Boycott Chinese goods - Is it possible

While it's not easy to boycott the Chinese, it is not impossible. However it may cost you. Other day I found that my chain is completely non Chinese. Electronics all Made in Japan. Speakers from Denmark. All cables either Japanese or Indian. I didn't intend to keep the Chinese out, but somehow it happened. :)
Not to sound argumentive, please shed light on some achievements of demonitisation. When renowed economic experts like Rajan and Gita Gopinathan have called it a failure, there must be some truth to it. Social media is more of a disinformation than information these days, so please fact check before beliving them to be gospel truth.
Oh no I don't believe them. But it's just that these are really educated popular writers yet insist on calling it a success. Pro-demo people I talk to on social media/public forums always link me these answers when I bring up Rajan or Gita & it's getting tiresome. I guess Quora & their top writers really are no better than your average fb circlejerk.
Overall demonization was good or bad, it don't know. But bringing ₹2,000 note was a bad decision in my opinion. Digital currency usage is a very positive move as well.
I have heard many good experiences about GST from small scale industrialists and have seen the impact of it.
A small example: If you are getting online oders delivered so quickly, it's is due to GST implementation. Trucks are not stopped at the state borders for hours or days before letting in to the sta

Off-late I am noting that Indian products are much superior to even European and Japanese products let alone Chinese product. I am going to start a thread wihere I have practical usage experience shortly. Collating data to post. Stay tuned.
would like to see reasonable priced good quality indian manufactured (not assembled) products .
Oh no I don't believe them. But it's just that these are really educated popular writers yet insist on calling it a success. Pro-demo people I talk to on social media/public forums always link me these answers when I bring up Rajan or Gita & it's getting tiresome. I guess Quora & their top writers really are no better than your average fb circlejerk.
RBI says this...
would like to see reasonable priced good quality indian manufactured (not assembled) products .
I am not aware of mass manufaured Indian products like amplifier or speakers that are better than imported as I have not researched that area. But I myself have started only using Indian components like resistors, capacitors, potentiometer, wires, switches, cables etc.

If you look at custom built amplifier and speakers many option are available. I too can built you an excellent tube amplifier and speakers if you have that kind of time, patience and budget that will be unmatched by any imported products.
Off-late I am noting that Indian products are much superior to even European and Japanese products let alone Chinese product. I am going to start a thread wihere I have practical usage experience shortly. Collating data to post. Stay tuned.
I'm sure there would be some products manufactured in India which would be superior. However, the experience you have posted is from the point of view of an enthusiast, someone who is interested in a DIY approach. Unfortunately this approach doesn't work for mass market products like cell phones, televisions, etc. Could you assemble a high quality television on your own with components manufactured in India? Absolutely not.

Like it or not, speaker tech has not changed a lot over the years. Hence quality components are available in India. Same goes for products like refrigerators, washing machines, mixer grinders, fans, etc. You will find all these products from Indian manufacturers and of good quality. I have myself bought Godrej refrigerator, IFB washing machine, Usha mixer grinder over the last couple of years. All of these are Indian brands. Unfortunately though, a lot of manufacturing has shifted to China for these components as well since it's easier/cheaper to procure from China than to manufacture in India.

However, the story is completely different for high tech products. When it comes to components like cell phones, laptops, televisions, etc., none of these are manufactured in India, not even their components. Camera lenses are not produced in India, nor are RAM or hard drives, let alone SoCs and processors. Most LCD panels used in India are imported.

And the problem is that these are the products on which people are spending bulk of their money. Just think about how many people you know who would have spent 1 lakh on mobile phone/TVs vs how many people you know who would have spend the same on speakers over the last 3 years. Each and every person I know has a mobile phone which cost at least Rs. 15,000. But I know exactly zero people who have bought a home theater.

And that's the problem why boycotting Chinese goods is not possible. Electronics, on which people spend bulk of their money these days, are just not manufactured in India. Even if you buy Indian brands, the underlying components are mostly sourced from China.
In my DIY tube amplifier built last uear not a single component is made in China and the results are there to see. It's not impossible to not source from China. If I can do it then so can others. Manufacturer in India if they source only from China is looking at making profit and not offer quality as to source from other locations cost will be more than double and he won't be competitive. We Indians also look at the least priced product to purchase due to our habits / culture/ budget
If I can do it then so can others.
Nope, not true. Please Show me where I can source an Indian made LCD panel for a 50" TV. Or an Indian made SOC for an Android tab. Or an Indian made camera lens for a laptop.

Manufacturer in India if they source only from China is looking at making profit
That's pretty much the point of doing a business. Would you be willing to do a business where you run in losses or don't sell at all, but keep providing high quality products?

We Indians also look at the least priced product to purchase due to our habits / culture/ budget
No we don't. The cheapest available smartphones in the market are currently priced around 5k. But most people buy phones priced between 10-20k. People look for the best possible product within their budget, regardless of where they were manufactured. And this is pretty much true for all markets. The reason cheaper products sell more in India (as compared to western markets) is because India is a low income country.
I hope the Chinese also do not do that considering they are the 2nd highest importer From india...but then i dont think they care much.

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You'd think that someone would see this and put a stop this stupidity. But no. I have been pointing this out since 2018, but people driven by a sense of patriotism don't really care about facts and numbers.
Chinese Teipei is Taiwan. It's not China. Taiwan is a separate country and isn't recognised as such purely because of China's bullying.
Potato PoTaTO.

But they are Chinese people, right? They may demarcate themselves as standing apart from China but who recognises their claim?

Not India!

India does not recognise Chinese Taipei as a separate country because of China. Our own country would rather recognise China as Chinese Taipei than the latter as a separate country because it values its ties with China more.

I can also start a list of commodities that are not made in India and 100% manufactured and imported from China if the people on this forum (and especially this thread ) are so inclined. This would include all items, no matter at what stage the value addition/incorporation of goods of Chinese origin occurred. I recently found out that this includes PU leather and a handful of manmade fibres.

We can expect people to start donning the Emperor's new clothes. :D
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All that chinese are importing from India is raw material for manufacturing.
Right. And, so?
I can also start a list of commodities that are not made in India and 100% manufactured and imported from China if the people on this forum (and especially this thread ) are so inclined. This would include all items, no matter at what stage the value addition/incorporation of goods of Chinese origin occurred.
Please, please post the list. It would open a lot of eyes and shut many mouths too. Maybe! :p
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.