Arrival of Sonatmagna's Mirum


Active Member
Nov 21, 2012
Middle Of Nowhere
Hey guys I just want to bring to your notice this beautiful project conceived by DIY guru from Bangalore Soundsgreat, I was informed about this project by him as he had posted it on the other forum,I immediately asked his permission to post the same in this forum (as he is not active here any more) for the benefit of the all the members here

After initial reluctance he agreed and with his permission here I Am posting it here for the benefit all the members here,Especially for the DIY crazy guys here

Hey folks, after a looooooong gap here I am back with a new project of mine.

Had not undertaken any new builds as was working extensively on developing new drivers for the future projects,much headway was made in the 6.5 driver and the dome tweeter department but not much could be done to 5.25 driver as the basket that Am after could not be either procured or fabricated locally.

Anyways as the new drivers of 6.5 size was done and it was time to test them in a proper way (i.e. put in a box),I decided it was time to get into action and start a new build, The result of the same is before you.
This is the same TL design that I started many years ago and since have been updating it many ways, It has had many iterations and many small/big changes done to it! The most notable one which is achieved in this project is the decrease of the width of the front baffle,Now the front baffle is much narrower compared to the earlier designs, This will help in keep many things under control.
Also in this version Ive tried to keep the box compact, its footprint is smallest of all the towers Ive built till date. Ive really worked hard to keep the dimensions small and yet retain all the other qualities of the earlier designs. I didnt want to sacrifice anything at the same time didnt want to make the box big which may not be suitable for all the rooms (like mine).

The Box is made of MDF and the internal damping material is a mixture of glasswool and poly fiber ( very very complex process of getting the quantity right of both). As this is the TL design theres hardly any standing waves or such and with this combo damping material its cut to almost nil.
The Xover is a simple 2nd order butterworth with hardly any additional stuff ( Like Zobal,Lpad etc),I hate to complicate the Xover with all the additional stuff like Zobal,Lpad and such,So instead I take care of most of the issues in the driver stage itself so that I dont have to correct these anomalies in the Xover which sometimes lead to loss in quality.
Coming to the drivers, The Midbass is made of PP cone with 1.1 Dual layer voice coil and dual 90MM magnet motor structure. This allows the driver to be very fast and agile and the usage of Aluminum phase plug aides in keeping the voice coil cool and aid in the drivers sound dispersion, in addition to that it also keeps the cone weight low there by making it fast. With all this the driver is almost as good as it can get (modestly speaking ).

The tweeter is made of similar design,The motor structure consists of dual 72MM magnets with the vented pole piece to help bring the FS of the tweeter the lowest levels,The dome itself is made of PEI and has been damped with asbestos to cut the ringing and other anomalies which is present in most dome tweeters,Also the voice coil is cooled with Ferrofluid,Which agains helps in overall response of the tweeter, The face plate is 4.5 aluminum custom machined with mirror finish,The face itself was well thought off and was machined with 1.25 bore (center hole for the dome to fire),this was done to achieve the max coverage and minimal loss.

The Spike of these towers are custom machined to my specs ,Its a 3 piece spike system as I wanted the isolation to be optimal and best decoupling of the towers from ground. The base plate as well is designed to be mounted in such a way that it not only enhances looks of the towers but also increases bottom footprint in such way that helps stabilize the weight and balance it evenly
The key and most important part of this project is that it uses complete custom machined parts and this truly Made in India product unlike many others

I usually dont believe in too much measurement and such, Although Am not against measurements but I truly believe that no matter how many colourful graphs you show unless and until you hear it you can only gauge soo much. Also the fact that, Just cause the graphs are good (theoretically off course) theres absolutely no guarantee that everyone will like it,As the music is very subjective field,I want people to like it and give me a good feedback, that to me is the actual graph of what the speakers are all about !! Not the other way around (where people are compelled to like it cause of the colourful graph fearing if they dont theyll be...)
So I wont post no graphs and such but will ask anyone whos interested in reading those graphs to visit and hear it for yourself and experience it yourself first hand and let me know what their mind graph tells them about the sound!
Also one more important news that I wish post here is, With this tower I have formally taken the Branding route ( I,e naming the creations, models and such) ! Many many people who came to listen had always suggested that I give names to the speakers so that it will help them identify and helps in recollecting the same as and when someone mentions it.

So with all the suggestions and such for name, I hereby announce the arrival of Sonatmagna , Model is called Mirum. Please do feel free to post your feedback.

Here are pics of the project.

The bare boxes ready to....


The D-Nut for the baseplate for the spikes.


Front panel after the first coat of paint


After the side panel primer and test fit.


Finished sides with wooden finish with lacquering (8coats)


Front with special black with glitter finish


Side angle look.


One more.


Finally fully finsihed and ready to...
Excellent finish! I'm sure it will sound superb as well. Congratulations to the designer.

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Excellent finish! I'm sure it will sound superb as well. Congratulations to the designer.

Yes Am sure too,but unfortunately only the Bangalore members get to enjoy this.

Am hoping some Bangalore members listen to this and post their impressions and such here.

Flipping the 3 point outriggers would have looked
2 fronts and one rear

Hmm will forward this feedback to him.
Hey guys I just want to bring to your notice this beautiful project conceived by DIY guru from Bangalore Soundsgreat, I was informed about this project by him as he had posted it on the other forum, I immediately asked his permission to post the same in this forum (as he is not active here any more) for the benefit of the all the members here

I had auditioned his bookshelf speakers in my setup long back. They sounded pretty decent. I'm sure these would be a step up.

BTW, I can see that he is not a banned member anymore. Why don't you ask him to interact with members on this very thread. It would be nice for members to interact with him.
I had auditioned his bookshelf speakers in my setup long back. They sounded pretty decent.

Good to know that you heard that too in your system.

I'm sure these would be a step up

Well it's not only a step up but leaps and bounds beyond the BS ( That BS itself was upgraded with many mods,Am not sure which one you had heard),This is the info that I have at the moment as I have not heard it,So only pass the info I have.

You must listen to them,Am sure you'll agree with the above !

BTW, I can see that he is not a banned member anymore. Why don't you ask him to interact with members on this very thread. It would be nice for members to interact with him

Yes off course he's not banned,For he did not do anything to deserve a ban ! Am sure you know the whole story as you are old member.

But for less informed,He was targeted and was put through a tough time for no fault or mistake of his,All he did was speak the truth and be honest ! Anyways I have tried to talk to him but no luck,May be some senior members and Mods contact he may change his mind !!

That apart any comments on the Design,Looks etc ? Same question to Magma as well.

Am also little surprised with the number of responses,Anything wrong ??
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I have met him and listen those speakers but due to short time not spend much time there.I am not audiophile person to describe more but one word I can say that I never listen such quality and natural sound . it is very clean sound with out ear fatigue , I like very much of vocals and dynamics that they produce.
he did not do anything to deserve a ban! Am sure you know the whole story as you are old member.

But for less informed,He was targeted and was put through a tough time for no fault or mistake of his. All he did was speak the truth and be honest

IIRC he was marked as a banned member at some point of time which was probably revoked later. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I have tried to talk to him but no luck

The loss is as much his as is of avid DIYers & wannabes on the forum. Ours would be the only right forum for him (IMHO) where he would get a sizable captive audience.
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well shreekanth(soundsgreat) and audio research are inseparable!
he started with it and will go on and on ... its a niche field
but he has been making great progress ..does what he likes and in a positive way

These towers have reached a level pretty impressive interms of Q and looks too(this time he
is giving importance on looks also .)

To be frank i am not a review writer but yes lines i have to put on these beautiful towers ..
been at this place for a few hours with another senior audiophile ( i am just a highqaudio fan) .
we did track by track with allen tailor, eva cassidy , carnatic fusion, percussions, 4 -5 types of flute.

and also The Ragpicker's Dream by mark .

Observed the mids and detailed much improved and also bass was there at the right amount..some of the flutes
did very well ( as they say i could hear the air etc ...) .

Some fast tracks also he played via a tube CDP .. the combo was magical.
All new versions of his speakers carry good improvements as always ..

No matter what happened in the past , we must always be with such great persons and his creations .
specially in a country like ours ,

getting things done - very tough
getting things done to meet a desired spec - near impossible

I believe what is life if you dont follow your passion..
I see in future also soundsgreat will make us proud with amazing new audio seperates , systems and what ever
some suggestions to the maker ,

1) do keep a page with a detailed information on the creations (godaddy etc hosts cost very less )
2) the site must be planned with both types of visitors the real diy people and passionate audiophiles
the site makes a great gateway to the things that were achieved so far ..
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Great to hear that you too liked it and thanks for your feedback. You being a old member and a fellow DIYer Am sure more now that they are indeed great speakers.

Keep em coming guys,We need more......
Are you Srikant by any chance? Can I ask your name? (If you don't mind)

Nope Am not Srikanth, My Name is Vishnu and Am friend of Sreekanth (Soundsgreat) and that's that !!

Do you know him ?? asking cause of your question...........
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Well I along with a friend of mine spent a few hours at shreekanth's place (soundsgreat) yesterday. This was my second visit and this time around I had lugged my tube amp as well (11 Watt integrated SET).

Shreekanth' Mirum had intrigued me even during my first visit since this TL design of his is not only based on his own design and loading but also uses his own designed & modified drivers. We must give him all credit for his enthusiasm to pursue his interest even to the extent of creating sensitive drivers. A true diehard DIY enthusiast.

Being a novice I dont want to write long reviews. The Mirum's fast response time and quickness for music dynamics surprised me when played thro Shreekanth's solid state amp and also through my SET.

FM keen on a DIY approach should visit him. His hands on knowlegde built on experimentation has helped him also create his own cables, ICs...
I got to meet a few FMs who take his help to repair their expensive speakers. Its refreshing to meet such DIY addicts...
Nice to see that you went and heard the stuff.

Being a novice I dont want to write long reviews. The Mirum's fast response time and quickness for music dynamics surprised me when played thro Shreekanth's solid state amp and also through my SET.

It does not matter whether you are novice or experienced person,All you need is a pair of ears which can make sense of things being heard !

I request you to kindly put some more words,Like the kind of music played and tracks.How did you feel the sound was etc. etc.,Asking cause this help us understand what exactly is the sound of the speakers.

Some of us are not fortunate enough to visit him and hear it ourselves so have to depend on folks like you to get a sense of the sound and such.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.