Denon DP 29F


Active Member
Feb 19, 2012
New Delhi
Dear ALL,

I joined this forum 2 months back to know more on turntables and vinyls.
Subsequently, with the inputs from fellow members, I bought an used HMV Fiesta TT last month which plays reasonably good music.
Now, I think of buying a new TT and Denon DP 29F is the cheapest model available here in Bangalore which comes at a price of Rs 9900.

Profx - Advanced Audio Solutions

I don't have much idea on the cartridges, belt etc. and I have a ONKYO HTS 3100S 5.1 home theatre system.

Kindly clarify my following points:
1. Is DENON DP 29F worth it's money ?
2. Life and availability of the cartridge.
3. Service centers of Denon.
4. Can it be hooked to the existing home theatre system or i'll need additional/separate amp system.

Thanks in advance..
3. Service centers of Denon.

PROFX headquarters are in Bangalore. So I don't think you should have a problem in getting it serviced.

4. Can it be hooked to the existing home theatre system or i'll need additional/separate amp system.

This turntable has an in-built PHONO pre-amp, so you can directly connect it to an AUX input on your home theater system.
Dear ALL,

I joined this forum 2 months back to know more on turntables and vinyls.
Subsequently, with the inputs from fellow members, I bought an used HMV Fiesta TT last month which plays reasonably good music.
Now, I think of buying a new TT and Denon DP 29F is the cheapest model available here in Bangalore which comes at a price of Rs 9900.

Profx - Advanced Audio Solutions

I don't have much idea on the cartridges, belt etc. and I have a ONKYO HTS 3100S 5.1 home theatre system.

Kindly clarify my following points:
1. Is DENON DP 29F worth it's money ?
2. Life and availability of the cartridge.
3. Service centers of Denon.
4. Can it be hooked to the existing home theatre system or i'll need additional/separate amp system.

Thanks in advance..

The DP29F is an entry level turntable with a built-in phono preamp. This is good for a start (I started with a TEAC P988 myself) but you are likely to hear something better at your friend's place, and grow out of it within a year (that's what happened to me). However, its great for a start. From the fact that you have a 5.1 home theatre system the inbuilt phono preamp would serve you very well. Not too sure if you can replace the cartridge by changing the headshell(most of the turntables in this class have fixed headshells).
thanks to all of you for the valuable inputs....shall post the pic when i get my hands on the it...cheers...
I own the Denon DP29F. I bought it as a temporary replacement. I don't know what the exchange rate is with your country. It normally sells for about $150 in the U.S. I bought it in Can. on sale for about half the amount. It has a really nice warm analog sound but it doesn't have very good detail. I would be surprised if you could find anything better for the money though. They recommend to change the stylus every 400 hrs. But it may last alot longer. I think all the other questions were answered elsewhere.
What is exactly lacking in this Denon DP29F TT compared to Rega or Pro-ject? I ready several review about this TT and most of review in overseas forums were positive. Please somebody give more insight into it.
Hi anujmishra
The Denon DP29F is made of plastic , it is a fully automatic tt. It does have a nice warm analog sound but it lacks detail. I've heard the Pro-ject Debut 3 which is around $400 Can. The Pro-ject has more detail and is made better. I haven't heard the Rega yet but according to it's spec's it is more solid than the Denon. One problem with the Denon is that you can't use a different cartridge on it. The Denon sounds nice if your listening to records that don't have alot of overdubs on them. It sounds good with some blues records. It is a great tt for the money but not in the same league as the Pro-ject. I'm sure the Rega is much better than the Denon. Hope this helps. :)
hello all....was away from the forum for a while as i was on tour(s)...

the recent development is that a friend of mine is in Japan for an commissioning job..he'll be back by july end...i went through couple of models of TTs at and have shortlisted three nos: Kenwood p 110 record player (9090 Yen), Sony LX300 USB (13500 yen) and ofcourse the Denon DP 29F (9600 Yen) which suits my budget.

kindly comment on the specs and cartridge...also i'd be thankful if someone can give me some inputs on the taxes/duties.

Honestly, I would have avoided all the 3 options at this point but I must say that I've been down the alley you're currently passing through. My entry was with the Teac P988, then graduated to Technics SLBD20B and then out of plasticy stuff. I hand carried both the Teac P988 and the Technics SLBD20B from the United States (as hand luggage) and did not have to pay either the airline or the Indian customs anything for it. I think there is some kind of a Rs.25000 cap for new stuff carried from abroad and these turntables fell well below that threshold. I exited at New Delhi airport with the P988 and Chennai airport with the SLBD20B. Was not even asked for a receipt or anything of that sort. However, the turntables were un-opened with their original packaging (both bought online and shipped FREE to my US addresses on both occassions). The P988 was brought to India in 2005 while the SLBD20B was brought to India in 2007.

Regarding the cartridges, all 3 are very basic and entry level. These will help you listen to the content of the LP, not sure if you'll get enhanced quality levels out of them. The built in phono-stages are also very basic.
Dear ALL,

I joined this forum 2 months back to know more on turntables and vinyls.
Subsequently, with the inputs from fellow members, I bought an used HMV Fiesta TT last month which plays reasonably good music.
Now, I think of buying a new TT and Denon DP 29F is the cheapest model available here in Bangalore which comes at a price of Rs 9900.

Profx - Advanced Audio Solutions

I don't have much idea on the cartridges, belt etc. and I have a ONKYO HTS 3100S 5.1 home theatre system.

Kindly clarify my following points:
1. Is DENON DP 29F worth it's money ?
2. Life and availability of the cartridge.
3. Service centers of Denon.
4. Can it be hooked to the existing home theatre system or i'll need additional/separate amp system.

Thanks in advance..

I have ION, NUMARK counterpart of Denon DP 29F, based on my experience and current Pro-ject,Techincs experience consider the following

1.Any of these below 10K new TT is a simple waste of money
2.If you are starting in vinyl, buy a 2nd hand Pro-ject,Thorens, philips..... @ 6-7K, try it and decide you want to go any further
3.collecting records is increasingly becoming difficult and costly, believe me I know about bollywood records the price bracket 10K, CDs will sound much better, you can better a CD only if you spend more than 25K
5.for below 15K new TT, I think Audio Tehnica AT PL/LP 120 is hard to beat, its a real value for money, wait and see ebay US, offer will come, with shipping it will be below 15K, but that will be a serious TT to start with
6.TTs are not meant to connect with out of box HTiB, they need stereo amplifier or at least a decent AVR
7.TTs and cartridges are precision mechanical instruments, they won't give you pleasure if you are in the league of open-insert-click, they need care, time and effort
7.most importantly ask yourself why you want a TT, if you are serious then only move ahead, giving a half hearted effort will incur loss and wrong impression about records and TTs

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7.most importantly ask yourself why you want a TT, if you are serious then only move ahead, giving a half hearted effort will incur loss and wrong impression about records and TTs


+1 to this statement. Its the bottom line for all those who venture into the world of vinyl for the very first time. There are a lot out there who've never even heard of vinyl and then attempt totake the dive without a proper understanding of the format/gear. The result is obvious - frustration, heart break, belief in digital formats, etc

If going the vintage route, it is better to have guidance from someone who knows the format very well. Better still, if you can get your used turntable from a forum member who can guide you properly.

However, i would say that you are making an ok start with the turntables you've shortlisted. You can hear what's on the record, experience the feel of using a turntable, learn the art of maintaining a collection, learn more about turntables and how to use them, etc. Once you've master the format quite a bit, you can then move on to something more expensive.

Agree with the budget for starters mentioned by akd. I got my P988 Teac in the United states for $50 on amazon. That was a good and inexpensive start. Some days ago, Sean (seandsilva) had a Philips 242 on sale for as low at 3k. Now, if you can get your hands on a working turntable with cartridge and stylus in that range or a bit higher, you'll be off to a fair start with austerity built in :)

Nevertheless, welcome to the club, wish you all the very best in your quest for analogue glory.
hello all....was away from the forum for a while as i was on tour(s)...

the recent development is that a friend of mine is in Japan for an commissioning job..he'll be back by july end...i went through couple of models of TTs at and have shortlisted three nos: Kenwood p 110 record player (9090 Yen), Sony LX300 USB (13500 yen) and ofcourse the Denon DP 29F (9600 Yen) which suits my budget.

kindly comment on the specs and cartridge...also i'd be thankful if someone can give me some inputs on the taxes/duties.

Avoid buying all 3 TTs,try to find any decent vintage TT if your budget is limited.

Avoid buying all 3 TTs,try to find any decent vintage TT if your budget is limited.


HI sachin, i do have an HMV fiesta which i had purchased 3 months back and its plays all 4 RPMs (haven't tried them though)...Denon is the upgrade...

I have ION, NUMARK counterpart of Denon DP 29F, based on my experience and current Pro-ject,Techincs experience consider the following

1.Any of these below 10K new TT is a simple waste of money
2.If you are starting in vinyl, buy a 2nd hand Pro-ject,Thorens, philips..... @ 6-7K, try it and decide you want to go any further
3.collecting records is increasingly becoming difficult and costly, believe me I know about bollywood records the price bracket 10K, CDs will sound much better, you can better a CD only if you spend more than 25K
5.for below 15K new TT, I think Audio Tehnica AT PL/LP 120 is hard to beat, its a real value for money, wait and see ebay US, offer will come, with shipping it will be below 15K, but that will be a serious TT to start with
6.TTs are not meant to connect with out of box HTiB, they need stereo amplifier or at least a decent AVR
7.TTs and cartridges are precision mechanical instruments, they won't give you pleasure if you are in the league of open-insert-click, they need care, time and effort
7.most importantly ask yourself why you want a TT, if you are serious then only move ahead, giving a half hearted effort will incur loss and wrong impression about records and TTs


Thanks for your inputs arnab...i would surely like to see your system and collection next time when i visit ghy...i came from ghy yesterday and was there for just a day...any idea, bharali brother's still deal with LPs and TTs????

If interested I have one technics SL Q3 with Shure Cart ..and onePioneer belt dive and some other TTs
HI sachin, i do have an HMV fiesta which i had purchased 3 months back and its plays all 4 RPMs (haven't tried them though)...Denon is the upgrade...


I am sorry but HMV Fiesta is not good for playing records.It will ruin them as it has ceramic cart which track above 5gm.This TT is not good for Hifi listening.

I am sorry but HMV Fiesta is not good for playing records.It will ruin them as it has ceramic cart which track above 5gm.This TT is not good for Hifi listening.


I second your opinion sachin...that is the reason i've been playing the old/new vinyls very less...i've recently seen 2 used philips HI Q TTs in good condition, but again I don't want to shell out 3-5k buying a second hand one...
HI all,
Finally got hold of a new denon dp 29F from pro FX B'lore...thanks to all of you...

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