Well-Known Member
OK. Will need to buy polyester type then. Was hoping to rig it up tonight. No chance now.
Multilayer Ceramic or normal Ceramic caps are best for this application.Their size is also very small.
OK. Will need to buy polyester type then. Was hoping to rig it up tonight. No chance now.
No problem, still you can power on the board and use it. Only issue is you may have to live with some power noise if any. You can put these 0.1uF caps later on. Those add immunity from power noise as well as regulator noise.
No terrible hurry. Will get the caps and put in every part first. I'm also missing 10uF 35V electrolytes. I think these are missing from your parts list.
BTW, what is the role of the cute 100mH inductances?
Hello Sachin & Omishra sir
iam now planing to power my mc phonostage with the power supply of nelson pass b1
please guide , a circuit connection diagram will be very helpful
thank you
Some opamp rolling questions:
1) any one has an idea what is the ideal supply voltage for opamp LM833? I tried running my Hypnotoad MC phono pre with +9V/0/-9V dual battery supply and it just creates some sort of croaking sound. I am suspecting that my supply voltage may be incorrect. Datasheet for LM 833 says "Dual Supply Operation: +/-5V to +/-18V".
2) I also tried TL072 and got nil output. Any idea if the DIP TL072 is dual opamp? And after checking the spec sheet, I realised that it couldn't have made any noise as the expected Vcc are +/- 18V! And I am driving it with +/-9V.
Need to try OPA 2132 too. I also bought NE5532 for the heck of it as they were darned cheap (Rs 10 a piece). I would love to lay my hands on AD823 and OPA 2107.
BTW, I have been using the LME49990 which Sachin sent me. This replaces the stock OPA2134 on the Hypnotoad MC phono preamp.
I find that the biggest change that the LM49990 brings about (compared to the OPA 2134) is a much more strident treble. So far this new sound hasn't really settled in my ears and I still like the OPA2134 more. I will allow more burn in time to form a better opinion. This could also mean that - for all I know - my VTA is less than ideal, and therefore treble sounds harsh when a more revealing component is introduced in the chain.
We should get onto either the Pearl 2 or the Salas NJFET RIAA amp. The opamp based designs are not good enough. I suggest we do a group buy on one of those.
I am game for Pearl 2 GB. Let's check the interest level. Have a look at Salas RIAA amp. There are board designs in that thread at DIYAUDIO. Supposed to be quite good.Hi Anil,
Omishra is building Pearl 2.It costs very high,boards alone are $200+expensive PP caps.Pearl Gerber files are available so PCBs can be made.We can atleast save $100 if 10 r more members join.
I am not sure about NJFET RIAA.I once asked Salas for Gerber files for DCB1.He said he could not provide Gerber files as boards are already on sale on DIY audio store.
There is also an improved design for HTMCPS,but will only work for Low output MC carts.It uses 4X Opamps and sounds even better than well respected JFEts Phono stages DIY High End Moving Coil Phono Stage - Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
I am also game for Pearl 2.
And also game for the new, improved Hypnotoad MC pre too, whenever the kit is made available. Apparently it is optimised for the AD797 opamp used in the input stage, for its low noise and low impedance. The output stage can be an opamp roller's delight. Again
@Sachin: are you and Hypno planning board only or will you bless us again with a complete kit buy of the new HTMCPS?
Hi Joshua,
+/-12V is ideal supply voltage for LM833.Are you using rechargeable batteries?I once tried those batteries in my CNC and it did sound like this.
OPA2132 and 2134 both are same you will hardly feel any difference. OPA2107 is better than both,laid back but more detailed than 2134.I can send you few Opamps for testing purpose.You can send m back after testing.I have LM4562, OPA2107, OPA2132, AD823 etc.
BTW I have also tried LM49720HA(Metal can).You can see the pic here Another Super High End Phono Stage! No expense spared... - Page 101 - Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums