Hi. I know this is not the answer you would be looking for, but it is "it depends on how you want to use it" Does you daughter want loud volume? streaming? vocal clarity? music or movies or both.
My first suggestion is going to be totally left field: buy an Apple TV and add 2 HomePods to it. This is what my daughter has. Once set up as a stereo pair, its simplicity itself to use and since Apple TV has ARC, anything you stream to your TV will play through the HomePod. Price - Apple TV 14-18k and 2 HomePods 60-64k. (plus if you get AppleCare then you have peace of mind for 2 years with a full replacement/repair warranty). with the money saved, you could buy her an iPad / iPhone (if she does not already have one) to make control even easier. As a bonus the PQ from Apple TV is far better
Soundwise, its WAAAAY better than the JBl 3.1. which I have for my mom's room Clarity, tonality and no "hole in mid bass/low mid" which is typical of soundbars". (I plan to sell that and get my mom the same setup). the only downside is that it cannot match the jbl 10" sub for sheer output, but in stereo it gets plenty loud in an 225sft. room)
any other suggestion would be based on your use case.