A full scale review is probably quite beyond me; what I plan to do is share my impressions as these emerge over a period and which may change, on particular aspects of the listening experience.
To begin with I thought I could share my impressions on the matter of "Imaging, Scale and Presence" of instruments and singers or what is usually called the Soundstage. This is one of the first things that becomes apparent once a system has been set up properly; With the new amp in place I had to re-jig my speaker placement to get the best soundstage possible.My listening room is a medium sized affair about in 11 Ft by 20 ft and doubles as a study. Speakers are placed along the longer wall making it a near-field listening position with the speakers a foot away from the rear wall. This is the best arrangement, much better than the more obvious setting of speakers firing into the length of the room.
Soundstage palpability appears best with medium and small ensembles. Jazz performances in particular are quite outstanding. I have not listened to Rock except briefly and that was quite satisfactory. In jazz, the size of instruments is like in real life, that is big; there is no compromising on scale and one does not need to play very loud to get decent scale. Actually one does not need to play loud at all. The max volume i have touched is just below the ten O'clock mark. The instruments are present in a way that is most physical. Sax is full scale, as are other winds. The Bass is not difficult to follow at all, but does not draw attention to itself and the instrument stands tall above the other musicians. The drums can be violently in your face if that is how they were played. Its not too far from having a real drum kit. The human voices are also full-bodied and solidly there. This was true of jazz as well as qauwwali singing. The stability of the imaging varies with recording, with some recordings the speakers completely disappear with others however (a few) the sound equally clearly appears to come from the speakers.
The scale at which the soundstage is being presented is very big, much bigger than what I am used to, and not only is it big, it is very very convincing. Although with Jazz I cannot ask for more, with classical especially symphonic fare, I would need to listen and perhaps work more on the system setting up before I can make a judgement. As of now, while the scale is expansive and the phsycality is also very much there, the distribution of performers and instruments in space in not that well articulated, especially depth. However its early days lets see,
I will share learnings in other aspects as I continue to listen and get a better handle on the system