Before upgrading your Cables and Amplifiers!

I haven't read the whole thread but this is reply to the first 3 posts of the thread. A general reply to non-believer of Amp, nothing personal against Ambio or Dheeraj.

It took me around 8 different Amps to reach my ultimate beloved Amp and I think I am settle for life with this because the Amp that I have heard bettered this is way (WAYY) out of my reach in terms of budget. And in this long 20-22 years of journey with 8-9 Amps, every Amp (every single Amp) sounded North pole - South pole to each other. So, I don't know how you reached to the conclusion that all Amps sound same.

Even Marantz, CA and NAD sounds distinctly different from each other, leave apart hi-end Amps.

And of course, YMMV.
I haven't read the whole thread but this is reply to the first 3 posts of the thread. A general reply to non-believer of Amp, nothing personal against Ambio or Dheeraj.

It took me around 8 different Amps to reach my ultimate beloved Amp and I think I am settle for life with this because the Amp that I have heard bettered this is way (WAYY) out of my reach in terms of budget. And in this long 20-22 years of journey with 8-9 Amps, every Amp (every single Amp) sounded North pole - South pole to each other. So, I don't know how you reached to the conclusion that all Amps sound same.

Even Marantz, CA and NAD sounds distinctly different from each other, leave apart hi-end Amps.

And of course, YMMV.
Hi kaushik,
Every amp sound different.I dont know how you get on to this conclusion, that every amp sound same?
I dont know about Ambio for me its my fourth amp that i am settled for.
If you read carefully, it says before upgrading, you have to see some factors..
Upgrading- maruti 800 to Alto
Changeover- maruti 800 to toyota corrolla
So upgrade you see in that term..
This analogy may become debatable but it is only for amps not for cables..
Hi kaushik,
Every amp sound different.I dont know how you get on to this conclusion, that every amp sound same?
I dont know about Ambio for me its my fourth amp that i am settled for.
If you read carefully, it says before upgrading, you have to see some factors..
Upgrading- maruti 800 to Alto
Changeover- maruti 800 to toyota corrolla
So upgrade you see in that term..
This analogy may become debatable but it is only for amps not for cables..

In my humble opinion amps, even from the same price bracket can sound quite different. It depends whether your ears like the particular characteristics of an amp. My Magnat speakers sound quite different an a similarly priced yamaha and marantz. In the end upgrade can not only move upwards but laterally depending on what sound signature you prefer.
Bundling dedicated and talented audio device designers and voodoo sellers into one bucket is foolishness. IMHO.

I also agree that developing a skill to identify the good from the rotten is a valuable one. Different people develop these skills in differing ways. The key is to be empathic and open to all such worthwhile ideas and base ones judgement according to what results they have been able to achieve. Results are the key, lest one forget :)
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"MIT" stands for Massachusetts Institute of Technology, right? A world-famous academic institution. Nice try, MIT cables....

What's that you say? It stands for Music Interface Technologies, and you never, in your wildest dreams, imagined that anyone would ever be confused about that?

Here is something interesting about power cables .
Before you read that I must say that changing cables can affect sound if 'it altered something'. Like say:
The contacts became cleaner by the mechanical work done changing them.
The conductors themselves are of better quality. Did you know the Chinese sell iron cables with copper coating. One Chennai supplier had to throw away a whole batch they imported because of that ! They thought they were getting copper conductor cables at a very low price !
Then, if you introduce RF filters on line they can help some amps which are susceptible to RF interference....etc. Interference comes along the mains power line .

Now read on:
Cable vendor slapped for unproven claims The Register
With all due respect to FM opinions on cable in this thread, we should be careful not to denigrate or negatively comment on companies whose products are being referred to in these discussions. This does not reflect well on anybody and is just poor form. Every company has a right to believe in their work.

We have plenty of scamsters right here in our own backyards so let's not talk about dubious suppliers from other countries.
many speaker manufacturers use cheap and very thin speaker wires inside the box.only highend speakers use reasonably good wires!
In my humble opinion amps, even from the same price bracket can sound quite different. It depends whether your ears like the particular characteristics of an amp. My Magnat speakers sound quite different an a similarly priced yamaha and marantz. In the end upgrade can not only move upwards but laterally depending on what sound signature you prefer.
Which model of Magnat speakers you wsed?
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