In my plasma (and all Panasonic plasma, I suppose), the pillar box mode has an option in settings to display the black side bars as light gray. This takes care of image retention issues.
Have you looked at Sony LEDs? They are costlier but very good in quality.
Lets hope the same is the case with the LG & the Sammy.
& no, haven't considered Sony because it just is out of my budget. I'm not too keen on stretching the budget because 1) I can't & 2) I'm not sure if anyone at home including me can appreciate the differences in PQ. Maybe I'll get better at it once I've owned one for a while & had some experience with it. But as of now, I can safely say I'm not a connoisseur. (It's like when you buy your new smartphone. It's all great until your friend gets a faster phone. It's then you realize what's missing from yours! & you ultimately learn enough to appreciate the differences

You should aim at least 46~50" in my opinion. If that is out of your current budget, chuck your plans, save and then take the plunge.
Just that if I chuck the plans now, this'll be on the backburner (for the umpteenth time) & I don't know when I'll come round to it.
Why do call Toshiba as "low brand". Toshiba is quite good. Panel warranty is the main thing. Panel constitures 75% of the TV value. If Toshiba is giving 2 years extended warranty then it means that they are confident on their quality.
Glad to hear that,

Didn't mean to say Toshiba is an inferior brand. But it's just behind the likes of Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, LG in terms of brand name. At least the perception in India is such.
But yes, there's no real -ve to the Toshiba except for the unstated warranty policy. I just need to see something in black & white to make sure it is 3 years.
Some LED TVs have a glass top surface. Glass is reflective. I am not sure about the above model.
Good to know that. I was assuming that all Leds are going to be matte. So I guess I'll have to also gauge what type it is irrespective of the tech. (Should be most apparent when the TV is off.)
Thanks for your time & patience. Don't know how many more trips it will take to make up my mind! Cheers!