around the world in 140 liters of fuel !!

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Cdr Tomy wants a pizza and popcorn when he done with this... :D

on the computer screen the cape of good hope looks like only a finger length away but in reality it is many a long mile away..

good breeze at present but he needs to hurry east fast to avoid being sucked into an area of poor breeze...

Happy I - day Cdr Tomy and yes when you are back on land - the pizza and popcorn and coke are on me !! :cool:

Keep going Thuriya !!

Keep staying stoic and poetic..

The oceans test all and one needs to be a bit philosophical in this long race..

next time i see your GPS position on the laptop - hope the cape of good hope is rounded off..

good luck and god speed !
Cdr Tomy mentions a merchant ship in the vicinity with Indian crew on board making radio contact with him ....

Ofcourse - as per rules - no contact is allowed - radio contact is OK.

We desis are everywhere - including middle of the south atlantic !!
On post no 12 of this thread is the live tracker - please click and watch the yacht positions

The leader - 73 year old Capt Philipe is at the Cape of Good Hope - for maintenance

Meanwhils Cdr Tomy with regular progress is no 6th on the overall position

He was no 10 last week

He says he is enjoying sailing in his highly reliable boat - Thuriya

Maybe a bit slow - but very reliable..

remember - the turtle won the race !!

Keep at it Cdr Tomy and do us all proud !!

This pair of eyes will be watching you ... the oceans will watch over you..

Onward and forward to the Cape of good hope and beyond !!

Capt Jean Luc Van De Heede is in 1st position.. and sailing well..

His boat looks the same design as Capt Philippe..

He is the 1st into the Indian Ocean from the Atlantic..

good sailing skipper !!
on youtube there is the golden globe race channel and if you watch the updates - there are so many factors for the yachts

wind speed
wind direction
wave heights
ocean currents from under water
hot sun
cold food - packed food
lonely nights and days
avoiding large ships - especially at night
avoiding big whales !!
functioning or malfunctioning equipment
calculating direction and distance by compass - NO GPS here..

being at the right place at the right time means that the natural factors can propel you forward

and vice versa..

Thats why a few of the leaders in the earlier week have fallen behind - simply put - many things are not in your hands

yet - you have to soldier on

in the knowledge

one day the wind will blow your way
and that you will be there
to take advantage of it
to make hay !!

Good luck and safe winds to all !

best regards
Sad news - Capt Are's ( from Norway ) boat is dismasted by strong winds and huge waves but thankfully he has survived.

He is the 6th skipper to ABANDON the race

remember - all the skippers are highly trained and well experienced.

But yet - it is the wind and the waves that rule !!

Hope our Cdr Tomy gets the rub of the green always in these matters..

Cdr Tomy is no 5 now

CGH is passed and he is into the Indian Ocean now.. but into a rough area now.

and in close range are no 4 and no 3...

fingers crossed..

His boat needs some repairs too..

Hope to see Cdr Tomy atleast at No 2 soon...

May the fair winds and good currents continue.. :)

The live tracker has a projected path around the world and the return path as well.. so once can see the deviations of each yacht from the path.
Looks like sailing is a game of attrition.. All the best wishes to Cdr Tomy to complete the race (I guess that should get him to top positions by default).
I have been tracking it once in a while every time mpw updates this thread. Why is he though?;)
Kidding aside, i hope he makes it as it seems the odds are against everyone with six entrants dropping off.
It's more of an endurance thing..

The moment one gets into race mode.. Things can go wrong

The art of going with the flow and maximising the days when you have the elements in your favor will be the hallmark of the yacht finishing first..

Long way to go...
Commander Abhilash Tomy is the only invitee from Asia

Abhilash Tomy sailing Thuriya, a wooden replica of Sir Robin' Knox-Johnston's yatch Suhaili, at the start of the 2018 GGR.

Golden Globe 2018 Route

Competitors are only allowed to use 1960s technology. Which means no GPS, radar, AIS, electronic charts, satellite phones, computers, electric auto-pilots, etc.
To me, the GGR 2018 truly is an everyman’s race, democratizing sailing by pitting man and not technology against the elements.

Yet, this solo circumnavigation is definitely not on my bucket list... ;)
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Commander Abhilash Tomy is the only invitee from Asia

Abhilash Tomy sailing Thuriya, a wooden replica of Sir Robin' Knox-Johnston's yatch Suhaili, at the start of the 2018 GGR.

Golden Globe 2018 Route

Competitors are only allowed to use 1960s technology. Which means no GPS, radar, AIS, electronic charts, satellite phones, computers, electric auto-pilots, etc.
To me, the GGR 2018 truly is an everyman’s race, democratizing sailing by pitting man and not technology against the elements.

Yet, this solo circumnavigation is definitely not on my bucket list... ;)

The fastest solo circumnavigation of the globe was done as per mythology by one Mr Ganesh who went around his parents and declared that his parents were the world for him.

wonder if Cdr Tomy missed a trick ! ;)
In the backyard of the Indian Navy - The Indian Ocean...:)

But Capt Jean Luc Van Den Heede is 900 miles in front and o think thats quite a bit..

the others have a loot of catching up to do unless Capt Jean Luc''s yacht suffers a mechanical fault or something..

I hope not ..

but that he slows down to the others catch up with him.. or close in on him..
Capt Jean Luc is proving to be a great sailor

built up a lead of 1200 miles over the next boat..

thats ahead by 1 week = 7 days of no sailing !!

The days and nights are lonely as there is no land in sight..

sometimes loneliness can canse the mind to wander sometimes it can focus the mind to have more discipline..

hope its the latter

It is my prediction that Capt Jean will will the GGR - his lead margins are too strong, he is very experienced at 73 years to give it up now..

Capt Tomy is close to 40 years and hope his energies last him well enough to strike out when ( and if ) the leader feels tired..

Good going capt tomy !
hope the next 24 hours brings good news...

the southern indian ocean 2000 miles off Perth is be very lonely

hope weather calms down and 2 of the other contestants can get to him....
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