Black Friday Roon Labs

Please be aware that after the 3 months the subscription cost comes around $120 or so for annual membership ;)

Roon is an addiction and once you get hooked up to it then no going back :D
Just now I have subscsubscribe Roon. Installed it on my Laptop and using Tidal through it. I am new to Roon , please help and educate me in this regard ....
Install the Roon core in your Mac or PC then link to your music folder or tidal account.
Download Roon app from mobile, this will connect to your core, then stream to nr1609
I have subscribed to Roon, how to connect to marantz nr1609.
Congrats. Marantz will show up as an airplay device in roon. Simply enable this in the audio tab of settings in Roon. this assumes that airplay is up and running on your marantz. Happy listening
Congrats. Marantz will show up as an airplay device in roon. Simply enable this in the audio tab of settings in Roon. this assumes that airplay is up and running on your marantz. Happy listening
Now its connected ,thanks for your help.
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