Thanks kix.
Yes, I am aware the duty
deposit is not there when ordered via Normal shipping from amz UK or GER. My question was only for amazon US. Where, whichever shipping method you choose, import duty deposit will be calculated at checkout.
From my experience and what you have mentioned, process is like this (??)
1) When Aramex delivers the parcel, They should provide "Bill of entry" which is Like this :
imgbox - fast, simple image host , IF duty is charged.
- If they do not provide (which generally happens with me), I call aramex cc to ask whether duty was charged or not, by asking the same bill of entry.
2) If they do not forward me "Bill of entry", I am assuming that duty is not charged, as I would not trust their computerized receipt in this case. Which is like this :
imgbox - fast, simple image host
(Previously mentioned in this post :
3) I go ahead and ask amazon US to refund for duty deposit, by mentioning that no duty is charged.
4) After that amazon investigate and, lets me know that whether duty was charged or not.
- Above is generally autonomous process, but for faster response, I always have to contact them, amazon CC. Because I have never received the deposit back in 1-2 weeks, keep aside 24 hours.
-Even if aramex, at the time of delivery, asks for duty, I think we can show them that duty deposit is already paid, by showing them our order invoice copy. (which has never happened with me, so still to experience this scenario)
- And if duty is charged more than deposit amount, we do not need to pay anything, that would be handled by amazon. (Some clause in their TnC for customs duty deposit iirc)
- If charged less, amazon will automatically process the refund or again steps 1 to 4.
- Issue for me arrives, because every-time aramex just delivers the parcel, and does not give "Bill of Entry". So first, I chase them for that, and later on amazon for refund. Which most of the time takes quite a time.