Curious as to why you think this to be the case.
Again, why?
Amplifier power needed for a certain level of SPL depends on 3 factors: Maximum SPL required, distance of MLP from speakers and speaker efficiency.
Start with the decision of how far back into the room the MLP is going to be. This, in turn, will dictate how large of a screen is required for the video to be immersive. Work out the lumens necessary for that size image to see what projectors can work. This will help with knowing what's left over for audio.
yeah!! these are the basics- let us try to apply this.
though your room is 30 feet in length maybe the primary seats would be around 14 feet from the speakers.
why only 14 feet- might be the question - answer is - to get the optimal brightness from your projector and screen.
14 feet distance needs around 165" screen to give an immersive experience, anything above 165 means you will have to shell out a big amount for a high lumens projector.
use the above tool to analyse how much power you need.
you need around 30 watts from the amp for a 95dB sensitivity speaker to hit reference levels(98dB) recommended for a HOME THEATER of this size.
make sure the acoustics is done properly - focus on minimal absorption and more of diffusion,
i hope this clears a lot of doubts and helps you go forward with confidence.
1) if the percentage of absorption is high the SPL will reduce significantly.
2) Only speakers with pro audio drivers can give you the kind of impact you are looking for.
3) Only subs with pro audio drivers can produce that clarity and kick needed to drop jaws ( for this room size)
4) home audio brands with pro audio drivers cost a bomb which will cross your budget, this fact leaves you with the option of choosing pro audio brands only.

Dr. Prateek Atasniya