Chennai mini Hifi meet at Captain Rajesh house

please do start comparing only after an hour of playing to allow of warm up of the amp (or at least 30 mins of playing)
Thank you for the pointers Arj. I do a warm up of about 15 minutes. I'll take your advice and see how it goes.
tube amps take time in breaking in as well and the character can change..i am assuming you would have got in around 30 hrs done by the amp ?
Not sure whether it has 30 hours, I would've done about 10-14 hours by now. Seller told me that he has also used it for a few hours so I'm assuming that it would've done about 20 odd hours by now.
mini meet..c'mon, we need a full meet. The last meet was really great for newbies into HiFi like me.

Yes, it will b grt, we could have a full meet. I am very much a newbie.

Oh yes, would be good. Rajesh did a good job of the admin last time: don't know if he's willing to go through all that again?

yeah another Chennai meet is needed :D

Hmm, full fledged meet eh?


Yesterday Srinisunder,Mohamednaseer and I were at Capt's home to discuss and finalise dates,etc. for the forthcoming meet and also listen to Srini's new Lyrita DHT pre and Murali's DIY Conrad Johnson PV10A.

Murali could not make it but Mohamednaseer brought his Spendor LS3/5A speakers along and I took my Quad II/II amps over. I have heard other LS3/5A speakers before with other amps but never with the Quad II/II and was keen on listening to this combination.

The Unofficial LS3/5A Support Site

Listening #52 |

The BBC designed LS3/5A speakers are legendary as are the Quad II/II amps.

The pairing of these two legends makes music period.:yahoo: Does the combination do all the audiophile things like 20Hz lows,flat frequency response,etc ? No, but what it does is make beautiful music ,that you forget the audiophile stuff and sink into the music .

Capt had taken some pictures which he will post .

Hi Rajiv,

Thanks for your brief writeup. Just missed the meet as I had a prior program. I was also very keen to listen to Srinisundar's Lyrita's pre. As of my CJ-PV10A tube pre it is getting burnt in and growing better day by day. I have also ordered some PETP and PP caps for replacement in the amp, after which I think we should have a half day meet on a sunday for audition. Capt Rajesh also wanted his TT to be set-up and the meet will help him get into the sea of Vinyl.

I was waiting for long time to listen Quad with Ls3/5A .This happens on yesterday and i got what expected in my mind.Clean reproduction of vocal as well as all the instrument.Great silence behind the instrument. I was very much enjoy the music with this combo.I very much thanks to Rajiv to make this happen ,because that quad amp we cant locate easily.Rajiv has all those valuable stuff.on the meet i and rajiv are very eager to listen the combo we both have more expectation on the system,but it was not failed it gave us more than what we expected.I have read many reviews on the net about this combo ,normally i wont believe on the reviews always i will decide after listen the system but all the reviews about this matching is true.
Yep, wonderful evening yesterday with quad II with Spendor LS3. I don't think so any of the bookshelves with this size will reproduce the sound better and the combination with Quad has worked out..oK to add few floor standers too will bite the dust.

The sound is forward and the music is flowing not from the speakers and it is as like from the stage performance. The voice is silky smooth and hours together we will not feel other things to do.;)

Added with that Lyrita DHT combination with Quad + Spendor is superb..... My problem with hum + screeching tape sound which i have in my house setup is not there for a minute in this combo, so have to check my connection and setup once again.

Tried A/B : Class D amp / Lyrita Pre + Cadence against above combo and Spendor & Quad combo excelled in voice reproduction and life like performance.

We have played the Cayin + Cadence in the closing session to recoup all the experience in the songs we played and found it have excess bass and it spoils the listening pleasure. It was slightly tweaked with closing the partial front port by socks and it could regain the performance.

However in the end Spendor LS3+ Quad II combo wins the day in the music performance and hearing pleasure.:cool:

Would love to have heard that. Remember me for the next opportunity


This meeting was not planned , things just fell together yesterday afternoon.

Added with that Lyrita DHT combination with Quad + Spendor is superb

The Lyrita DHT pre is superb. It punches well above its weight and will go toe to toe, many big name mega $$$ preamps.

The 4P1L tube used in the DHT pre, is one of the best kept secrets in audio. Thanks to Viren for introducing us to this fantastic Wehrmacht designed tube .

few floor standers too will bite the dust

The sound is forward and the music is flowing not from the speakers and it is as like from the stage performance.

We have played the Cayin + Cadence in the closing session to recoup all the experience in the songs we played and found it have excess bass and it spoils the listening pleasure. It was slightly tweaked with closing the partial front port by socks and it could regain the performance.

This is not an apple to apple comparison or for that matter even apple to orange comparison so, not sure how to take it.

While I was surprised to see the quality of mid range response of the Splendor, matching the ultra fast ESL panels note for note and even exceed in producing the fine nuances, I noticed the obvious which was not mentioned by the other members. The scale of presentation and the sound stage of the Aristas were obviously far better than the diminutive Splendors.

On the Bass front, the LF response of Splendor is 80 Hz (+/- 3 dB) whereas that of Cadence Arista is 30 Hz (+/- 3 dB) Thus, no wonder that on immediate A-B comparo of these speakers, the bass response from Cadence was perceived to be somewhat overwhelming.

Being a Cadence Arista owner, I may be perceived as defending the speakers but my intention is only to put the record straight, from my perspective.:)

I thank Rajiv for the sock tweak.
This is not an apple to apple comparison or for that matter even apple to orange comparison so, not sure how to take it.

Being a Cadence Arista owner, I may be perceived as defending the speakers but my intention is only to put the record straight, from my perspective.:)

I thank Rajiv for the sock tweak.

In electronic terms No apple iphone or Samsung galaxy comparison, music matters and the pleasure.;) In-fact never compared Spendor with Cadence & also my thiel both are different genre.

In fact I love my 2G Iphone still running strong with broken screen + deal pixel...
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Hello Captain,

Here there is no comparison of the speakers and that is not fair also.The point we are saying is LS3/5A has hype in all the reviews.So we have eager to check weather it is correct.Finally we come to conclusion that reviews for LS3/5A and Quad II is correct.This is what my conclusion on our small meet.
Hello Captain,

Here there is no comparison of the speakers and that is not fair also.The point we are saying is LS3/5A has hype in all the reviews.So we have eager to check weather it is correct.Finally we come to conclusion that reviews for LS3/5A and Quad II is correct.This is what my conclusion on our small meet.

Yep, that is what i tried to tell, it meant different..

In-fact i want to pair my Epos with Class D/Lyrita DHT Pre + Acoustic Portrait DAC to get an different available combo to try out. Why not compare my epos against my Spendor to check if there is any shortfall?

In fact like Rajiv who can tell neutral opinion on all combo's heard can be used as potential advice for newcomers.
In electronic terms No apple iphone or Samsung galaxy comparison, music matters and the pleasure.;)
In-fact never compared Spendor with Cadence

Here there is no comparison of the speakers and that is not fair also.

Reading below parts of the post made me assume that a comparison is being made. :)
Tried A/B : Class D amp / Lyrita Pre + Cadence against above combo and Spendor & Quad combo excelled in voice reproduction and life like performance.

However in the end Spendor LS3+ Quad II combo wins the day in the music performance and hearing pleasure.:cool:
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!