Do you feel good when someone thanks you?

Do you feel good when someone thanks you on the forum?
Does it make you an addict to hifivision?


Well that depends up on your answer to the question why are you here in this forum?

Anyone will feel happy when thanked, especially so when he/she did something deserving.

For few the numbers dont mean anythingits just an other trick up the mods sleeve to keep up the momentum. Most of us are here for the pure joy of learning and sharing. But for some, the numbers or length of their signatures means the world and get real obsessed with the whole deal.

End of the day its an individuals perspective of looking at things.

Not sure about the addiction for forums but for the addiction to this hobby, try this and see where you stand :)

this reminds me of an episode of friends where phoebe is challeged by joey to do just one thing that does not result in her feeling good about herself and she couldn't :)

For few the numbers dont mean anythingits just an other trick up the mods sleeve to keep up the momentum. Most of us are here for the pure joy of learning and sharing. But for some, the numbers or length of their signatures means the world and get real obsessed with the whole deal.

End of the day its an individuals perspective of looking at things.

I agree with you buddy ! for me these are mere numbers and does not really translate to anything else (this should not be mistaken as disrespect towards the people who thank me ;)) !!

Yes, it does give Us some encouragement but over and above all,its the pleasure of sharing and learning that matters not these artificial stuff (sorry if I sound...) !

As Unleash has rightly said for some it has become a world of a deal and they go to extra extents to make sure they get these :rolleyes:!

Anyways this is a very subjective matter so don't want to comment more and become another eye in the storm :p!

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ok - actually, I was wondering about what motivates people to come to a web site and contribute. I think "doing good" is a motivator, and one way to measure it by number of thank yous you get. However, for me, the number of thank yous I have, by itself is not significant - but each thank you makes me happy that I was actually able to help some one, one more time.

OTOH, when I am asking a question and I am getting a response, the # of thank yous to that person gives me some measure of the credibility of that person.

Do you agree?

Actually it sometimes scares me - what if that person follows my advice/suggestion [if I have given one] and what if I am wrong even though I think I'm right. :lol:
Any human being who says he or she does not revel in appreciation is lying. A smile, a thank you, or any other forms of appreciation is always an adrenaline pumper for all of us.

I have the maximum number of 'Thanks' in HiFiVision, and I would be remiss if I say it did not matter to me. There have been days when I have eagerly logged in to see how many people have read my posting and how many have thanked me.

Now whether one is addicted or no is a different question. Last April/May I used to be stuck to HiFiVision for more than 8 hours a day. There were lots of interesting questions for which I had to find answers, and this was my driving force. Today, I have kind of move on - I read a lot, listen to music, watch movies, and spend some 2 to 3 hours a day on HiFiVision as I find no new and interesting questions that have not been already answered. The only question that has tickled my interest over the last few months was the only on the material used in driver cones.

Credibility? How do you answer that question? We are in such a subjective world, that even an Einstein cannot say something with conviction. Given the performance of a poster, it is for others to decide and tell whether a person is credible or not.


Nice topic anm.

Yes, I feel good being thanked, specially if I feel I have disseminated some useful info or taken some extra efforts in doing so.

I have seen many times, users thank only verbally, but don't click on the "thanks" button. I feel this is not correct... Similar to your work place, here on the forum, reputation is your designation, and number posts is your work experience. So one also needs to be motivated with reputation points, if the post deserves one..

Though we get satisfaction in doing our daily job and perform reasonably well, it's only when we are regularly motivated that we perform to our full potential!

In fact, I feel when a user of higher reputation thanks a user of lower reputation, it should have more weightage, and he should automatically get double points. And the senior user should not hesitate in doing so. :D
Sure, I enjoy it when somebody thanks me.

But curiously, I perhaps enjoy more when I thank others. Thanking others gives me a satisfaction. Usually one thanks when somebody comes up with a serious response to one's question, and that to me is a recognition of the question itself, and that's why I enjoy it that others paid attention to my questions and are taking some time to write answers to my queries.

In my first full-fledged thread in this forum, I asked for an upgrade of my CDP. I still feel bad about not thanking people there. Actually at that time, I did not really know such a thing existed, but I agree it was a mistake on my part to overlook (because I must have seen some thanked posts, but did not investigate how to thank others). Later I have thought many times to go to that thread and thank many of those posts now, but was afraid of the reaction how people would take that. Probably people would think something strange about getting thanks after months or years after their posts.

Very honestly, I have learnt tremendously from this forum, much more than I have given back to this forum. I do not know very much, but whatever little I know from experience with equipments and also about music, being involved with these things for a few decades, I perhaps can offer a bit more help especially to the newcomers than I normally do. These days I have very serious time constarints limiting my participation at times very substantially.
Thanks Reju for an algo input :) I think that's a good encouragement for people who are new, when a reputed/ experienced member thanks him.

Since you brought up "daily job" and doing well, could it be that in regular corporate environment, it is difficult to find appreciation, and it is more like people are after your throat (maybe other body parts too). It gives a little reward when one comes to the forum, helps people and people honestly acknowledge the help, and give thanks and credit.

Do you guys also contribute into your work related forums as actively as you do in this hobby forum? Does it give a kick to help people become better professionals/ engineers/ sales persons by sharing your own work experience? Of course, this doesn't apply to those working in av industry :D as this form is work + play for them.


Though we get satisfaction in doing our daily job and perform reasonably well, it's only when we are regularly motivated that we perform to our full potential!
in the assimilation of knowledge,gratitude by way of thanking someone has no parallel.its the one thing that makes this forum of ours world class!!!cheers,my av brethren!!
Hai All,

Yes being thanked is like having tonic. It makes us post something useful to the forum members in future, which deserve a thanks.

N Murali.
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