Beware !! The ANACONDA's coming !!


A very Fine Day...

Was made special, with some special event...
And the event was

*: The Audition of M-Trex & Anaconda :*

Sorry, Sreekanth, but for the while you dont give your DIY Speakers a name, i will prefer calling them the above...Hope you wont mind...

Anyways, the experience was speechless...
If i have to say in short...

It was the outcome of 13yrs experience...

He was the perfect host...
Played few tracks on all the frequency modes...Low, Mid, High...
We played Dali (Original CD), Kenny-G, Classical Music, and a few more...
Showed me the crossovers...
And the cup of coffee did the rest...:D

The 6.5" Driver and the 1" Tweeter, with 5" Dia Face Plate ( to wider the sound dispersion)...
All in one pack...was...GReAT...!!!

It was nice visiting him...

Anyways, i have suggested Sreekanth to give a nice name to the speakers, what do you all think...???
If not commercially, but atleast, a name can be given to the stuff...
I have one about...

" SGS Vision "

which stands for " Sounds Great Sreekanth's Vision "... :D

And even the speaker cables were making a lot of difference...
Though we didnt switch the cables, but, by what i have heard in other showrooms, with a 16 cable, the quality in his DIY stuff, was different...

Thanks a tonn buddy, it was really great to meet you and audition your DIY stuff...

Mridul thanks for the compliments !! As with the naming it,well I already told you my views yesterday !!

Buddy one more thing I noticed that you've put original CD in the bracket and also the same thing you mentioned yesterday ! if you have read my posts you'll know why I use the cds that I use !! So I don't know...

Now that you've asked for the opinions from the other lets see what they say !!

Anyways its was pleasure having you !

Hi friends,

I also got an opportunity to audition Srikanths DIY...

Amazing stuff :) you gotta see.. very much impressed ..

And mridulgoel was correct he needs to give a name :).... and i never knew

Anouksha Shankar's "Slither" was this much good ..

Thanks mate
ANACONDA Weekend :)

i hope i am not very late to post a review here ,

It has been my pleasure to meet srikanth this weekend ,
Contrary to my assumption ,i met with someone who is a very simple and down to earth person [because i talked with him over the phone and felt he has mastered the
art of audio reproduction, i would not be able to stand in front of him for long as i am technically far behind in the field of audio stuff......:)].
During my visit i continued to shoot with myriad types of questions and he answered slowly all of them one by one ...

Here is all about the audition part ,

I am am missing some thing or misinterpreting , then i request the people reading this to point out the same.
He had a setup consisting of
marantz cd player , Sony Es series Amp and his Diy Folded Horn Towers for stereo and Sony 5.1 Amp[assume] ,his Allmighty sub, the FH towers and 2 Estato towers for the surround sound .

First he played my "This meets that " by John Scofield [ 320kbps] jazz cd , the feel of the sound was warm with the the timbre of percussions and smoothness of the saxophones ...brought to life ..also the placement of the instruments can be very well felt in the soundstage.

Then he played a couple of CDs of multiple genres like Country,soft rock, live classics ,some acoustic concerts all done very good with the speakers ..Probably the cable [anaconda] designed by him contributed a lott to the transient response of the speaker setup.

As he continued finally on the 2 channel setup he played a drum and percussion sequence ....i felt the speakes handled most of the drums pretty well , the folded horn produced a ample amount of bass and the sounds settled pretty fast.

Due to my time constraint ,we moved on test the surround sound arrangement .. here he played a action sequence in a DTS DVD .... again his expertise in audio we could feel at the impressive bass produced by the sub , " the bass died very fast because on no cabinet resonance, when required with no ringing as in the commercial subs of commonly available, and felt as if the sub were not there when clear dialoges continued" .

The speakers left the so called well known branded towers far behind ,
Overall it was a experience that i cant forget , and that proved that what a passionate audiophile can achieve even in india where diy in any field is discouraged by all types of peoples around ... :)
It would be great if he is available in future too to guide newcomers like me with his knowledge ....
finally i will say to all ,if you have a dream ,a unending passion to realize it no matter what the situation around can !

As srikanth have done it!

Thanks a lot Buddy ! All I can say is Am Humbled by your responses ( I know I always say the same but what else can I say ??)

Am overly joyed to hear that you enjoyed and liked my efforts that I call DIY !!

It would be great if he is available in future too to guide newcomers like me with his knowledge ....

Whatevery gave you the idea that I will not be there :confused:?? don't worry friend I'll always be here to help and share the tiny amount of knowledge that I have !!

i felt the speakes handled most of the drums pretty well

Kaushik one small doubt ! Please please don't mis-understand ! Am asking this from the creative point of view !

The above gives me an impression that not all (the usage of word "MOST" implies that) were reproduced properly ! is it right ?? if so could you please tell where you felt it was not so that I can try to correct it ;) !!

Thanks once again for dropping by ! it was pleasure having you :)!

hi again ,

No that was not to highlight a weakness ..
what i really meant . by .."...most drums...pretty well " is that,
"most of the commonly used" drum sounds we played..(there will be more types always)...according to me all sounded natural....

although i was impressed by the punching drum sounds.. am a newbie;) so i used "pretty well" .. as a compliment...

i will wait to see the logo work attached with the speakers ....
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Kaushik I've already told you that it was creative point of questioning,so please don't mis-understand !!

I already acknowledged your compliments ! but its just that if there were any room for improvement I'll always be ready and looking forward to those :p !!

Anyway hope you get the point ;) !!

some new cable query...

recently i saw in SP ROAD set of ofc cables branded as NAS..seller told those are imported ....50Rs /mtr.. the cables looked good...marked "OFC grade .." ...they stocked 2 -3 other types also

any idea of NAS cables ?

Kaushik I've not come across the name ! Am sure it must me some Chinese make ! Anyway when Am there next time I'll checkout and let you know my take on them !!

Could you please tell me the name of the shop ?

yes ..imported in SP road means china made :D...but some time some good stuff from china comes too...

again i missed the name of the shop:o...

After crossing OM electronics
..go little further is on the first small pass way to the right[opposite to OM electronics]...
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