Do for image Retention do comapny give replacement?

I hope u r speaking about Plasma tv here. Here,image retention is "Temporary" which can be done away with various inbuilt antiburn tools in the tv,..while screen burn in is Permanent & is a serious problem which might night be possible to ward off altogether...& No tv provides warranty coverage for Screen burn in & there are proper specific clause of every pdp tv manufacturers mentioned in their provided manual warning customers of how to properly use their plasma tv & avoid screen burin ins & also non coverage of such issues under warranty!

i hope this is the answer u sought!
hey sorry for that. its my first tv which i am in love with and i was restless due to image retention or scrren burn .Though i have completed my burn in period of 100 hrs and so much inbuilt protection for 51d500 i was curious how the things happen ?

i see the big tv logo which has remained there in last position is it image retention or screen burn ?
First off, I dont understand your question. Second off, you post your question at 11:18 PM and expect answer by 1:08 AM?? This is a public forum, so you have to be clear in your questions and have patience for the replies to come in

sorry 4 that guys
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