I got my old CNC build to work fine

. The issue was the power supply. Thanks to Jls and Sachin to help me debug the issue. The new DPDT switch I got had some internal loose contact. And the batteries I was using was "Eveready" 9V cells and it seems like CNC build doesn't like them. Though DMM showing 9V for both the Eveready batteries, they are not able to power up the CNC build. I changed the batteries to the HiWatt white and blue color ones and my old CNC came back to life and its now singing great.
Coming back to the NO high frequency with my new build, the issue still exist
I checked all the resistance values using DMM and they are all fine.
I disconnected the source selector in the chain and connected the CNC directly to my Pass B1. No luck.
Tried with both my TTs - Project Debut III and Technics SL-Q33. Same issue with both the players.
I tried two different op-amps - BB OPA2132 and OPA2107. Same results. No high frequency at all.
I finally took some closeup pictures of the build and attaching the same.
I did some comparison with my old CNC build that is working. Here are some differences I found.
For the new CNC board,
1. The caps at the output stage is marked as 1.5uF on the PCB and what came with the kit is 2.2uF.
2. There are 4 electrolytic 100uF caps in the new CNC board compared to 3 in the old one.
3. The new board has a 33pF caps at the input stage.