Do people still listen to vinyl?

AudiogoN Reviews: Technics SL-1200Mk2 Turntable

a link where someone's reviewed the technics. i have just started reading so have no idea whether its recommended or not at the end but at least a quick glance through seemed to cover the various points of function with comparisons of other turntables. now that's what i was referring to! informed opinions!:clapping:
Technics SL-1200mk2 Reviews

here's another link of actual users. good info for cart matching the experiences people have had with technics etc...

if anyone here has a technics sl 1200 mk II i'd love to hear it. lemme know! though i'm quite set on idler drives from what i've read bout them :)

Guys guys

I was the person who recommanded techinics ( ref-

Now I'm not into vinyl( In fact I sold my 60's collection and now planning to dispose my non- working garrad changer) and I am currently not planning to owe vinyl rig..

Now if you can see I recommanded techinics against Philips, Akai Bush and Akai --- where AGAINST THESE PRODUCTS I FEEL ( my take) techinics is better.;)


Just a small story -4-5 yeas back when we were in Bride - Hunting mode ( those days .....:rolleyes::rolleyes::sad:) my friend showed 4-5 profiles and images of prospective brides and asked my opinion about who is best amonges them and I ......

I told him why you are not marrying Ash Rai ------ She is the best!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::clapping:

Got the point --- I gave my openion - (and that to not final verdict) in those 4 TT's - and techinics bashing was started....;);)

In the end biggest joke is Madjack( I know him over the phone) end up buying project debut III from UK.Earlier I thought he has some budget constraints and limited choice of these 4 moels only!

Now I see that my post " Purely from product and acceptance perspective
Go for techinics
Millions of DJ's cannot be wrong
" is referred in this forum too and used totall out of context!!

Understand my perspective - Purely from product and acceptance perspective

Anyhow for infotainment ( informative entertainment or entertaining info) this argument must continue!!!

Cheers ;);):cool:
Great post Hemant...

Now do I need to convince you to move to a PC/HDD based music system??? Just kidding!


Guys guys

I was the person who recommanded techinics ( ref-

Now I'm not into vinyl( In fact I sold my 60's collection and now planning to dispose my non- working garrad changer) and I am currently not planning to owe vinyl rig..

Now if you can see I recommanded techinics against Philips, Akai Bush and Akai --- where AGAINST THESE PRODUCTS I FEEL ( my take) techinics is better.;)


Just a small story -4-5 yeas back when we were in Bride - Hunting mode ( those days .....:rolleyes::rolleyes::sad:) my friend showed 4-5 profiles and images of prospective brides and asked my opinion about who is best amonges them and I ......

I told him why you are not marrying Ash Rai ------ She is the best!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::clapping:

Got the point --- I gave my openion - (and that to not final verdict) in those 4 TT's - and techinics bashing was started....;);)

In the end biggest joke is Madjack( I know him over the phone) end up buying project debut III from UK.Earlier I thought he has some budget constraints and limited choice of these 4 moels only!

Now I see that my post " Purely from product and acceptance perspective
Go for techinics
Millions of DJ's cannot be wrong
" is referred in this forum too and used totall out of context!!

Understand my perspective - Purely from product and acceptance perspective

Anyhow for infotainment ( informative entertainment or entertaining info) this argument must continue!!!

Cheers ;);):cool:
Great post Hemant...

Now do I need to convince you to move to a PC/HDD based music system??? Just kidding!

I am already moving - Got a lot of flac from NET - got a WDTV and Started converting my CD collection if Flac! Also loaned my friends scanner and scanned my CD covers !

My idea is to first expereince WDTV and let the market stabilize... I am looking something with very good 2 channel stereo to quick boting multimedia OS!Maybe in next 2-3 years I'll move to small form factor PC based rig!
Hahahah Hemant, you are very

Though, if I had the budget,,I would have preferred the technics SL1200 myself. The project debut III then was the next best thing I could afford.
Dinyaar helped me out with the source in london.

And how I wish you had not sold yr collection of LPs. Everywhere they still keep popping up in searches across the web.

But if there were no arguments..there would be no fun..
so like you said,let the fun continue..

to each his own..



Guys guys

I was the person who recommanded techinics ( ref-

Now I'm not into vinyl( In fact I sold my 60's collection and now planning to dispose my non- working garrad changer) and I am currently not planning to owe vinyl rig..

Now if you can see I recommanded techinics against Philips, Akai Bush and Akai --- where AGAINST THESE PRODUCTS I FEEL ( my take) techinics is better.;)


Just a small story -4-5 yeas back when we were in Bride - Hunting mode ( those days .....:rolleyes::rolleyes::sad:) my friend showed 4-5 profiles and images of prospective brides and asked my opinion about who is best amonges them and I ......

I told him why you are not marrying Ash Rai ------ She is the best!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::clapping:

Got the point --- I gave my openion - (and that to not final verdict) in those 4 TT's - and techinics bashing was started....;);)

In the end biggest joke is Madjack( I know him over the phone) end up buying project debut III from UK.Earlier I thought he has some budget constraints and limited choice of these 4 moels only!

Now I see that my post " Purely from product and acceptance perspective
Go for techinics
Millions of DJ's cannot be wrong
" is referred in this forum too and used totall out of context!!

Understand my perspective - Purely from product and acceptance perspective

Anyhow for infotainment ( informative entertainment or entertaining info) this argument must continue!!!

Cheers ;);):cool:
Though, if I had the budget,,I would have preferred the technics SL1200 myself.

hi madjack,

constructed the sandbox for your tt yet? hows it doing?

am curious about your statement above. why would you prefer the technics SL1200? from the options you had mentioned on your post yes the technics was the best but have you explored what else is available especially abroad where you are, where you can easily pick up a second hand higher end model that will give you far more flexibility in terms of arm/cart options later on? or is the tt just plug and play for you in which case it makes sense. if on the other hand you're aiming to make vinyl a major part of your system you'd want upgrade possibilities.

to give you my own example because i have a sneaking suspicion from the tts you've mentioned you really haven't explored all options possible and i was in your shoes two years back. maybe my experience might help you/others, maybe not...

the project debut III was my first option cos it was available here in india through a dealer who knew vinyl rigs well. so brand support was there. also more importantly it was a well reviewed turntable so off i went to audition it. now i had read that moving coils are good so i wanted to mount a mc on the debut. the dealer promptly dispelled that notion and informed me that it would be a waste since the debut would not be able to handle carts above a certain level and that level was really low! so pop goes my bubble. at the same time he had a project rpm9 which is one model below their highest model in the range. the rpm 9 has a separate pod in which the motor is, so no vibration transmitted to the deck. there's a plinth of about 4 inches filled with some granulate matter for damping vibrations and a solid acrylic platter of about 4-5 inches on which the record rests. there was also a heavy brass puck which you put on the spindle over the record to weight it down so warps are minimized and there's no gap between the record and platter. the arm was carbon fibre which meant i had a far greater choice of cartridges to use. a quality arm is essential to extract the detail the cart is putting out or rather allow it to be transmitted properly to the phono stage.

all these features meant i had more flexibility whereas the debut was more of a dead end buy, good if i wanted a deck just to play vinyl but bad if really wanted to maximize playback as and when money allowed. upgrading would mean selling it off and buying a new one. not something i wanted to do.

i did my research on the net, realized that the dealer was indeed offering me a good table at just a little more than double that of the project debut III and i stretched and bought it.

the point is, if all you're interested in is a table that can play vinyl decently, there are many good popular tables. plug in play and forget about it. no fuss tables.

if you want to really get into it however, you need to know stuff like platter construction, arm design, cartridge compliance and which arms match which carts and other stuff you can fiddle around with to get better performance.

because a good table lets you buy a good phonostage also. something you cant do with a debut III type of turntable. so even the phono stage becomes a limiting factor in playback.

the point of this rather lengthy post is if you think the technics or any other turntable is a good turntable please think so cos you've done research into it and turntable design and therefore know what you're talking about. otherwise you just might miss out on a better turntable that will give you more flexibility and allow you to upgrade playback quality part by part in the years to come.


Guys guys

Now I see that my post " Purely from product and acceptance perspective
Go for techinics
Millions of DJ's cannot be wrong
" is referred in this forum too and used totall out of context!!

Understand my perspective - Purely from product and acceptance perspective

Cheers ;);):cool:

well hemant if you want it to continue you gotta be part of it! ;):p

i dont think its out of context at all! you say purely from product and acceptance perspective. by whom is the key point!!! by DJs!!! to give you an analogy, swim suits are accepted wear at beaches. would you recommend swimwear to someone to wear to office? :D

For those who are reading too much into Hemant's move out of vinyl, let me remind you that Hemant is not alone, millions of people did that in the past. Just that they moved to compact cassette tapes, and not PCs. Many of them even made coasters and wall hangings out out of their LP records! Does that make tape a better medium? It was just more convenient. The story remains the same.

Most of us who are still sticking to our Vinly rigs, also own other digital sources, and we sincerely hope that digital music quality would catch up quickly. Digital video did make it eventually. I remember similar discussions about VCDs. They had a quarter resolution of VHS, but that did not prevent people from 'upgrading' from VHS to VCD. In most of the cases it was the display that was the weakest link in the chain, so they never realized what they lost. DVD was better, but finally with Blu-ray we have got a medium with content that has gone way beyond in terms of quality. The same thing happened with digital cameras. No one cribs now.

Unfortunately, digital music is still where it was a few decades ago(coincidentally using the same medium as a VCD). I am looking forward to popular devices that would play 192/24 FLAC (or equivalent). I am hopeful that it might happen in the near future as the HDD prices are still going South. But till then, we need to live with all the inconvenience of Vinyl if/when we want a good sound, otherwise we have our iPods, HDDs and the likes.

For those who are reading too much into Hemant's move out of vinyl, let me remind you that Hemant is not alone, millions of people did that in the past. Just that they moved to compact cassette tapes, and not PCs. Many of them even made coasters and wall hangings out out of their LP records! Does that make tape a better medium? It was just more convenient. The story remains the same.

Most of us who are still sticking to our Vinly rigs, also own other digital sources, and we sincerely hope that digital music quality would catch up quickly. Digital video did make it eventually. I remember similar discussions about VCDs. They had a quarter resolution of VHS, but that did not prevent people from 'upgrading' from VHS to VCD. In most of the cases it was the display that was the weakest link in the chain, so they never realized what they lost. DVD was better, but finally with Blu-ray we have got a medium with content that has gone way beyond in terms of quality. The same thing happened with digital cameras. No one cribs now.

Unfortunately, digital music is still where it was a few decades ago(coincidentally using the same medium as a VCD). I am looking forward to popular devices that would play 192/24 FLAC (or equivalent). I am hopeful that it might happen in the near future as the HDD prices are still going South. But till then, we need to live with all the inconvenience of Vinyl if/when we want a good sound, otherwise we have our iPods, HDDs and the likes.


Beutifully written, Sharad. Really, cannot agree with you more.
well hemant if you want it to continue you gotta be part of it! ;):p

i dont think its out of context at all! you say purely from product and acceptance perspective. by whom is the key point!!! by DJs!!! to give you an analogy, swim suits are accepted wear at beaches. would you recommend swimwear to someone to wear to office? :D


Hey Steiviboy - like your sportingness!!!
And sorry if my post is biting!!

eally appreciate your study - frankly was never in vinyl ( the collection I mentioned was my fathers' and lying in attic for 20 years1)- I think there is really lot to learn!

And again nothing against vinyl! I attempred to enther 5-6 years back when I got a garrard changer for good price.Then never got any vinyl except dark side of the moon - and then I went out of india-now that TT is stll there - non working!

Hope one day I'll have money and TIME and connections to start using vinyl again!
wots life without a few fun debates eh hemant? vinyl is a time consuming hobby so i can understand why you opted out. it takes so much care! whew!as long as you're happy with whatever system you're listening to i say :thumbsup:
Hi Stevie,
Thanks for your help. No havent yet got around to the sandbox yet. The project is doing fine.
If you are serious about anything, it takes a while to get the best. And in my case I was afraid that too much research would kill my enthu. So initially, I wanted something and and durable with reasonable quality which will not let me down in the midst of my quest. And technics is from what I hear as durable as they come with fairly reasonable quality too boot. Which is why I said that I would have preferred it against the Project. Also my budget was quite spread across an amp and upgrade speakers to allow me too much headroom for the TT. So I didnt want a battle on all fronts. One at a time is better managed, hence my decisions.
Btw am based in mumbai itself.

(will update you as soon as the sandbox is done)

hi madjack,

constructed the sandbox for your tt yet? hows it doing?

am curious about your statement above. why would you prefer the technics SL1200? from the options you had mentioned on your post yes the technics was the best but have you explored what else is available especially abroad where you are, where you can easily pick up a second hand higher end model that will give you far more flexibility in terms of arm/cart options later on? or is the tt just plug and play for you in which case it makes sense. if on the other hand you're aiming to make vinyl a major part of your system you'd want upgrade possibilities.

to give you my own example because i have a sneaking suspicion from the tts you've mentioned you really haven't explored all options possible and i was in your shoes two years back. maybe my experience might help you/others, maybe not...

the project debut III was my first option cos it was available here in india through a dealer who knew vinyl rigs well. so brand support was there. also more importantly it was a well reviewed turntable so off i went to audition it. now i had read that moving coils are good so i wanted to mount a mc on the debut. the dealer promptly dispelled that notion and informed me that it would be a waste since the debut would not be able to handle carts above a certain level and that level was really low! so pop goes my bubble. at the same time he had a project rpm9 which is one model below their highest model in the range. the rpm 9 has a separate pod in which the motor is, so no vibration transmitted to the deck. there's a plinth of about 4 inches filled with some granulate matter for damping vibrations and a solid acrylic platter of about 4-5 inches on which the record rests. there was also a heavy brass puck which you put on the spindle over the record to weight it down so warps are minimized and there's no gap between the record and platter. the arm was carbon fibre which meant i had a far greater choice of cartridges to use. a quality arm is essential to extract the detail the cart is putting out or rather allow it to be transmitted properly to the phono stage.

all these features meant i had more flexibility whereas the debut was more of a dead end buy, good if i wanted a deck just to play vinyl but bad if really wanted to maximize playback as and when money allowed. upgrading would mean selling it off and buying a new one. not something i wanted to do.

i did my research on the net, realized that the dealer was indeed offering me a good table at just a little more than double that of the project debut III and i stretched and bought it.

the point is, if all you're interested in is a table that can play vinyl decently, there are many good popular tables. plug in play and forget about it. no fuss tables.

if you want to really get into it however, you need to know stuff like platter construction, arm design, cartridge compliance and which arms match which carts and other stuff you can fiddle around with to get better performance.

because a good table lets you buy a good phonostage also. something you cant do with a debut III type of turntable. so even the phono stage becomes a limiting factor in playback.

the point of this rather lengthy post is if you think the technics or any other turntable is a good turntable please think so cos you've done research into it and turntable design and therefore know what you're talking about. otherwise you just might miss out on a better turntable that will give you more flexibility and allow you to upgrade playback quality part by part in the years to come.

now i had read that moving coils are good so i wanted to mount a mc on the debut. the dealer promptly dispelled that notion and informed me that it would be a waste since the debut would not be able to handle carts above a certain level and that level was really low! so pop goes my bubble.

Hello Stevieboy,

I am curious about what your dealer has told you about mc cartridges. Mc's generally have very low output and this is a matter for the phono-preamp to resolve not the turntable. There are all sorts of solutions for this including phono-preamps designed for mc's or step up transformers (though step ups come at some cost to sound quality).

The turntable arm has to deal with compliance which refers to the stiffness of the material damping the cantilever. Mc's (as well as mm's) come with varying compliance levels so this has to be matched to the mass of the arm.

So, it unclear if your reference to "certain level" means compliance or cartridge output and if your dealer only spoke of cartridge output I wonder if you have got the whole story from this fellow.
Last edited:
hi rsud,

what the dealer meant was no point putting an mc which costs Rs 12000 on a turntable that costs a little more than that. i'd be better spending more on a better table with a better arm (read carbon fibre on the rpm 9). dont think the debut arm and table would be good enough to extract the best from a sumiko blue point special evo III type cart. that's what he meant.

jeevan-- my answer with 2000 LP's is an emphatic YES
I CURRENTLY have 2 turntables -- a thorens td 160 with shure m97ed cartridge & a projectvdebut 2 with factory fitted orthofon cartridge & a NAD phono pre amp pp 1.

Dear Dr. Chichgar,

Could you please suggest me some mechanic in Mumbai who can repair/service Garrard 2025TC Record Player.

Best wishes,
Suresh Babu
babu quereshi at past collections might be able to help you. 9892550678[/QUO

Dear Stevieboy,

Just now I visited Past Collections (it is located very near to my office). He indicated Rs.1000/- for just servicing the TT and cost of spares will be extra. The rates indicated by him for the plastic part which is holding the Cartridge and Tonearm Stand with clip is very very exhorbitant.


Suresh Babu
Umm kk i'll chck thre n wht abt tp-link td-w8961nd is it good?? Im getting tht for aproxx 1.55k locally

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