Class A amp.


New Member
Jun 17, 2020
Thrissur kerala
Hi friends..
Happen to see a guy who is so passionate in building amplifiers . His name is Sasidharan Damodharan based in Mumbai. Native of kerala. Very much impressed on viewing his fb page and seems the build quality is excellent. Any one having an experience on the products.. would like to have a class A amp for personal use. No idea about which board is good and better... Suggestions are welcome...
Happy sunday.
Any references or guidelines for amplifier design... please do share
It was designed by a highly talented Russian sailor ( six months on the sea) including some very clever EL84 SE and PP amps. But sadly he is not anymore. I could never find time to complete above. I had four PCBs so started with the first pair. Let’s see how it sounds. 20 wpc of Pure class A with 6N6P at driver stage in SRPP mode.

Every channel needs three power supply, all three are my own design, crafting point to point. Sorry about the digress from
the original post.
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Hi friends..
Happen to see a guy who is so passionate in building amplifiers . His name is Sasidharan Damodharan based in Mumbai. Native of kerala. Very much impressed on viewing his fb page and seems the build quality is excellent. Any one having an experience on the products.. would like to have a class A amp for personal use. No idea about which board is good and better... Suggestions are welcome...
Happy sunday.
I have built one class AB and two class A power amps from Electromagix stable.... he sells good quality boards and fully populated tested modules as well.

Hi friends..
Happen to see a guy who is so passionate in building amplifiers . His name is Sasidharan Damodharan based in Mumbai. Native of kerala. Very much impressed on viewing his fb page and seems the build quality is excellent. Any one having an experience on the products.. would like to have a class A amp for personal use. No idea about which board is good and better... Suggestions are welcome...
Happy sunday.
go for Q4 , I have personally listened to this amp , its excellent. fine detailed sound with a warm touch.
you can also look for AudLab Silence , guy from kolkata doing very well. fine amp with lots of power and great detail over audio , and that is also cost saving but better sonic than any Class A amp.
Hi friends..
Happen to see a guy who is so passionate in building amplifiers . His name is Sasidharan Damodharan based in Mumbai. Native of kerala. Very much impressed on viewing his fb page and seems the build quality is excellent. Any one having an experience on the products.. would like to have a class A amp for personal use. No idea about which board is good and better... Suggestions are welcome...
Happy sunday.
If you have a high-sensitivity speaker, I recommend trying the JLH 1969 amplifier. It's simple to build and configure, and you can enhance the sound quality by adding a CRC power supply and a capacitance multiplier. The circuit uses commonly available components.

However, there are some drawbacks—its output power is limited to around 8-10W, and proper biasing requires massive heatsinks, typically 2-3 kg with large fins per channel. For transistors, the CDIL 2N3055 offers excellent sonic performance.

Consider the Jean Hiraga Super Class A amplifier if you need more power. It demands a substantial power supply and capacitor bank, but the effort is well worth it.

For those who can source JFETs, the Lemonstor amplifier is another great option, delivering exceptional sound quality. However, these FETs can be hard to find.

I've shared my PCB layout on EasyEDA, where you can download the PDF for home etching or the Gerber files for fabrication.

If you have a high-sensitivity speaker, I recommend trying the JLH 1969 amplifier. It's simple to build and configure, and you can enhance the sound quality by adding a CRC power supply and a capacitance multiplier. The circuit uses commonly available components.

However, there are some drawbacks—its output power is limited to around 8-10W, and proper biasing requires massive heatsinks, typically 2-3 kg with large fins per channel. For transistors, the CDIL 2N3055 offers excellent sonic performance.

Consider the Jean Hiraga Super Class A amplifier if you need more power. It demands a substantial power supply and capacitor bank, but the effort is well worth it.

For those who can source JFETs, the Lemonstor amplifier is another great option, delivering exceptional sound quality. However, these FETs can be hard to find.

I've shared my PCB layout on EasyEDA, where you can download the PDF for home etching or the Gerber files for fabrication.

I vouch for 2N3055 as well.
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