Best out of Sammy C6200/Sony HX800/LG LE5500 / Panny V20D/ Sony EX710 ?


New Member
Nov 7, 2010
Hello All,
I had gone to the Croma Koramangala Store last weekend and was equally impressed by the following models.

Sammy C6200
Sony HX800 (Little less impressed with Sony EX710)
LG LE5500
Panny V20D

Picture quality wise HX800 was awesome, C6200 came next.
Any feedback on which is the best set out of the above ?
Would probably get it this weekend to watch the world cup in HD.

Croma koramangla You must have seen the moving vegitables clip in motionflow 100.... At the same store I found panny V20 and LG le 4600 were far better compared with others hanging on the wall.... ;)

Comparing LEd,LCD with Plasma is not correct. V20 is a diff league baby ...It would have been the best tv of year if it was consuming less than 150W in my mind :rolleyes: .

HX800 by far was the last scored in all displays in the store.
Colors looked artificial :sad: . Not the same case with my Sony 32W400a :yahoo: . 4+ yrs still running like new.
All the three LCD's you mentioned have no competition against V20.

I agree, and am leaning towards the V20. However I am concerned about the decreasing black levels of the panasonic plasmas that CNET has reported and I have not seen any followups on that from CNET towards any conclusion. They say that 2009 models showed this issue with decreasing black levels but out of 2010 models only the expensive VT series was tested and not the V series. So there is a issue that seems to have been reported by a trusted source CNET without a proper consusion. So I am worried about the fact that the very criteria (one of them is black levels) on which we are selecting the V20s as winner over others may not remain same with time and within 1 year may be worst that the lower priced BRAVIA / LG / SAMSUNG LEDs in 46 inch range.
Even if the blacks of the v20 raise(say in 2000 - 3000 hrs) it will way ahead of any lcd and be as good as any other top end plasma from Samsung or LG.

24p is handled well in the Panasonic but you wont get smooth motion like Samsung plasma's. All plasma's have judder and it is not always noticeable.
Even if the blacks of the v20 raise(say in 2000 - 3000 hrs) it will way ahead of any lcd and be as good as any other top end plasma from Samsung or LG.

24p is handled well in the Panasonic but you wont get smooth motion like Samsung plasma's. All plasma's have judder and it is not always noticeable.

I read in some forums the issue was only fixed on VT50 incher but in rest of tvs it is noticeable.
Even if the blacks of the v20 raise(say in 2000 - 3000 hrs) it will way ahead of any lcd and be as good as any other top end plasma from Samsung or LG.

24p is handled well in the Panasonic but you wont get smooth motion like Samsung plasma's. All plasma's have judder and it is not always noticeable.

For a tv that is going to run 10hrs a day, the average run per year is going to be 10x360~3600 hrs and hence in two years the plasma tv-s blacks will be porr than the LEDs it was compared it when in new condition.
For a tv that is going to run 10hrs a day, the average run per year is going to be 10x360~3600 hrs and hence in two years the plasma tv-s blacks will be porr than the LEDs it was compared it when in new condition.

The blacks will not just keep on raising, it is not proven that v or vt series will have the initial rise in the first place.
The blacks will not just keep on raising, it is not proven that v or vt series will have the initial rise in the first place.

The test was performed by CNET in V10 series and there was no concusive followup test done on the V20. So there is no assuarnce that this is not going to be there and vice versa. Also is there anything really like judder in panasonic plasmas? Ifyou are an owner you can best describe this. V20s in all forums have been highest rated for PQ and elements like judder and blacks reducing will only diminish that reputation. I am not sure why this has not been highlighted so far.
This black level rise issue has been blown waaay out of proportion. To be honest, I don't think a consumer without any light measuring equipment will be able to notice any rise in MLL. At least on this forum, I have not come across any member complaining that his display has started showing rise in black levels. Perhaps if you were to take some fancy gadget and do some tests there may be a rise in black level, but I don't think it will be discernible to the naked eye.
This black level rise issue has been blown waaay out of proportion. To be honest, I don't think a consumer without any light measuring equipment will be able to notice any rise in MLL. At least on this forum, I have not come across any member complaining that his display has started showing rise in black levels. Perhaps if you were to take some fancy gadget and do some tests there may be a rise in black level, but I don't think it will be discernible to the naked eye.

May be any V20 owner can reconfirm the same. Rather re-assurance. And what about this judder?
OK i confirm that i have to seen any black level raise as of now, judder is noticeable sometimes.

Thanks... I hope you tried to mean that you have not noticed black level degradation.

What type of judder have you observed and is there any workaround or remedy to that?
Hello All,
I had gone to the Croma Koramangala Store last weekend and was equally impressed by the following models.

Sammy C6200
Sony HX800 (Little less impressed with Sony EX710)
LG LE5500
Panny V20D

Picture quality wise HX800 was awesome, C6200 came next.
Any feedback on which is the best set out of the above ?
Would probably get it this weekend to watch the world cup in HD.


All are good choices all have their pros and Cons.
It has been discussed many times,especially when a plasma is involved .

But like always trust your eyes.

But do note that these tvs would soon be replaced by 2011 models which has newer image processing,panels and more features .So i don't think spending so much on a tv that will soon be outdated is good idea ,unless off course this is your first HDTV then i can see the enthusiasm to watch the matches in HD.

Also do check out the SD performance where the image processing matters.
Some judge a tv by colors which is totally subjective.
What type of judder have you observed and is there any workaround or remedy to that?

this very well could be the issue i am noticing:

On the subject of judder, IMHO there is a lack of understanding about motion and judder.

One thing that the V20 has no problem with is motion, its good, very good in fact.

However TELECINE judder is normal, its incorrect frame rate judder that's not desirable and that's usually caused by incorrect settings on a blu ray player not the set. That's the only thing you can get wrong. Thats where IMHO people don't understand what they should be seeing.

What I believe some people are seeing IS TELECINE judder and some are seeing peripheral vision flicker.

TELECINE judder is down to shutter speed used on the shooting camera and is normal. Its ALWAYS present and the only way you can screw it up on these sets is with incorrect 24p settings on your BD player which gives frame rate judder, AND IFC because that screws up telecine judder by adding extra guessed "ghost" frames.

IFC on ALL sets is nasty and tries to deal with TELECINE judder and makes everything look like camcorder fodder and should be left off as it can only deal certain slow movement, anything fast and it goes out of the range the set can process so IFC actually engages and disengages and is very irritating. Not only that it introduces tearing and other artefacts. You get a shot in something Like the Star Trek movie where the camera is following a scene "by hand" and the ship is "bobbing" about, you are supposed to see image shake, IFC tries to fix that and make the scene look just plain daft.

One thing is for sure the Panny Plasma sets all handle motion well with IFC off and what you WILL see with IFC off is what you are supposed to see. With Blu Ray you need to make sure that your player has 24p engaged, the set will do the rest.

source : Panasonic V20 info/reviews/owners thread - - Page 31
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