Is it mandatory that you have to use the same credit card that you registered with? If not, it doesn't take much time to get a new credit card from CitiBank considering that you were their customer.
I didn't use my Citibank card for a long time, may be 3 years and the card is still valid for another one year. When contacted by mail Citibank said their internal credit policy does not allow them to activate my card again as my card account is closed. They also confirmed I paid my card in full and there is nil dues. I am not sure if I will get a new card from Citibank or how long it will take. But I believe no banks are issuing new cards at present. But there is relief. Borderlinx has asked me to use 'other' Citibank card to make the payment. I am not sure if it means other Citibank card of mine or others card.
I didnt understand - how did you pay for the purchase if your card payment did not go through? So you bill twice? Once for goods using any credit card and once for Borderlinx using citibank only?
Yes, you are right. I have many cards out of which i use only a couple regularly. I used my HSBC card to make the payment for my purchase. But it is mandatory to use Citibank card for Borderlinx payments.