Beautifully crafted stands from Soundfoundations

@Yelamanchili manohar What are the speakers you have ?

As someone requested, would be great if you could take a photo of your rig and label every component.
Will be educational for us mere mortals :)
Thanks a ton for your kind words sir :) and as @chander also mentioned, below is a description of my system. It is too complex, so I dont post it in my signature. The main aim since the last 7 years, was to go fully active. And every purchase has been directed to get closer to that aim. Hence, the clutter and the complexity.

But before I begin, I have to mention, that Iam a meerer mortal than most folks here. Most of the stuff, in the pics above has been bought used. Whatever is new has been bought because I got a great deal, and I usually only buy new at the "end of life" stage of any component, so that i can save a chunk of wad. Iam just a sailor, so I get to travel a lot. Which has enabled me to establish good relations with my agents in ports world wide to help me with the logistics to get stuff delivered to me. And on the rarer occasions, to even make purchases on my behalf. Having said that, I've worked to get a reliable reputation on a lot of sales sites in US, UK and Canada. Europe, Hong kong and Japan still remain a challenge though :p

So thats my humble story of how I got, what I have in the pics above :)

As one can see, the system consists of 3 racks side by side. The outer left and right racks house the power amplifiers. From the bottom up, it is AudioGD master 2H mono blocks , then TAD 1000 reference tube amps running EL34 tubes presently, and on the very top are the Line magnetic LM 503PA, 845 tube SET mono blocks.

The center rack houses the sources mostly. Starting from the very bottom, is a PS audio P1200 power regenerator, which is presently not working. But being massive and heavier than me at 78 kgs, I could'nt lug it, and dont know how to dispose it. So it stays :rolleyes:.

Above that in ascending order are the Esoteric K-01 SACD player cum dac, then a Melco N-1ZH EX60 server, then a T+A P 1260R preamp, and a Lumin U1X at top.

Behind this center rack is another rack, not usually visible in the picks, that I call the "cleaning section". This houses an ansuz A2 network switch for cleaning the network feed, and an audio quest Niagra 1200 for cleaning the power only for the center rack source chain. And the power amps still run direct to wall. Though I plan on getting an Ansuz mainZ C2 or D2 for cleaning up the power to the power amps too. The entire power cabling for the source chain is from the matching Audioquest NRG series of power cables, and I bought both of them as a bundle from @Miany of our forum.

To the very right of these 3 racks is the analogue setup, which consists of an Acoustic signature challenger MK3 Turn table, with its matching TA1000 tone arm. The cart is a EMT TSD-15 kindly arranged for me, by a very popular forum member, who has asked to remain anonymous. But you will see his contribution in all matters vinyl, so I hope I havent given his identity away 🤣, and this feeds a EMT TSX21 SUT I kindly got from our moderator @Naturelover .

Well that is the whole setup as seen in the pics. There is a lot I can talk about the cabling at the back too, most of it is exotic, and probably costs as much as the system up front. But again, this is also all bought used.

And to finish it off, my speakers are DIY built by Mr.Hari iyer of our forum. So no big names here 🤣 🤣 . But Iam very content with them, and have no plans of changing in the near future :)
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Thanks Manohar.

Just curious - why 3 sets of power amps ?
Are they all connected simultaneously ?
Or are they connected to different sources ?
Thanks sir :)

The main goal for the last 7 years was to go active. Hence, the 3 channels of power amps, one for each driver, to go 3 way active. Iam not chasing detail, nor imaging. But tone, scale and sound stage are important to me. A lot of amps have come and gone, but I've finally found a combination I like.

I belong to that small school of thought, who believe that modern, digitally done crossovers, and time domain correction over the entire frequency range will deliver better sound than passive crossovers. I might be entirely wrong, but still want to give it a shot. Going by this madness, I've accumulated a lot of modern drivers for my next build, thanks to @cybervinay . But the build is atleast 2 years away, as I need to scale up the system with respect to cabling etc, to accommodate that. I already have more cables than most, but looks like I need more 🤣 🤣
Thanks sir :)

The main goal for the last 7 years was to go active. Hence, the 3 channels of power amps, one for each driver, to go 3 way active. Iam not chasing detail, nor imaging. But tone, scale and sound stage are important to me. A lot of amps have come and gone, but I've finally found a combination I like.

I belong to that small school of thought, who believe that modern, digitally done crossovers, and time domain correction over the entire frequency range will deliver better sound than passive crossovers. I might be entirely wrong, but still want to give it a shot. Going by this madness, I've accumulated a lot of modern drivers for my next build, thanks to @cybervinay . But the build is atleast 2 years away, as I need to scale up the system with respect to cabling etc, to accommodate that. I already have more cables than most, but looks like I need more 🤣 🤣

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