Buying Audio Technica M50 headphones ?

congrats ..... im loving these whatever i drive them with caiman, soundcard also digging my mp3 player on train journey's.waiting for review
finally,someone to compare notes with eh satish :p??!!!can see u just havin an absolute whale of a time listening to ur(umm,..our,heh) genre of psy trance!!!!i suppose havin waited for them this long,just makes the purchase that little bit sweeter :licklips:.cheers
40 hrs of pure 'burn in' :rolleyes: later,here goes...
i absolutely love the build on these things.the metal accents on the ear cups,the cable with a chrome spring loaded strain relief,termination to a 1/8'' plug onto which seamlessly screws on a 1/4" plug,all these touches lend an air of absolute understated class to them.folds into a very compact size for travel,very comfortable to wear,far more than my ANC7 as i remember.i have been using their box as a virtual 'head' to stretch the band all this while though :p.

playing diana krall(girl in the other room/hits),norah jones,joni mitchell,sade,in FLAC driven of my nuforce udac,and my word,.....i have never,ever heard them to sound so,so amazing.seductive vocals,excellent imaging,the detail and resolution,the instrument separation,everything just...blows me away.and then comes the bass,tight and with fantastic depth.on listening to progressive psy trance,its like the club has been transplanted into ur head :lol:!!end up looking a little silly,cos no one around u has any idea why ur enjoying music to that extent,heh.bellissima,mamma mia!!

audiodelic,can see u grinning ear to ear listening to these,a very good purchase indeed.hell,im listening to them and suddenly thinking,i could gladly live without my 2ch setup,so taken in am i with their sound :ohyeah:!!iaudio,esanthosh,u guys must listen to these,u must.

they are of course meant for professional monitoring use and i couldnt understand why there are ONLY great reviews on the net for these,i know :D.they deserve every bit of the adulation and praise being showered on them by users,factor in the pricing(of course,in india thats debatable :rolleyes:),low impedance presenting an easy load to drive,and it becomes quite a serious piece of kit.throw anything(and i listen to pretty much everything out there)at them and they just dole out the music,in a luscious effortless delivery,in spades.of course must make a mention here,the better the recording,..:licklips:,obviously!!!

i did try them thru my KECES DA151 mk2-CA 640A v2,it was a far better presentation sonically,but am in no way comparing the dacs/amps here at all.apples/oranges :indifferent14:.

@all.,do take these words with a pinch of salt,as they are my subjective impressions,but i'll wager that they will have anyone smiling in a minute of listening to them.i used to think my ANC7's sounded good,but these, first purchase of a propah can,and by jove,...i seem to have struck gold :yahoo:!!umm,..oil :rolleyes:??ha ha.back to some music,oh yeah...
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Hey Doc, nice to see ya all excited and happy! Guess I have to listen to these. So when are you bringing them down to Cochin? I am waiting for the Yamaha yh2 to arrive! I hope the pioneer a307 headphone out will do a decent job.
They say you need to spend way less for good headphones whose quality rivals expensive speakers.

I had similar opinions as you as i heard chillout, reggae or trance. Also the cover they give with it is a nice touch but i guess is expected at this price point.
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Don't tempt me. On second thoughts,....

Damn those silly "No buying Headphone" resolutions! If I like them, I might get one for myself. I don't own a closed headphone yet. Now that's reason enough for my "rational" side ;)
@iaudio,will do as and when sure the pio should do a decent enough job with the yam.
@audiodelic,yeah thats very true.maybe i should have spent all my money on a good headphone/amp setup :lol:.
@esanthosh,..just listen to diana krall's "Temptation...".the chorus line should be enough to push you over the edge,ha ha!!considering u already have the ad700,if u got these too...i will then be officially,jealous of ur setup :p.

@esanthosh,..just listen to diana krall's "Temptation...".the chorus line should be enough to push you over the edge,ha ha!!considering u already have the ad700,if u got these too...i will then be officially,jealous of ur setup :p

Once I am done with the stereo setup, I can (provided I still have money left to feed myself first :o) make you more jealous by 2011/12 ;)

Wait till you hear the Orthos. Would be interesting to compare M50 and the HP-2 side by side. If gurubhai hadn't sold me his Fostex, I was still considering saving up for HD-600. May be.....we should pre-pone the head-fi part of the meet :ohyeah:
Oh i missed the thread very late to follow. I am very happy indeed to know doctors happpiness. Yes the headphone listening is only for personal with out nonsensing others. Like two channel setup there is a ocean of head phone and its amplifiers lovers and critics. More over i love to hear the reviews of esanthosh and our golden ear iaudio reviews about m50. Happy news pal i also got one nf udac. It is to hear the songs from my lap while in my off. Review about bangaluru visit when iaudio
@esanthosh,like i mentioned before, are the resident official gadget/component geek to me can only speculate as to what,"wait till im done with my stereo setup.." would mean.dont go for the HD600's.wait and go for the killer,..the HD850/AKG701/better still,...the AUDEZE :D!!now that'd be something :)!!!
yeah,am looking forward to sampling 'ortho/planar' sound,am sure it must be special indeed.oh,a can-jam,in typical south indian 'ishtyle' :p??!!hmm,deserves a thought.

@clearcut,sir,ur right about the headphone experience being a very personal one,no room/noise equations to worry first foray,so enjoying myself thoroughly.congrats on the udac,its avery nice piece of kit for the money ;).enjoy!!!


Hope you enjoy your new DAC - Headphone combination :D


HD-800, Audeze LCD-2 etc., will be quite nice to have. But, I am a entry level / mid-fi listener at best. I'd rather have 70% performance at 50% cost than aiming for the 85% performance at 100% price or a 95% performance at 500% price. We still (unfortunately) need to eat, pay bills etc., ;)

When we are talking better headphones, we also need to think in terms of the total investment - better & powerful headphone amp, may be an upgrade / tweak to the source etc., I'd hate it if I had one great Headphone / IEM and it dies someday.

Also for me, my fickle musical taste keeps fluctuating and I crisscross from classical to metal to anywhere. So, it makes sense for me to have two budget IEMs / Headphones which are complete opposites. I see sound signature as a different colored glass to see the same music. While I like my analytical, detailed, bass light IEMs, I also happen to like a bass monster like Hippo VB. I may get one or two IEMs / Headphones which have features / variations not found in my small, humble, budget collection.

I did have a resolution of not buying headphones or IEMs for 2 years, but that's because I thought the stereo setup would swallow more. With a few changes, it seems to be getting a bit better (relatively speaking). Once the stereo setup converts from a utter crap bs (during CBE HFV meet) to decent crap, I'll take the decent part and listen to & enjoy music for a while ......... till our "golden ears" comes and shows me the crap part :rolleyes:

Once the assembly elections in TN are over, we may be back to the dark days of power cuts - investing in a headphone / IEM upgrade would make more sense to 'save music for the rainy day'. That's why the 2011/12 dates :)

Sorry! went a lot OT, I guess :o
Expecting a convenient day to auditon through your all head phones. I am expecting my koss porta pro by next friday. Doc i also forgot to say my sis son working in infos is bringing me koss porta. I have asked to bring it with the consultation esanthosh. So doubt about its quality thanks
@esanthosh,totally agree with you brother.that IS the way to spend 'wisely',if any aspect of expenditure in our hobby can be considered so :p!!love the way u put sound signature's in perspective,very much the guru,eh??totally true.lets also hope the elections dont have that much of an impact :rolleyes:.would hate to see you with all the toys and no juice to drive them with!!!btw,congrats on the latest additions :).

@clearcut,sir,the koss porta pro's have always been held as probably the best sonic "bargain" out there in the headphone sure u will love them ;).

@esanthosh : Did you get the fostex working again ?

@rallynut : I have been holding of commenting here since I want you to make up your own mind about orthos.
But I will say this that listening to Diana Krall on an ortho is an experience that for me has never been matched by any dynamic driver (headphone/speaker).
lets also hope the elections dont have that much of an impact :rolleyes:.would hate to see you with all the toys and no juice to drive them with!!! btw,congrats on the latest additions :)

I am a chameleon when it comes to listening. I am neither a speaker guy nor a headphone guy.

All it requires is a few songs for me to adapt from missing the sound stage and certain unmatched aspects of speaker listening to become an IEM guy.

It takes the same few songs for me to stop nit-picking about the small detail which was never heard and the havoc external environment creates on the sound output to become a speaker guy.

Besides, I've plenty of time before the elections to listen, adjust, tweak, complain, become happy, become unhappy again and go through the same cycle at least thrice ;)

PS: As for new toys, I'm not opening my mouth about 'em until Mr. Golden Ears certifies and writes his honest and blunt impressions :p
@gurubhai,i have a strange feeling thats gonna be the case for me too.hence the impatient waiting :ohyeah:!!!
@esanthosh,its nice to be able to just enjoy the music isn't it??wherever/whenever/however ;).couldnt have put it any better !!!good luck on getting the best,tweakable,listenable solution for ur 2ch setup.

All you people ( Navarajan sir, Doc Kannan) getting awesome new headphones and Dacs. Mera number kab aayega?

esanthosh, there you go, again painting me as the party p@@per! Parvayille, naan thirumbi varuven!
He, He. Don't worry iaudio. I don't exactly have "golden ears" nor do I have a reference. You do. I may only say "It's better" on relative terms, but you'll be able to place it exactly where it stands like "> X, < Y", "crap compared to Z" etc., The only things I can compare to would be my IEMs and my own expectations - not exactly great benchmarks :p
All you people ( Navarajan sir, Doc Kannan) getting awesome new headphones and Dacs. Mera number kab aayega?

@iaudio,tera number ab aaya ki nahi :p?!!!lovely cans indeed!!!

@all,was watching James Taylor-Pull Me over(2001-dvd) tour last night and,,with these M50's,..amazing,amazing.the entire bass lines,pressure of the kick drum,..all so damn visceral.this recording seems to have them frequencies entirely almost on sub-bass levels,can even feel the pressure on my eardums,weird :licklips:.

that they do very well,these m50's,bass.overall a very neutral signature,very good imaging and resolution,can see why its a favorite among studio one of the chesky test track(vol 2),there is a track for imaging response that has people in a train formation,walking figure of eight trails on a stage.u can "feel" them walk all over ur just presents what ever u throw at it,at home playing mp3 or flac,and as is obvious,...the better the recording,bigger the grin :).

the udac signature seems to favor these very well,so a match made in audio heaven :indifferent14:??!!loverlicious cans these(pun not intended at all :p)!!cheers
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