So, Sawyer, I would guess that
6 moons is not one your favourite sites?

It depends on the designer's philosophy + manufacturer's motive + budget involved + target customer. Do not generalize it. Its highly variable. Not all amplifiers are transparent and not all amplifiers are colored heavily.
And not all magazine articles or reviews are rubbish, although I admit I'm extending Kanwar's statement onto much thinner ice here.

Not only are some magazines quite good, they can even be good enough to admit getting it wrong sometimes. And they measure, if measurements float your boat.
I have to admit that (in so far as they mean anything to me) I'd rather look at, eg,
Stereophile's measurements than any manufacturer's (outside
pro audio) specifications. They may not lie, as such, but whatever they publish comes from the marketing department and not from the engineers, and
presentation is all. People look at the graph; many don't look at the scale; perhaps the scale might be absent altogether. Perhaps this stuff might be more relevant to selling speakers, but I do think that it applies to all commercial domestic audio equipment. But then... I'm a cynic

I've hear it said that THD is one of
least useful measurements, but people like to see it, and marketing departments want us to be able to show us number down there in the thousandths.
Isn't IMD a no-no nasty,
enharmonic distortion, producing frequencies that don't
musically relate to anything in the music content? (Just an off-topic question)