DIY a wood/Alu/brass body for the Denon 103, 103-R or 103 Pro


Sep 13, 2009
Guys, I have been hearing a lot about the Zu 103... basically it is a Donon 103 cart in an aluminum body...

while Soundsmiths offer the same in aebony wood body.... it seems the simple change in body takes the performance of the 103 to another level...

I am all for it, but why should I spend hundreds of dollars o this simple upgrade?????

In the future, when my 103 Pro is wearing down, I intend to do the mod myself (after all if i break the stylus, atleast I won't regret the DIY!)...

here is a simple video, for those of you who wanna try it out already!

Denon DL-103 Wood Body Modification Tutorial - YouTube
I've been looking at this for a while too, and am scratching my head as to why this costs 150 euro to buy.

Shouldn't it be easy to make a CNC template for this which can be used indefinitely for wood & aluminium thereafter? Maybe Magma at SoundFoundations might want to diversify into this and provide it at a reasonable cost (i.e. Rs. 500-1000ish). Anyone else with CNC skills on the forum who can do this?
Guys, I have been hearing a lot about the Zu 103... basically it is a Donon 103 cart in an aluminum body...

while Soundsmiths offer the same in aebony wood body.... it seems the simple change in body takes the performance of the 103 to another level...

I am all for it, but why should I spend hundreds of dollars o this simple upgrade?????

In the future, when my 103 Pro is wearing down, I intend to do the mod myself (after all if i break the stylus, atleast I won't regret the DIY!)...

here is a simple video, for those of you who wanna try it out already!

Denon DL-103 Wood Body Modification Tutorial - YouTube

Hiya Manav
Long time, No see, HUH?
Howzya doin' mate?
Just saw this thread now. Well, as you know, I don't know much about phono carts and stuff but from whatever I could see in the video, that wooden cart casing or fabrication thereof, does not appear to be a very formidable task. I will need a sample of it for replication attempts.

I may be wrong, my machinist would know better but only after his holding the item to be replicated in his own very hands. However, i must add here that my man doesn't do wood. He can do brass and aluminium and fiberglass SHEET(its available in thickness upto 2").

BTW, methinx brass would, due to its density/mass, over a period of time, inevitably, bear down too heavily on the LPs' vinyl grooves as well as the stylii/stylus, No? Aluminium seems OK but you would know better as to how it would sound in relative comparison withh brass/wood.

Therefore, I advocate that we give it a go with fiberglass (its available in thickness upto 2", so, IMO, we need much less than that) SHEET first.

At the very face of it, this appears to be, not exactly a CNC-machining job, but more of a milling-cum-carving undertaking. Yet again, i may be wrong as I do not, yet, have an in-person idea of what is to be replicated.

Also, my very humble gift to you, your two logs of Malaysian "LAL SAAL" aka 'red timber' (of approx 6" dia X 6.25' length) meant for your speaker/amp stands, are lying with me at my place of work in the Punjab. I had got them transported from Darjeeling to Punjab with with household goods but to have them delivered to you in NCR, I shall have to get the pieces sawn to sizes of your desire.
Therefore, do tell me that size or, at least, do start thinking about it, NOW.
I shall be getting back in Nov 4th week . . . . Will have those sawn pieces sent in a week after then.

However, what we need to do now/PRONTO is meet up soonest
(do get my braided AGB ['Alexander Graham Bell'] speaker cables along, if you're through with those ie) and finalise this/these aspects, Whatsay thou???

Looking forward eagerly to hearing from you at your earliest convenience . . .


Deep Regards
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Various tropical hard woods and panzerholz are also used for the 103. Aluminium machines easily, so does panzerholz but natural materials like wood could be more challenging.
Hi Trittya,

I'm very keen on this mod as well, so whenever you go ahead with it, do keep me in the loop!:) Aluminium is a popular mod btw and sonically seems to work- Zu Audio | A Revolution in American HiFi.

Hiya Abhijit
I couldn't see where you are located but in case you are in the NCR or nearabout, do send me a PM with your mob No. I shall call you up to take this further. We will need a sample cart that needs replication.

I am not much of a vinyl guy though I do have a Lenco TT (Swiss not Dutch), a couple of Philips' and a very basic Garrard that are crying for some TLC.

This was basically an attempt to help friends like Manav and other FMs to get more for less.

Hoping to hear from you soon . . .

PS Disclaimer : I have nothing to gain but goodwill.
Hi Trittya- I'm in Mumbai but travel to Delhi often. I will get the cartridge next time I'm there and we can figure out meeting and discussing this and other analog related stuff!:)

Will pm you the number when I'm slated to come to Delhi. The gesture is much appreciated, btw!
Am planning to land in Mumbai on 21/10, departing on 29/10. I have to go to a couple of places from there with my better half. Will definitely be meeting up with FMs Denom and HemantWaghe, as/when/if I am there, thats for sure.

Lets see how this works out, don't appreciate my endeavour so soon Bhai.
Let the cart work out first, LOL.

Warmest Regards
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