Borderlinx, Ebay, Paypal - The World IS A SMALLER PLACE

..yet thinking how the LP of Best of audiophile collections, Part-1 shall sound on the Project. ...Prepone dem tickets! Grrr

It'll blow your mind brother!

The Project with tis Rondo Red cart is brilliant for this LP!
Tried the very same LP a lil than a year ago for the audition of the the same LP! It was a dazzler!
Am trying to pre-pone it as well but let's see...
Hi folks,

Does indian international credit cards (HDFC, SBI etc) accepted?
I tried to pay through paypal for couple of vendors, but it did not go through. At the same time i see CITIBANK, HSBC and other similar indian international cards do get through it, without any hassels.
When i checked with paypal, they always reply me with - "try to register another credit card".

Are there any other sites which accepts such cards (HDFC, SBI etc)?

Your inputs are valuable.

Hi folks,

Does indian international credit cards (HDFC, SBI etc) accepted?
I tried to pay through paypal for couple of vendors, but it did not go through.
At the same time i see CITIBANK, HSBC and other similar indian international cards do get through it, without any hassels.
When i checked with paypal, they always reply me with - "try to register another credit card".

Are there any other sites which accepts such cards (HDFC, SBI etc)?

Your inputs are valuable.


see, every credit card is accepted by Paypal. Indian or otherwise. It just needs ot be registered on the Paypal site. After you register it, Paypal will veryfy the card (it charges a small fee that gets adjusted with your first payment to a vendor for goods). This charge has a code on the crediut card bill, you need to fill out this code on the Paypal site (this code is also called the Paypal verification code). Onec you do this, you're good to go!

Please remeber when you make the payment to anyone always mark the payment as "payment for goods". Only then will it go through smoothly.
Them and some Son House and Sister Rosetta Tharpe too...

Incidentally have you heard her? She was into Gospel Blues at a time when Blues was considered the Devils music....

Here's a link (Elvis's impiration perhaps??!):

The lady has excellent pipes and great fretwork 3.15 onwards!

Really foot tapping - made me want to bounce in sync on a trampoline, to each beat ... :) This is an example of music with a lot of good natured fun factor.

The fun about the ol'blues is originality - that people play their individual styles and revel in a sense of glory about it, however basic and quirky their playing and singing habits might be -without a sense of conflict. In todays popular music, there is this a creeping sense and intuition (to the listener) of people struggling to sound like somebody else, or trying to outdo each other in the way they sound ... just my observation.

Really foot tapping - made me want to bounce in sync on a trampoline, to each beat ... :) This is an example of music with a lot of good natured fun factor.

The fun about the ol'blues is originality - that people play their individual styles and revel in a sense of glory about it, however basic and quirky their playing and singing habits might be -without a sense of conflict. In todays popular music, there is this a creeping sense and intuition (to the listener) of people struggling to sound like somebody else, or trying to outdo each other in the way they sound ... just my observation.


very good observation... i hear corey stevens and immdiately my mind says "here's another Steveie Ray vauhan wannabe (a good one though)"

its been a while since one heard a really original artist... The last one for whom I could say this was Katie Melua.... but no one since... everyone seems to be cloning someone else...
Borderlinx rocks!

I ordered some 8 Pink Floyd & Stevie Ray Vaughan Lps on thursday, from the ebay US site. Those reached borderlinx on saturday. I paid borderlinx on Monday. and 2 and a half days later (5 mins ago) the package is with me!

I tell ya guys, this service, though a wee bit pricey, ROCKS!
Agree with Malvai on their shipping time. My last consignment reached me in 4 days flat and that includes a weekend in between.

I am a big fan of Borderlinx too. Have only good experiences with them so far. Would recommend to anyone who wants to ship from US. I haven't tried my Borderlinx UK address yet.
Borderlinx rocks!

I ordered some 8 Pink Floyd & Stevie Ray Vaughan Lps on thursday, from the ebay US site. Those reached borderlinx on saturday. I paid borderlinx on Monday. and 2 and a half days later (5 mins ago) the package is with me!

I tell ya guys, this service, though a wee bit pricey, ROCKS!

Hi Malvai
Could you pls post the Vol weight they assumed and any customs charged?

Hi Malvai
Could you pls post the Vol weight they assumed and any customs charged?


The weight they charged me for was: 4.5kg.
The delared value of the LPs was USD 50.

The taxes + duty (pre-charged) was about RS 1500
The Shipping was about 1500.

Total amounted to was Rs. 3500.

Like I said, a wee bit steep but worth it. Coz I had a package shipped to me by elusivedisc. They charged me shipping of about USD 100. They shipped on the 30th of March. The stuff arivved in Indian customs (mumbai) on the 3rd of April.

Then, after repeated follow ups with the India Post Customs, they agreed that they have recieved it (on the 8th of April). They also wanted me to come over with the Paypal/Credit Card payment voucher.

So, I take time out and go to them on the 15th.

They tell me that the duty is going to be a whopper! And that they will send the stuff home in a few days.

Today is the 27th. Still no sign of the stuff.

So, people, Borderlinx ROCKS! Despite being a bit steep.
Even I used Standard shipping to ship my Squeezebox Duet. The SB Duet retails around 400$, but I paid 187$(using coupons that GeorgeO posted on another thread) and shipping via Borderlinx was around 80$. Slightly pricey, but hasslefree considering it is delivered to your doorstep in 5 days. You can track your shipment all the way.

More info on Borderlinx can be found on this thread:
Borderlinx rocks friends. Just received My set of BRr (Mission Impossible Trilogy, God Father Trilogy,Planet Earth,Pearl Harbor, Step up1&2) from in 6th business day after my purchase.In fact Borderlinx itself took only 4 day to deliver the disks here at Calcutta. I bought some other DVDs from before ( Sharlock Holmes Complete series and Agatha Christie's Poirot Complete Series ) but those were never delivered so neatly and so fast.In both of the cases I had to suffer a lot and then received a delivery in extremely untidy fashion that too after a long time.I used shipping offered by Amazon only.So I just stopped buying stuffs from Amazon while in India because of those extremely bad experience. Thought to give a try to Borderlinx this time and its just fantastic.Though I was a bit sceptical at beginning especially observing a bit higher cost of shipping but right now I am very pleased with the overall process.
The Borderlinx cost calculator is quite accurate with less than 10% variance from actuals. This is from my experience from having shipped thrice through them.

Not sure about global eBay, never bought anything through them so far.
Hi folks,
Can anyone throw some light on this?

Is it safe to pay through paypal (to get items from US/UK/Europe/China)? I understand paypal hides the credit card information of the buyer. So that's great! (I can use paypal for ebay or non-ebay sites when those sites offer the option through paypal payment, that's fine)
What about protection of money? I see there is "buyer protection" in ebay when using paypal through ebay (or anyother mode of payment in ebay).

But i would like to know, having a direct payment through paypal to the dealer/seller is it safe (non-ebay or direct dealing with buyer or anyother mode)? What if i dont receive the items, can i claim back my money? If there is any time limit, within how many days should i file the claim?
Anyother risks to be looked into when paying through paypal directly?

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