Chennai mini Hifi meet at Captain Rajesh house

Posting some pics:

Lyrita DHT Preamp of Srinisundar

Quad Amps of Rajiv

Splendor LS3/5 of Md Naseer My Aristas in the background.

A bird's eye view

Reading below parts of the post made me assume that a comparison is being made. :)

Yep, wonderful evening yesterday with quad II with Spendor LS3. I don't think so any of the bookshelves with this size will reproduce the sound better and the combination with Quad has worked out..oK to add few floor standers too will bite the dust.

The sound is forward and the music is flowing not from the speakers and it is as like from the stage performance. The voice is silky smooth and hours together we will not feel other things to do.;)

Added with that Lyrita DHT combination with Quad + Spendor is superb..... My problem with hum + screeching tape sound which i have in my house setup is not there for a minute in this combo, so have to check my connection and setup once again.

Tried A/B : Class D amp / Lyrita Pre + Cadence against above combo and Spendor & Quad combo excelled in voice reproduction and life like performance.

We have played the Cayin + Cadence in the closing session to recoup all the experience in the songs we played and found it have excess bass and it spoils the listening pleasure. It was slightly tweaked with closing the partial front port by socks and it could regain the performance.

However in the end Spendor LS3+ Quad II combo wins the day in the music performance and hearing pleasure.:cool:

Biggest compliment made above with tweaking..

You may remember very well when myself and murali_n were last week I told Class D + SSP with Candence sounded like tube... Is it not an compliment;) + Do you notice in yesterday meet myself compared my Lyrita Pre and told it is digital sounding when played with Class D.. So it is of changing the Pre-amplfier. >>> No confusing statement only Confessing statement..;)
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You may remember very well when myself and murali_n were last week I told Class D + SSP with Cadence sounded like tube

Fully agree; that audition made me to re-order the SSP kit again, which I had made earlier and disposed off without a proper audition. This time, I'll make it with the 49990 op amp, with a hope to make it sound like Murali's SSP and would integrate with my Class D amp which would have the following features/ facilities:
  • Power Amplifier
  • Integrated Amplifier
  • DAC+Amp with USB input (I would be routing the digital signal through the ODAC)
Let's see how it goes.:)
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Hi captain,

I also suggest that you build the CNC MM Phono stage using the 49990 opamps and use is it with the SSP Pre-amp. :licklips:

My Vinyl conversions , I hope will stand testimony for its performance, which we heard at your home last time.

The fact that a class D amp sounded digital with a Lyrita pre indicates that a Lyrita pre is accurate and not playing around with the signal. Isn't that what a good pre should do? Am i missing something here?
Wow - the combos mentioned sound very interesting!

Rajiv - its been ages since we met :)

Captain - trust you are doing well!
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