Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?

Just got my iFi Lan isolator. I have two choices. Wav files stored in hdd connected to iFi zen streamer. 2nd is Apple lossless music streamed via Airplay to iFi zen. After adding the isolator, i found the Apple music slightly sharp in vocals. I did back and forth between hdd and streaming few times. I could definitely hear the difference. The streamed music sounded more natural. Especially the vocals. Music from hdd was ever so lightly smothered. I am yet to do more testing. Looks like i am a believer in galvanic isolation of ethernet. Now I need to find a solution for my hdd. lol
Just got my iFi Lan isolator. I have two choices. Wav files stored in hdd connected to iFi zen streamer. 2nd is Apple lossless music streamed via Airplay to iFi zen. After adding the isolator, i found the Apple music slightly sharp in vocals. I did back and forth between hdd and streaming few times. I could definitely hear the difference. The streamed music sounded more natural. Especially the vocals. Music from hdd was ever so lightly smothered. I am yet to do more testing. Looks like i am a believer in galvanic isolation of ethernet. Now I need to find a solution for my hdd. lol
Attach it to another computer in network.
Here is an interesting explanation about Noise, Jitter and network switches, cables..
Looking for recommendations on a good WiFi router and switch for audio. Is there one unit commercially available that combines both with decent performance?

The above is an Amphenol DAC ( Direct attach cable ) cable. This replaces the optical fiber cable that a lot of us are using between our Fiber media convertors. They are not too expensive, and seem to out perform the Fiber optic cables. The how and why beats me, but Melco also offer their Melco DAC cable at USD 550/- per meter.

So the one I posted is very reasonable in comparison. So just curious if anyone given them a try yet :)
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.