40 hrs of pure 'burn in'
later,here goes...
i absolutely love the build on these things.the metal accents on the ear cups,the cable with a chrome spring loaded strain relief,termination to a 1/8'' plug onto which seamlessly screws on a 1/4" plug,all these touches lend an air of absolute understated class to them.folds into a very compact size for travel,very comfortable to wear,far more than my ANC7 as i remember.i have been using their box as a virtual 'head' to stretch the band all this while though
playing diana krall(girl in the other room/hits),norah jones,joni mitchell,sade,in FLAC driven of my nuforce udac,and my word,.....i have never,ever heard them to sound so,so amazing.seductive vocals,excellent imaging,the detail and resolution,the instrument separation,everything just...blows me away.and then comes the bass,tight and with fantastic depth.on listening to progressive psy trance,its like the club has been transplanted into ur head :lol:!!end up looking a little silly,cos no one around u has any idea why ur enjoying music to that extent,heh.bellissima,mamma mia!!
audiodelic,can see u grinning ear to ear listening to these,a very good purchase indeed.hell,im listening to them and suddenly thinking,i could gladly live without my 2ch setup,so taken in am i with their sound
hyeah:!!iaudio,esanthosh,u guys must listen to these,u must.
they are of course meant for professional monitoring use and i couldnt understand why there are ONLY great reviews on the net for these cans.now,i know
.they deserve every bit of the adulation and praise being showered on them by users,factor in the pricing(of course,in india thats debatable
),low impedance presenting an easy load to drive,and it becomes quite a serious piece of kit.throw anything(and i listen to pretty much everything out there)at them and they just dole out the music,in a luscious effortless delivery,in spades.of course must make a mention here,the better the recording,..:licklips:,obviously!!!
i did try them thru my KECES DA151 mk2-CA 640A v2,it was a far better presentation sonically,but am in no way comparing the dacs/amps here at all.apples/oranges :indifferent14:.
@all.,do take these words with a pinch of salt,as they are my subjective impressions,but i'll wager that they will have anyone smiling in a minute of listening to them.i used to think my ANC7's sounded good,but these,..phew.my first purchase of a propah can,and by jove,...i seem to have struck gold :yahoo:!!umm,..oil
??ha ha.back to some music,oh yeah...