Hi all,
Have gone with 300 Mbps Airtel plan for now. Been two weeks and very happy. In several (i am a bit of a paranoid android, sorry) multi-platform tests across the day, the thing dutifully returns high 200s all the time. (the router is very close to the man cave)
So, so-far-so-good, touch wood. Airtel does seem to be deserving of all our well-earned trust.
Next step is to hardwire the net to the TV. I know I have one of the CAT cables inlaid in the house, but dunno how to identify if it is 5 or 6. Will do it soon.
Thanks a ton to all for taking the time out!
You can check if there are area specific local providers and their rates. What is very important is how fast they can resolve a break in connection or issues.
This is good to know, though here's hoping I never need to find out
The ethernet Cat6 connection would give you better speed than a wifi connection which would drop by approx 40 to 50 % at least in my experience.
Hardwiring next week. will update.
Also, Nitin-bhai, meeting is long overdue. Am gonna ping you one of these weekends if I am in your part of city. Let's catch up soon!
My both houses use Jio Fiber, only downside is the router was crap no antennas which results in not so good network.
Hey Amrut, had this very same problem in old house. So, didn't consider. Trust you have been fine. Catch up very soon.
The Airtel FUP is not listed in the plans but in the T&C. I believe it is the same for Jio or Tata.
Checked the fine print, and it is exactly as you and
@efernand1 mentioned.
I think I can live with 300 Mbps/3300 limit easily.
Thanks a ton.
I am not from Mumbai but I recommend Airtel over others. There is a huge misconception about speed in my opinion. Higher the speed is better is what most people think. People forget about latency and jitter.
Looks like, the Airtel connection in the building satisfies this condition, Zero. Thanks for the input.