you please shed some light on what’s the truth here?
Many thanks for taking the time.
Thanks so much, for your kind words, Coaltrain. The long posts do take a while & effort.... I run them in my head for sometime before writing it down.

I'm not sure I agree with the statement "output transformers of valve amps are better suited to handling impedance swings in the loudspeakers they’re driving."

This statement seems to say that an output transformer driven valve amplifier is better suited at handling a loudspeaker with large impedance swings. I disagree, so cant support it :(

Maybe some other forum members can contribute here ?
I'm not sure I have enough info to answer that question. (there are many transformer winders who will construct a transformer to your design)

A transformer comes together after considering so many, different requirements ....Just some of these would be:
  • Does it need to deliver high transient currents?
  • How many secondary windings?
  • Do you plan to fit it inside a low profile (height) chassis ?
  • Tight Regulation Required ?
  • Should it be potted? etc
Probably easier to begin answering your question, with the TYPE of Mains transformer I would use

1. For the Preamplifier, where there are low level audio signals, I would prefer to minimise stray magnetic fields. I would look at a Torroidial mains transformer, even though its more expensive than the EI core transformer. Else I would used a magnetic shield on the transformer.

However there are some diehards who prefer an EI transformer for the way it sounds !

2. For a Solid State Power Amp, again I would like to consider a toroid for its Very High peak current delivery, as well as compact height.

There is another thread running on this forum, on a Valve Based Power Amplifier. The designer (from USA) feels that R Core Transformers provide unbeatable sonics in this application.

Every amplifier designer, MUST always factor in costs. The costs in an audio Power Amplifier would mainly be accounted for (in that order)
The Chassis
The Transformer
The Power Supply Capacitors
The Output Devices
All the other components !
Clearly, the transformer's cost is a Major factor, can't just spend unlimited amounts on it.....

There are a diversity of views, and of course, sonic results. The buyer needs to listen and decide which sonics he would like to pursue.
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This statement seems to say that an output transformer driven valve amplifier is better suited at handling a loudspeaker with large impedance swings. I disagree, so cant support it :(
That was the guidance given to me as well for Low powered tube amps needs a speaker with a benign impedance load and as mentioned by @prem, the reason they have different taps based on the impedance.

I am not sure of the newer High powered tube amps though..are they any different ?
That was the guidance given to me as well for Low powered tube amps needs a speaker with a benign impedance load and as mentioned by @prem, the reason they have different taps based on the impedance.

I am not sure of the newer High powered tube amps though..are they any different ?
I doubt it, arj.

All tubes operate at High Voltage & Low current, while 4 & 8 ohm speakers need Low Voltage & High Current (since their impedance is is low... just 4 or 8 ohms)

The Output transformer converts the High Voltage & Low Current from the Tube To What the speaker requires.... a loose analogy would be a car gear box which provides different choices of Torque & Speed, as required.

Maybe I would change the statement to :

"Output transformers of valve amps help towards delivery of full power to a wide variety of Speaker impedances"

The output transformers have different taps for 4, 8 & 16 Ohm speakers, enabling delivery of their Full power into either 4 ohm, or 8 ohm or 16 ohm speakers.

Solid State Amps, on the other hand will ideally deliver only Half their power power (of 4 Ohms) into 8 Ohm loads and only Quarter of their power into 16 ohms speakers.

As an example, a Solid State amp will deliver:
50 Watts into 4 Ohms
or 25 Watts into 8 Ohms
or 12.5 Watts into 16 Ohms.

A Valve amp with different output transformer taps / windings will deliver
50 Watts into 4 Ohms
50 Watts into 8 ohms
50 Watts into 16 Ohms
First of all, A HUGE THANK YOU to the 24 forum members who appreciated my post. :)

Keith regarding your 2 queries:

1. "In a stereo power amplifier, the current drawn by 1 channel from the Shared power supply, will leave an imprint on the power received by other channel."

All Power Supplies (PSU) in amplifiers are non-ideal to some extent. When power is drained from the PSU, its voltage falls. This is technically called regulation. The drop in PSU voltage on load can be as high as 10% to 15% of its No Load voltage.

As an example, sudden loud music on the left channel, can cause the Power Supply voltage to fall. The Right channel even without that loud music passage on it, will be fed a lower voltage from the shared PSU.

The Power that can be delivered into the speaker, depends on the PSU Voltage.
As an example, if the amplifier is driven by a +30 VDC & -30 VDC PSU ( Total 60 VDC) it can deliver a theoretical max power of 56 Watts RMS into 8 ohms.

If due to a music transient on the left channel, the power supply voltage falls to +25 VDC & -25 VDC, the Right Channel will receive only +25 VDC & -25VDC ie a total of 50 VDC, allowing the Right Channel to deliver only 39 Watts max !

The above is an example of a huge music transient dropping the PSU voltage. In regular use, where channels are Not driven to their full power (normal usage), each channel creates a continuous ripple voltage on the power supply rails, which gets fed to the other channel, via the common PSU.

Of course, distortion is measured with a constant Power Supply voltage. If the Power Supply voltage itself keeps fluctuating, the distortion will increase. The Extent to which an amplifier can ensure fluctuations in its PSU voltage is referred to as Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR). It can vary substantially based on the amplifier design, and the margin of extra PSU voltage available.

Insight: Amplifiers where the voltage gain stage is fed via a constant current source provide much better PSRR.

If each audio power amplifier has its own PSU (as in Mono Blocks), transient music passages in one channel will not affect the other channel.

Some amplifiers deploy Very tightly Regulated Power Supplies. These alleviate channel Cross talk via the PSU, but add to the cost and heat dissipated. Regulated PSUs also are believed to lend a particular sonic signature ... "Iron Fist Grip on the music" though it could be at the cost of restricted music transients & flow.

2. "Capacitor and Transformer characteristics (and differences) "

Transformers are elaborate devices with several hundred meters of wire in their windings. The Gauge (thickness) of the wire, how its wound, the air space between the wire windings and the slot in the core, the material of the core, all tend to change (Very measurably) the parameters and performance of the transformer.
The Transformer has its Self-Inductance (also called leakage inductance) and interwinding capacitance, which influences not only the transformer's regulation, but also its transient response, and power delivery at different frequencies. Large windings create large leakage inductance, which hampers transient power delivery. Interleaving windings reduces self-inductance, but increases interwinding capacitance that has a negative effect on transient and power delivery of the transformer, to High Frequency Music signals. There are, as always, engineering trade-offs.

A great example was the mains transformer used in the classic NAD 3020 amplifier. This was a budget amplifier, with a very Punchy sound, yet price very attractively. Till then, getting Low Frequency slam from an amplifier meant a Huge (read Expensive) Transformer. But the NAD 3020 had a modest transformer & unregulated PSU that gave its best in the lower mid bass region.. 50 Hz to 100 Hz. It would not sustain its power into 20 Hz testing. The manufacturer (NAD) instead spoke of the amplifier's “Dynamic Headroom” .... How loud it would play transients. Priced for mid-fi setups, and mid fi speakers that mainly played Mid bass, not deep bass, the Amplifier was a commercial hit.

Dan Agostino admitted in an interview that he had tried more than 10 transformer designs before finalising the transformer for his Momentum integrated amplifier. The challenge was to have a low profile (height) transformer that would fit in the case and yet provide the required transient & steady state power delivery.

Then there are different construction types - E I core Transformers, R Core Transformers & Toroidal Transformers. Each of these have differing power delivery characteristics.

Regarding Capacitor Characteristics (and differences):

Many scorn the concept of audiophile capacitors, but lets look at the construction of large (Electrolytic) Capacitors, used in an amplifier PSU...

The Electrolytic capacitor is made by rolling a Large (several meters) of thin conductive (often aluminum) foil. The foil is kept thin to be able to squeeze in more layers of the foil. An electrolytic paste is spread on the foil before rolling it.

Thin foil = Higher electrical Resistance... called ESR or (Equivalent Series Resistance) of a capacitor.
Higher resistance creates more heat in the capacitor during use. If a High ESR capacitor (e.g. the ones with wire terminations are used with high currents, they can actually explode. Exploding Caps are quite dramatic! Material is easily propelled with enough force to stick on the ceiling.

For high current applications, low ESR resistors MUST be used. These are also called PG (Professional Grade) capacitors and have SCREW TERMINALS.

Incidentally, a 10 deg C increase in the operating temp of an electrolytic capacitor HALVES its operating life ! A 40 deg C increase in core temperature will reduce capacitor life from say 100,000 Hours to just 6,250 Hours!

PG capacitors are rated for higher operating temperatures.

An alternate method often used is to use a bank of 10 or 20 ordinary (non-PG) capacitors in parallel of smaller value. This reduces the ESR by a factor of 20 since the ripple current is shared by 10 or 20 capacitors. Such capacitor banks look neat and impressive in photographs :)

Long Foil (for higher capacitance values) = Higher Electrical Inductance

The long length of foil in an electrolytic capacitor also has a substantial inductance, which comes into play at higher frequencies of ripple current on the power supply (Created when the amplifier plays HF signals).

Interesting Fact: Most large electrolytic capacitors turn into inductors above 30 KHz to 50 KHz ! :eek:

So, there is much that needs to be considered when designing the 'simple' power supply of an audio amplifier :)

(Apologies for this long post, but you ‘provoked’ me ;) )
Wow...thanks a ton for sharing this @IndianEars , loved reading your knowledgeable post. My salutes :)
Thanks @IndianEars @prem and @arj
Valuable lesson learned: do your homework before posting random queries! :)

Thinking about it now, it wasn’t something I read, but something I heard on a YT video. Please check out the vid below; specifically, 17:20 to 18:10. This is the part that struck me as odd, because it seems to imply that valves are better than SS wrt difficult loads. That seems to go against conventional wisdom.

Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.