Building a Volumio based Streamer

So -
Volumio installed - spotify plugins installed & the device shows up in Spotify connect on spotify app.

1 thing done!

Now starts the wait for HifiBerry Digi 2Pro - it will arrive on the 19th - as my friend forgot to leave it and it went with him - so he is couriering it back.

And the arduous process of trying to get the screen to work. Currently it doesn't even show backlight :) It does come on though (lights on the back blink.

Not entirely sure where to start.
I am not an expert on dsi, but as far as I know, the raspi can't be powered through the dsi connector. You'll need to power it through the usual power socket, or via gpio.

true. The OP needs to check the documentation for the display. Also, AFAIK, most of these displays need some driver to be installed to get recognized and also need some config on the RPI to send output to the attached display
View attachment 76260
In your proposed config, if input power to the system goes to the display and then to the raspi, how will shutting down the raspi cut power to the screen?
true. The OP needs to check the documentation for the display. Also, AFAIK, most of these displays need some driver to be installed to get recognized and also need some config on the RPI to send output to the attached display
I wish there was any documentation - none at all - it came with 5 (yes 5) random raisers and just about it. No documentation nothing.
I wish there was any documentation - none at all - it came with 5 (yes 5) random raisers and just about it. No documentation nothing.
Waveshare have a guide repository. Check there.

I got my guide for Tinker from their website though not their product. It helped a lot

This link is in the same product page you posted the link for.
Indeed. There are also preinstalled images for pi3 and pi4 with the driver pre-installed. All one requires is to burn the PI3 image to the sd card and boot with it. I haven't read it in detail but from what it looks like you will have to do the first time setup with an monitor/tv connected to the HDMI port of the RPI.

This link is in the same product page you posted the link for.
Thanks @subb - this is what I am following pretty much - also this -

There is a full workout by a FM - Mark Bastard :) I was having great success till my SSH stopped responding to the password - after multiple reboots - had to re-write the image. :)
Some bad news. The official site from DSI supports very few kernel versions as seen in this page. So if you install using the instructions from the LCD manufacturer (someone from China), you will be limited to that kernel version. But there is a way to skip using the manufacturer provided driver. See this link

In contrast a lcd screen for RPI with HDMI input doesn't require any such installation, but I think it will cover few of the GPIO ports and create problem for adding another card which requires access to the GPIO pins (but maybe i'm wrong, The mounting most likely will be on bottom leaving the access free for the GPIO header).

My guess is that this particular screen will give lot of headaches if the OP goes for installing 3rd party software over and above the Raspbian OS (like volumio, moode, dietpi, etc). See this issue spoken about on the volumio page

Regarding the 7.9inch DSI LCD as far as I can see there is currently no driver fitting the kernel version (5.10.92) Volumio 3.324 uses available from Waveshare.
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Thanks for your input @mbhangui. I did manage to get the display working - however it doesn't work fro long.

So I did afresh install and so on. However - what's happening is that when I install the Volumio touch display plugin - the latest version is not installing - stuck at 70% and just comes back with installation error - so trying a previous version - it installs though keeps coming back with "Xserver" error. I have tried this on a fresh Rpi install as well - with no screen connected - there seems to be some issue with the plugin - as I am getting errors on even a fresh install of Volumio without the screen attached.

So - not sure what is actually going on!!
Thanks for your input @mbhangui. I did manage to get the display working - however it doesn't work fro long.

So I did afresh install and so on. However - what's happening is that when I install the Volumio touch display plugin - the latest version is not installing - stuck at 70% and just comes back with installation error - so trying a previous version - it installs though keeps coming back with "Xserver" error. I have tried this on a fresh Rpi install as well - with no screen connected - there seems to be some issue with the plugin - as I am getting errors on even a fresh install of Volumio without the screen attached.

So - not sure what is actually going on!!
What are the bare minimum things you require from your streamer. If you can spell that out, we can work out a good solution that will

1) Provide the maximum performance (more than volumio, dietpi, etc)
2) The OS will always be upgradeable
3) make a base image that HFV members can use.
4) Provide a base set of instructions that newbies can use.

If the bare minimum the streamer should do can be spelled out, we can work out the pros and cons and work out compromises.
I have built a hardware streamer for a major US streaming service provider for legal audio streaming at a major multinational chain of retail convenience stores in the US. So would be glad to help.
Wow thanks for the offer @mbhangui!
1 - This was just for fun, but the more teh challenges, the more I am enjoying it.
2 - I am looking to make a basic streamer with -
- Coax Spdif Out (have got the HifiBerry Digi2 Pro for that)
- Spotify connect (for now) & ability to connect maybe Tidal or Qobuz in the future - but not a necessity.
- A screen :) A screen better than the CXN V2 - basically larger :) I have the 7.9 Waveshare DSI - but happy to buy an HDMI if possible.
Wow thanks for the offer @mbhangui!
1 - This was just for fun, but the more teh challenges, the more I am enjoying it.
2 - I am looking to make a basic streamer with -
- Coax Spdif Out (have got the HifiBerry Digi2 Pro for that)
- Spotify connect (for now) & ability to connect maybe Tidal or Qobuz in the future - but not a necessity.
- A screen :) A screen better than the CXN V2 - basically larger :) I have the 7.9 Waveshare DSI - but happy to buy an HDMI if possible.
1. Spotify - easy

2. MPD - configuration is a bit tough but not difficult. mpd provides the lowest latency
amongst all players (compared to airplay, spotify, logitech media server). The plus of mpd is
a) You can play tidal and qobuz
b) DSD playback (even if your dac doesn't support)
c) Play all media formats
d) Can be controlled from IOS, macbook, Linux, windows, command line and even using something
like telnet (unix guys will know about telnet).
e) web ui like OMPD, which will give you album art, album covers during playback
f) scrobble tracks to, e.g.

3. LMS (logitech media server) and squeezebox. This has one thing that mpd doesn't have.
It provides a bridge to android tv, Chromecast and chromecast audio. So you can play your
music collection to your tv, chromecast with the album art

4. Airplay through shairport-sync. Easy to setup, but this is the one that has the least audio quality though.

5. Kodi (but this is a heavy application) and it also serves as an airplay device

What would be required

1) RPI3 or RPI4
2) External USB DAC or addon card which use I2S like hifiberry, cards from allo
3) SD card reader to burn image
4) Offiicial RPI image from Rasperry Pi foundations
5) During first time setup a monitor, one keyboard and mouse (wireless will also do)
6) A laptop, desktop during the initial setup. A linux or macbook is preferable but windows with putty installed will also do

1) Remote Control to stop, pause, play, shutdown, etc
2) Tiny displays with touchscreen on which the RPI can be mounted or connected. Displays with HDMI input prefereable to eliminate driver issues. But the device can pretty much run headless and that's how I use it.
3) If we can decide on the display, then we have forum members who can make excellent casing. If I remember right @surfatwork built something. If we do mass ordering/group buy, it wouldn't turn out costly.
4) If we do a metal casing, then wifi performance will be bad and we would require an external wifi dongle.
5) LPS to power the RPI for better quality of audio

What will not work

1) Apple Music natively (airplay will work but not with the quality of mpd, spotify or LMS)
2) spotify free account
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OK - just for anyone who stumbles upon this thread - in case there are any issues with downloading Touch Display Plugin for Volumio - Follow -

This covers changing repositories to a working version - Also you will need -

***I couldn't make it work for 2 days - and these links helped!
Wow thanks for the offer @mbhangui!
1 - This was just for fun, but the more teh challenges, the more I am enjoying it.
2 - I am looking to make a basic streamer with -
- Coax Spdif Out (have got the HifiBerry Digi2 Pro for that)
- Spotify connect (for now) & ability to connect maybe Tidal or Qobuz in the future - but not a necessity.
- A screen :) A screen better than the CXN V2 - basically larger :) I have the 7.9 Waveshare DSI - but happy to buy an HDMI if possible.
If I may say so, with these requirements, you could have gone down the hdmi screen route and probably been done by now. But I suspect you are enjoying the challenge of getting the dsi thingamajig working, so fair enough. But do check out the basic specs - whether it's possible at all or not, especially since I think you opted for dsi because of your power switch on/off idea.
On the other hand, if you want just these specific requirements satisfied, then the options @mbhangui suggested are all good. and tried and tested. hence far easier.
Making a case is upto personal choice - here is a link to what I made.
If I may say so, with these requirements, you could have gone down the hdmi screen route and probably been done by now. But I suspect you are enjoying the challenge of getting the dsi thingamajig working, so fair enough. But do check out the basic specs - whether it's possible at all or not, especially since I think you opted for dsi because of your power switch on/off idea.
On the other hand, if you want just these specific requirements satisfied, then the options @mbhangui suggested are all good. and tried and tested. hence far easier.
Making a case is upto personal choice - here is a link to what I made.
That is top-notch diy stuff @surfatwork
True - and I might still - just giving it all I got, when I fail - the DSI gets donated and the HDMI comes in. Great work BTW!!!
When/if you are donating, please remember there's a pair of hands here always 😉.
But seriously, I think the display+touch should work, albeit with some technical limitations (like being locked to a kernel). That's what these screens are made for, so no reason why it shouldn't work. Just feel that your powering circuits may need to be re-thought.
So an update here! I managed to get it all working barring the DSI screen. Though the screen does come on & volumio logo shows on it, but that is all.
So I connected my monitor to the Rpi - and got a hang of the Volumio & in short - I do not like it much.

So to all those who chimed in- thank you and A new request -

I have
1 - rpi 3 Model B+
2 - HiFi Berry Digi 2 Pro (for digital Spdif out)
3 - A HDMI touch screen for control - please suggest a good screen that will be easy to work with - I really like the form factor of the waveshare 7.9 - would it be easier to make the 7.9 HDMI work?

& 4. - the most important - a suggestion for a simple spotify client - that allows me to use the above paraphernalia as a spotify connect AND direct spotify player with Coax SPDIF out to RME ADI 2 DAC FS.

Thanks :)
So with volumio being out - the following are my options - request FMs with experience to comment on the ease of setup with the following; keeping in mind - touch screen compatibility via HDMI & currently the only requirement being Spotify connect.

Please guide! thanks!
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