DCS suing over a negative review of the Bartok

Music is the preference for any individuals, also the music hearing pattern will not be same.. So there will be different kind of opinion from everybody on normal hearing pattern and during review if supported by detailed evaluations on specs supported by figures it should be well respected.
Can't believe dCS is putting wrong information about their product on a legal threat. There is a limit to stupidity.

Looks like they haven't heard about the Streisand effect. Someone in that company needs to be fired from their job. Most probably that VP of marketing who was sending the threatening e-mails.
Can't believe dCS is putting wrong information about their product on a legal threat. There is a limit to stupidity.

Looks like they haven't heard about the Streisand effect. Someone in that company needs to be fired from their job. Most probably that VP of marketing who was sending the threatening e-mails.
This may be a marketing stunt too...
If they are so confident that their product is not flawed, then all it requires is to prove it and clear all doubts about their product in the reviewer's channel .
One really respect and appreciate people like Dennis Murphy and Tom Vodhanel who take feedback from users in the forums in a positive way.
Sharing Subjective opinions in public forums always carries the risk of upsetting someone, somewhere.
No manufacturer of goods likes to see their products criticised, specially manufacturers of carefully designed and engineered products.

But then the biggest question that is not being asked in this drama is “what does the consumer have to decide?”

I feel comparisons between performance of products is one good way to give an idea of what to expect. But this is even more likely to irk manufacturers whose products come second best or worse.

If all reviews available online are positive the value of reviews becomes questionable. We might as well decide based on the marketing spiel put out by the manufacturers.

With very expensive gear the stakes are also very high specially as the customer pool is smaller and investments in design and manufacturing are big.

Hopefully this sordid saga will wither soon.
Someone here must have heard the Bartok.
Any opinions?
I heard this extensively prior to getting my previous Bricasti, and I heard the opposite of what the reviewer was criticizing it for and I don't agree with this reviewer either. However, I didn't like it - felt it to be forward, and moved on, preferring the Bricasti m1se which sounded more neutral while having similar resolution.
Its a company and like any company is impersonal. Some overzealous employee at a Sr level might have felt that flexing muscles is the right way and of course must be taken to task.

This does not mean the product is bad or all folks there are evil..if you like DCS makes sense to still buy it irrespective as to how this storm shapes up.
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The only difference between dCS as a company and a bucket of sh*t is the bucket.

Its a company and like any company is impersonal. Some overzealous employee at a Sr level might have felt that flexing muscles is the right way and of course must be taken to task.
This does not mean the product is bad or all folks there are evil..if you like DCS makes sense to still buy it irrespective as to how this storm shapes up.

You should read the response from the dCS Managing Director (who has no business being overzealous) and some claims that he made in his response which headphones.com claim are outright lies. If this is true then no matter what the product is, if it were me, I would as a matter of principle not buy dCS no matter how good their product is. Yes, the loss will be mine but there are things more important than that here.
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