Congratulations tek. Welcome to the Rega club. I have a Rega P5 with Exact cartridge and I am very happy with it.Thanks for the feedback everyone. I went ahead and ordered my P3-24 in Racer Red!
Thanks everyone! Will probably be posting here in a few days for some tips on installing my cartridge! I've never self installed a cart on a non removable headshell before, so this should be interesting... (or more likely will end up being more frustrating than interesting!)
Some questions: 1) Do turntables need burn in time like cartridges and amps too? 2) Will adjusting the VTA with a 2mm spacer affect the sound a lot? 3) What is the best way to minimize sibilance?
Pics to come soon!
>>>First off, another round of congratulations!
The tonearm wire will improve and bed down with play.
2 mm is a lot of spacing. Try with 1 mm first and see the arm levels when playing records. A slight droop towards the business end of the arm is recommended by some analog experts. I personally try to follow that
Take leave tomorrow and listen whole day and you would have put in about 8-10 hours of the burn in!
The taking leave bit is the best advice I've heard in a long long time.
2. I failed to understand this spacer business, why a 50K TT will not have a vertical height adjustment? Rega have their own explanation, but they did understand/admit this issue and thus have made available spacer rings.
You better hope you boss is not a secret audio nut who's here under some assumed avatar
So I was just reading the Rega instructions (more like a few tips if anything), and I saw the part where it says not to remove the centre hub from the main bearing as it is factory assembled with a thick film of lubricant that can be disturbed when it's removed. When I was unpacking the table, there was some cardboard etc stuck around to make sure the motor etc didnt move, when i removed one under the centre hub i accidently lifted the whole hub out of the bearing. Like I mentioned earlier, when i tried putting it back it was almost like a vacuum pump or something, it wouldnt go all the way in smoothly. But once I put the platter back on it went down and was kind of "floating". Did I damage it? It plays and sounds ok... Is there anyway to test the centre hub is ok?
(Sorry for the complete noobish lingo, but I really am just trying to figure out what i'm doing!)