This thread is to capture the experience of visiting another forum member's home or inviting them over to listen/experience different gear and sound. Most of the time we are cubby holed in our own homes and in love with our music systems. More so these days due to Covid, though things are better now.
Over the years (6 years and counting for me), HFV has been my first stop to seek advice about audio gear, opinions, counter opinions, contacts, etc. A tangible side effect (for me) has been making friends with folks who have a lust for gear
and love for music
Whenever possible and practical I do meet up with local FMs either at my place or theirs. We talk a bit of shop, sometimes drink beer, tinker around and listen out something different.
Today I had the opportunity to visit @Analogous at his home. Thank you for hosting me at such short notice and lunch.
I got to hear Harbeth P3ESR after a long time (many years actually). These speakers never cease to bring a warm smile to my face. They were paired with Croft IA and PS Audio DAC/streamer.
This combo has "good synergy" and produces a very likeable presentation. The Croft IA showcases Harbeth sound wonderfully. Very relaxed and textured. Got a chance to listen to a Limetree network streamer+DAC. Quite a detailed presentation though it is a bit up front and peppy.
Though the room is small-ish, the overall sound is well focused and has decent illusion of depth. The placement and positioning is a little beyond near field scenario. Loved the recliner, though I've stopped sitting on soft seating these days due to a back problem.
I had promised @Analogous to carry some of my gear when I visit.
We first tried Soekris DAC with Croft + Harbeths. Source was a laptop USB out to Soekris.
Immediately we noticed wider dispersion of sound, though it lost a bit of centering. The speaker position was not changed from earlier, so this may have been the reason.
Then we tried Soekris + Lyrita DHT + AKSA + Harbeths. I felt the stage moved up a bit but centering of image was much better than with just the DAC swap.
Just for kicks, we swapped out the Harbeths with my MA Radius 45 pups playing on the same set of electronics. The little guys filled the room quite admirably with decent vocal/mids and highs.
All this said, the couple of hours we spent swapping stuff and hearing them out was a lot of fun.
I had some other work in the neighborhood so could get that done too later. A Saturday well spent I'd admit
@Analogous can fill out his impressions.
Over the years (6 years and counting for me), HFV has been my first stop to seek advice about audio gear, opinions, counter opinions, contacts, etc. A tangible side effect (for me) has been making friends with folks who have a lust for gear

Today I had the opportunity to visit @Analogous at his home. Thank you for hosting me at such short notice and lunch.
I got to hear Harbeth P3ESR after a long time (many years actually). These speakers never cease to bring a warm smile to my face. They were paired with Croft IA and PS Audio DAC/streamer.
This combo has "good synergy" and produces a very likeable presentation. The Croft IA showcases Harbeth sound wonderfully. Very relaxed and textured. Got a chance to listen to a Limetree network streamer+DAC. Quite a detailed presentation though it is a bit up front and peppy.
Though the room is small-ish, the overall sound is well focused and has decent illusion of depth. The placement and positioning is a little beyond near field scenario. Loved the recliner, though I've stopped sitting on soft seating these days due to a back problem.
I had promised @Analogous to carry some of my gear when I visit.
We first tried Soekris DAC with Croft + Harbeths. Source was a laptop USB out to Soekris.
Immediately we noticed wider dispersion of sound, though it lost a bit of centering. The speaker position was not changed from earlier, so this may have been the reason.
Then we tried Soekris + Lyrita DHT + AKSA + Harbeths. I felt the stage moved up a bit but centering of image was much better than with just the DAC swap.
Just for kicks, we swapped out the Harbeths with my MA Radius 45 pups playing on the same set of electronics. The little guys filled the room quite admirably with decent vocal/mids and highs.
All this said, the couple of hours we spent swapping stuff and hearing them out was a lot of fun.
I had some other work in the neighborhood so could get that done too later. A Saturday well spent I'd admit

@Analogous can fill out his impressions.